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EPS Conference 2011 J. Hosea Summary. This is a large conference: Covers the many topics listed here ⇒ Many oral and poster presentations: 12 plenary talks 154 oral talks 588 posters Plenary and invited orals are to be published in a special issue of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
EPS Conference 2011 J. Hosea Summary • This is a large conference: • Covers the many topics listed here ⇒ • Many oral and poster presentations: • 12 plenary talks • 154 oral talks • 588 posters • Plenary and invited orals are to be published in a special issue of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion • The papers for the other orals and the posters are now available on-line at: • http://ocs.ciemat.es/EPS2011PAP/html • I will give some highlights of the meeting and touch on some specific topics of interest to me. Much of the material presented at the meeting is relevant to NSTX research and can be accessed in the publications.
Some highlights • Hannes Alfven prize awarded to Pat Diamond, Akira Hasegawa and Kunioki Mima “for laying the foundations of modern numerical transport simulations and key contributions on self-generated zonal flows and flow shear de-correlation mechanisms which form the basis of modern turbulence in plasmas”. Pat Diamond gave an excellent review of the progress made over several decades and of projections for the future work that is needed • S. Glenzer reported that NIF has begun operation with DT pellets • Very low fusion yield. Further optimization of implosion and power/energy level is required for achieving fusion gain desired • M. Thumm (innovation prize lecturer) reported that 2 MW steady-state gyrotrons will be made to operate routinely. • P. Martin pointed out that intermittent use of ECH to control stability might be required to limit the ECH power drain from a reactor • A.C.C. Sips made a case for future DT campaigns at JET in support of ITER which was not very compelling • It was not clear that sufficient new insight would be gained to merit the expense of the DT experiments. • Electron cyclotron imaging of instabilities was covered in a number of papers • e.g., I. Classen presented an invited talk on the investigation of particle driven instabilities on ASDEX U and DIII-D.
Some highlights (cont) • The solar, space and astrophysical plasma papers covered a range of interesting topics. • For example, A. Warmuth presented a paper on globally propagating waves in the solar corona. The instrumentation for measuring wave properties in the solar corona have advanced considerably and now allow waves generated by solar flares to be tracked across the surface of the sun. These waves can reach propagating speeds of up to 1000 kilometers per second. • Many papers deal with instability behavior in tokamaks. • An interesting paper by R. Scannell presented the ELM evolution properties on MAST as deduced from their TS system with 130 radial positions and measurements every ~ 4.2 msec. • Many papers address the coupling of RF power through the SOL for both the ICRF and LH regimes. • Notably, LHD has begun operations with 2 adjacent antennas for the first time and find that for the higher k|| the core heating efficiency increases substantially to near 100%.
With out of phase antenna operation, heating efficiency is increased and RF heating of the divertor near the antenna is decreased • Looking at RF heating effects on antenna
List of some of the papers on-line of interest to me • Wright, J.C. Time Dependent evolution of RF-generated non-thermal particle distributions in fusion plasmas • Sips, A., Challis, C., Weisen, H. Scientific preparation for future D-T campaigns at JET in support of ITER • Adamek, J., Horacek, J., Muller, H.W., Schrittwieser, R., Tichy, M., Nielsen, A.H. Fast ion temperature measurements using ball-pen probes in the SOL of ASDEX Upgrade during L-mode • Allan, S.Y., Elmore, S., Kirk, A., Kocan, M., Tamain, P., Rozhansky, V. Ion energy measurements using a retarding field energy analyser on MAST • Goniche, M., Sharma, P.K., Baranov, Y., Castaldo, C., Cesario, R., Decker, J., Delpech, L., Ekedahl, A., Hillairet, J., Kirov, K., Mazon, D., Ohsako, T., Peysson, Y., Prou, M. Lower hybrid current drive efficiency at high density on Tore Supra • Green, D.L., Jaeger, E.F., Berry, L.A., Ryan, P.M. Whole-device linear full-wave simulation of high harmonic ion cyclotron heating in H-mode tokamak plasmas • Clayton, D.J., Tritz, K., Finkenthal, M., Kumar, D., Stutman, D., Bell, R.E., LeBlanc, B.P. Edge transport measurements with the new multi-energy soft-x-ray diagnostic on NSTX • Bousselin, G., Gruenwald, J., Brandt, C., Lemoine, N., Bonhomme, G. Investigation of cross-field transport in a linear magnetized plasma using emissive probes • Eriksson, J., Hellesen, C., Andersson Sundén, E., Cecconello, M., Conroy, S., Ericsson, G., Gatu Johnson, M., Pinches, S., Sangaroon, S., Sharapov, S., Skiba, M., Weiszflog, M., Wodniak, I. Finite Larmor radii effects in fast ion measurements as demonstrated using neutron emission spectrometry of JET plasmas heated with 3rd harmonic ICRF • Klepper, C.C. Spectroscopic Characterization of the Plasma in the Near-Field of RF Antennas in Tore Supra • Kocan, M., Allan, S., Carpentier-Chouchana, S., Elmore, S., Gunn, J., Herrmann, A., Kirk, A., Kubic, M., Mueller, H.W., Pitts, R., Rohde, V. ELM ion energies in the ASDEX Upgrade far scrape-off layer • Kubic, M., Gunn, J.P., Colas, L., Heuraux, S., Faudot, E., Ngadjeu, A. Attenuation of ICRH-induced potential in the SOL of Tore Supra • Hannan, A., Hellsten, T., Johnson, T. On Fast Wave Current Drive at Higher Cyclotron Harmonics • Kasahara, H. The impact of ICRF heating using newly installed phasing antenna in LHD • Meneghini, O., Shiraiwa, S., Faust, I., Parker, R., Wallace, G. Validation of the LHEAF code against Alcator C-Mod LHCD discharges • Gennrich, F.P., Peer, J., Kendl, A., Scott, B. Analysis of the temperature influence on Langmuir probe measurements on the basis of gyrofluid simulations • Harvey, R., Petrov, Y., Jaeger, E., Taylor, G., Phillips, C. First order finite-orbit-width corrections in CQL3D ion Fokker-Planck modeling of the NSTX HHFW experiment
List of some of the papers on-line of interest to me (cont) • Hruby, V., Hrach, R., Hrachova, V. Computational simulation of Langmuir probe characteristics • Lyssoivan, A.I., Van Eester, D., Koch, R., Lerche, E., Douai, D., Wauters, T., Bobkov, V., Brezinsek, S., Durodié, F., Graham, M., Joffrin, E., Kreter, A., Kyrytsya, V., Maslov, M., Mayoral, M., Moiseenko, V., Monakhov, I., Ongena, J., Pankratov, I., Paul, M.K., Philipps, V., Pitts, R., Plyusnin, V., Sergienko, G. A study of RF power absorption mechanisms in JET ICWC plasmas • Maingi, R. Density Profile and Particle Transport Control as the Critical Ingredients for ELM Suppression in Tokamaks • Polozhiy, K., Bobkov, V., Noterdaeme, J., Igochine, V., Dux, R. Influence of the phase shift between antennas on W sputtering in ASDEX Upgrade • Podoba, Y., McDermott, R., Bobkov, V., Angioni, C., Igochine, V., Bilato, R., Noterdaeme, J. ICRF induced intrinsic plasma rotation in ASDEX Upgrade • Petrzilka, V., Corrigan, G., Fuchs, V., Ekedahl, A., Goniche, M., Jacquet, P., Mailloux, J., Mayoral, M., Ongena, J., Parail, V. Modelling of the density modifications in front of the LH launcher during gas injection in ITER • Petrzilka, V., Gunn, J., Ekedahl, A., Delpech, L., Fuchs, V., Goniche, M., Kubic, M., Pascal, J. Comparison of fast electron fluxes generated in front of Passive-Active and Fully-Active Multijunction LH antennas in Tore Supra • Popov, A., Gusakov, E. Absolute Parametric Decay Instability in ECRH experiments at tokamaks • Tuccillo, A.A. Sawteeth (de)stabilization by ECH and ECCD in FTU • Shiraiwa, S., Bonoli, P., Faust, I., Hubbard, A., Meneghini, O., Parker, R., Schmidt, A., Wallace, G., Wilson, J., Scott, S., Mumgaard, R. LHCD driven reversed shear plasmas on Alcator C-Mod • van Eester, D., Lerche, E. Simple 1D Fokker-Planck modeling of ICRF heating at arbitrary harmonics accounting for non-Maxwellian plasma populations • Van Wassenhove, G., Dumortier, P., Koch, R., Messiaen, A., Stepanov, I., Vervier, M., Brezinsek, S., Kantor, M., Krämer-Flecken, A., Schmitz, O., Lerche, E., Koslowski, H. Impact of gas injection on ICRF antenna loading properties on TEXTOR • Wallace, G., Bonoli, P., Faust, I., Harvey, R., Hubbard, A., LaBombard, B., Lipschultz, B., Lau, C., Meneghini, O., Mumgaard, R., Parker, R., Reinke, M., Schmidt, A., Scott, S., Shiraiwa, S., Smirnov, A., Terry, J., Whyte, D., Wilson, J., Wright, J., Wukitch, S. Lower hybrid current drive at high density on Alcator C-Mod