PROJECTЦА12-22-28/27.05.2013 „Improvement of the professional qualification of employees of the State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance “with the financial assistance of theOperational program „Administrative Capacity”, co-financed by the European unionunder the European Social Fund
Priority axis II • „Human Resources Development” • Sub-priority 2.2 • „Competent and effective public administration” • The period of project implementation is :12 months • Total project amount is: 87 153,21 BGN
PROJECT OBJECTIVES • The general project objective is the improvement of SAMTS employees’ knowledge and skills for more effective and efficient performance of their professional responsibilities • SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES • Improving the foreign languages skills of SAMTS’s employees to ensure effective implementation of harmonized EC legislation in the scope of SAMTS’s competence; • Improving the specific foreign language skills of SAMTS’ s employees to ensure effective communication with the European and international institutions and structures; • Increasing the computer skills of SAMTS’ s employees for improving the quality and effectiveness of their work; • Increasing the professional competence of SAMTS’s employees, responsible for managing configuration and maintenance of tools in IT environment.
This project is aimedat the achievement of the objectiveofthe Priority AxisII“Human Resources Management” as follows: “Improving human resources management and enhancing the qualification of employees in the state administration, the judiciary and the civil society structures“. Achieving the project’s objectives will contribute to achieving the objective of the Sub-priority 2.2 „Competent and effective public administration“, namely „ Improving the professional competencies of the state administration employees for more effective and efficient performance of responsibilities“. Thus, the project will contribute to the achievement of the Global objective of ОP „Administrative capacity” - Improving the functioning of state administration for an effective implementation of policies, quality service delivery to citizens and businesses, and creating the conditions for sustainable economic growth and employment. The execution of the planned activities in the project will lead to the achievement of the general and specific objectives of the project and will contribute to the achievement of the procedure goal: „Enhancement of the qualifications of the employees of central and regional administrations through trainings in the country.
Activity 1: Organization and carrying out of foreign language trainings of SAMTS’s employees for improvement of their professional qualification. Sub-activity 1.1 Specialized foreign language trainings organized by the Institute for public administration. This Sub-activity 1.1 provides organization and carrying out of specialized foreign language trainings of employees from the specialized administration of SAMTS, which are included in the training courses catalogue of the Institute for public administration (IPA). Main activities:
Expected outcomes: • Improved professional expertise of employees from the specialized administration of SAMTS; • 1 specialized foreign language trainingin„ Speaking English course (basic level)“ – ЧЕО – 1 А carried out; • 12 specialized foreign language trainings in „Business skills – participation in working meetings, discussions and visits (in English)“ – ЧЕО – 4 carried out; • Total number of SAMTS’s employees trained according to Sub-activity 1.1 – 13.
Activity 1: Organization and carrying out of foreign language trainings of SAMTS’s employees for improvement of their professional qualification Sub-activity 1.2: Language trainings different from those offered by the Institute for public administration This Sub-activity 1.2 provides organization and carrying out of foreign language trainings of employees from the specialized administration of SAMTS, which are not included in the training courses catalogue of the Institute for public administration (IPA). Main activities:
Expected outcomes: Improved professional expertise of SAMTS’s employees; 60English language trainings of SAMTS’s employees (first session) carried out; 40English language trainings of SAMTS’s employees (second session) carried out; 3 German language trainings of SAMTS’s employees carried out; Total number of the SAMTS’s employees trainedaccording to Sub-activity1.2 –103.
Activity 2: Organization and carrying out of computer trainings of SAMTS’s employees for improvement of the quality and efficiency of their work Sub-activity 2.1: Computer trainings for expanding the employees’ knowledge and working skills when using MS Office products. This sub-activity 2.1 provides organization and carrying out of computer trainings, аs follows: Computer trainings „MS Office“, that are directed to employees who need to acquire knowledge and skills in working with the MS Office products; Computer trainings „MS Excel“ (beginner level), that are directed to employees who need basic and systematic knowledge of working with spreadsheets; 3. Computer trainings „MS Excel“ (advanced level), that are directed for employees, who use MS Excel and who need enlargement of their knowledge and skills in working with this product.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Improved professional qualification of the employees from SAMTS’s general and specialized administration; 8 computer trainings in MS Office carried out; 5 computer trainings in MS Excel (beginner level) carried out; 9 computer trainings in MS Excel (advanced level) carried out; Total number of SAMTS’s employees trained according to Sub-activity 2.1 – 32.
Activity 2: Organization and carrying out of computer trainings of SAMTS’s employees for improvement of the quality and efficiency of their work Sub-activity 2.2: Computer trainings for management, configuration and support of tools in IT environment. This Sub-activity 2.2 provides organization of specialized IT trainings, as follows: „Updating Your Windows Server 2003 Technology Skills to Windows Server 2008” training; „Configuring, Managing and Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2010“ trainings; „Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010“ trainings.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Improved professional qualification of the employees from the Department of “Administrative and informational service”; 1 training in „Updating Your Windows Server 2003 Technology Skills to Windows Server 2008” carried out; 2 trainings in „Configuring, Managing and Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2010“ carried out; 2 trainings in „Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010“ carried out; Total number of SAMTS’s employees trained according to Sub-activity 2.2 – 5.
ACTIVITY 3: Visibility and Communication The Activity 3 will be carried out during the whole project execution by applying appropriate communication and information measures according to the provisions of the Commission Regulation (ЕО) № 1828/2006 setting out rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund as well as of the Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Regional Development Fund.
As regards the project promotion and the results of project implementation should be: developed and printed press releases in the national daily newspaper at the beginning and completing of the project; developed a graphic image (internet-banner ), that will be posted on SAMTS’ s web site and it will give opportunity for fast and easy access to main and actual information about the project; developed informational presentations, that will be posted on SAMTS web site at the beginning and completing of the project and that will contain the project summary, information about the main activities, general and specific objectives, planned and achieved outcomes in order to promote the project; prepared informational posters that will be posted in SAMTS’s buildings in Sofia and in the whole country.
Project implementation • will lead to improvement of SAMTS employees’ knowledge and skills in order to achieve more efficiently and more effectively performance of their professional responsibilities • After holding of computer trainings, the SAMTS’s general administration, that is a part of the target group of this project, will increase its competency and will facilitate the performance of its professional responsibilities, will accelerate working processes and will improve the quality of service for citizens and business; • Carrying out of specialized foreign language trainings for increasing the language knowledge and creation of business skills to hold discussions, communication, declaring positions and etc. in international forums and EC groups, will lead to more efficiently and more effectively performance of duties of experts and inspectors from the SAMTS’s specialized administration.
By timely language training of newly appointed employees will be established conditions for continuity and preservation of knowledge and expertise in performing of the daily employees duties, as well as in their participation in the international forums and in the expert groups to the European Commission • In long-time term the improving of employees qualification will lead to more effective and competent activity of SAMTS’s administration, that on the one hand will lead to enhancement of citizens and business trust in the public administration, and on the other hand it will strengthen the positive image of our country to our partners in the European union.