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The Spatial Web

Students Shreyas Sadalgi Manoj Koushik Oliver Desborough. The Spatial Web. Faculty Badri Nath Rich Martin. http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/dataman/webdust. Motivation. Present Web : good at describing Conceptual space “Show me Chinese Restaurants within 5 miles” Eg. yahoo.com

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The Spatial Web

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Students Shreyas Sadalgi Manoj Koushik Oliver Desborough The Spatial Web Faculty Badri Nath Rich Martin http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/dataman/webdust

  2. Motivation • Present Web: good at describing Conceptual space • “Show me Chinese Restaurants within 5 miles” • Eg. yahoo.com • Spatial Web: describes both Conceptual & Physical space • “Find the closest Chinese Restaurant with the minimum waiting time” • “Inform me whenever this freeway becomes congested within two miles or less ”

  3. Design Goals • Novel information infrastructure to obtain, manage & deliver spatially-constrained data • Information resides at the physical location where it is produced • Information sources can have unbounded heterogeneity • as simple as embedded sensor devices • as complex as full-scale databases

  4. How Spatial Web differs from Today’s Web • All Spatial web pages have a limited physical ‘DataScope’  • Links between the Spatial Web pages mirror the relevant structure in the physical space Werblin Recreation Center Student Center Rutgers Golf Course ECE Dept

  5. Language of the Spatial Web <WOB> <ID> Name or Number </ID> <URL> http://www.FrontEndPageForThisWOB.com</URL> <SPOT> <PentaHn1="(%%,%%,%%)" .... n6="(%%,%%,%%)"></PentaH> <HexHn1="(%%,%%,%%)" .... n8="(%%,%%,%%)"></HexH> </SPOT> <Description> This is the Dataman Lab in CoRE</Description> <Keywords> (CoRE, 3rd Floor, Dataman, Badri ...)</Keywords> <Data Temperature=”xx” Photo=”xx” People=“xx”> </Data> <Clinks> <href=”http://www.dataman.rutgers.edu”></ Clinks> <Slinks> <GeoLink cords=”(%%,%%,%%)”link=”http://...”> </GeoLink> <super-space link=”http://...”></super-space> <sub-space link=”http://...”></sub-space> </Slinks> </WOB>

  6. Architectural components • Pervasive Sensor Networks: forming a ‘WebDust’ of information • InfoDispensers: • Data aggregation & distribution devices that blanket the physical landscape and act as information-sprinklers • ‘Sprinke’ important local information on users as they pass nearby Pervasive Sensor Networks

  7. Spatial Crawling : Potential Application • Using space as an index to search for local data • Link structure to navigate through physical space • Current Prototype P D A ? Rene Motes with Light sensors

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