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Lexical Analysis

Lexical Analysis. Uses formalism of Regular Languages Regular Expressions Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA) RE  NDFA  DFA  minimal DFA (F)Lex uses RE as input, builds lexor. DFAs: Formal Definition. DFA M = (Q, S , d , q 0 , F)

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Lexical Analysis

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  1. Lexical Analysis • Uses formalism of Regular Languages • Regular Expressions • Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) • Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA) • RE  NDFA  DFA  minimal DFA • (F)Lex uses RE as input, builds lexor

  2. DFAs: Formal Definition DFA M = (Q, S, d, q0, F) Q = states finite set S = alphabet finite set d = transition function function in Q S Q q0 = initial/starting state q0 Q F = final states F  Q

  3. a b …aa …ab b a a a e b a b a b b …ba …bb a a b b DFAs: Example strings over {a,b} with next-to-last symbol = a

  4. Nondeterministic Finite Automata “Nondeterminism” implies having a choice. Multiple possible transitions from a state on a symbol. d(q,a) is a set of states d : Q S Pow(Q) Can be empty, so no need for error/nonsense state. Acceptance: exist path to a final state? I.e., try all choices. Also allow transitions on no input: d : Q  (S {e})  Pow(Q)

  5. NFAs: Formal Definition NFA M = (Q, S, d, q0, F) Q = states a finite set S = alphabet a finite set d = transition function a total function in Q  (S {e})  Pow(Q) q0 = initial state q0 Q F = final states F  Q

  6. S a …a …aS … S Loop until we “guess” which is the next-to-last a. NFAs: Example strings over {a,b} with next-to-last symbol = a

  7. 0 0s 2 e e 2s e 1 e e 1s NFAs: Example strings over {0,1,2} having (either 0-or-more 0’s or 0-or-more 1’s) followed by 0-or-more 2’s

  8. Regular Expressions • Regular expression (over S) •  • e • a where aS • r+r’ • r r’ • r* • where r,r’ regular (over S) • Notational shorthand: • r0 = e, ri = rri-1 • r+ = rr*

  9. RE  NFA Defined inductively on structure of RE. • This construction produces NFA with single final state. • 6 cases: , e, a, r’+r’’, r’r’’, r’*

  10. RE  NFA:  q0 qf Accepts nothing since no edge to final state.

  11. RE  NFA: e q0

  12. RE  NFA: a q0 a qf

  13. q’0 q’f e e q0 qf e e q’’0 q’’f e edges guess whether to use r’ or r’’. RE  NFA: r’+r’’

  14. q0 e e e qf q’0 q’f q’’0 q’’f Could conflate q0 with q’0, q’’f with qf. RE  NFA: r’r’’

  15. e q0 qf e e q’0 q’f e Can loop r’ as many times as desired or skip it. RE  NFA: r’*

  16. e 0 e e e e e e e 0 1 e RE  NFA: Example (0+01)*

  17. RE  NFA: Notes Most constructions produce very large NFAs. • Not optimal for size. • But easy to construct.

  18. NFA -> DFA Subset Construction • Complicated but well described in the text • Section 3.7.1 (pp 152-155), Algorithm 3.20 (2nd edition) • In section 3.6 (pp 116-121) in 1st edition

  19. Minimizing DFA • Partition states of DFA, D, into two sets, final states, and non-final states. • Continue until no more partitions are needed • For each partition, P, split the DFA states of P so that, for each subpartition, all DFA states in that partition have the same transition for each input symbol, x.

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