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Ruth Agnew # governorlive

Ruth Agnew # governorlive. “Navigating the Changing Terrain”. “there’s life, Jim, but not as we know it”. Sir Michael Wilshaw.

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Ruth Agnew # governorlive

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ruth Agnew#governorlive “Navigating the Changing Terrain”

  2. “there’s life, Jim, but not as we know it”

  3. Sir Michael Wilshaw “Good governors focus on the central issues which lie at the heart of school improvement: the quality of teaching, the progress and achievement of their pupils... poor governance focuses on the marginal issues … too much time is spent looking at the quality of school lunches, and not enough on attainment in maths and English.” (2013)

  4. Lord Nash “Governance is one of my top priorities … All schools make two vital decisions. Who is the head and who sits on the governing body … Governors can effect significant change … Although governance is a voluntary role that does not mean it’s an amateur one. It’s a highly professional, highly responsible job, performing an absolutely critical role .” (2013)

  5. Primary Head Teacher “If you took my secretary away, or the school caretaker, or any of my class teachers, it would have a huge impact. Governing bodies can be highly effective, full of very good people, but if it didn’t exist you might not notice.”

  6. Ofsted “Governors work hard to provide practical support and challenge, but this is having little impact on the work of the school. They do not have a realistic view of the school's strengths and weaknesses.”

  7. Ofsted “Governors work hardto provide practical support and challenge, but this is having little impact on the work of the school. They do not have a realistic view of the school's strengths and weaknesses.”

  8. Twenty key questions for a school governing body to ask itself 5. What is our training and development budget and does every governor receive the support they need to carry out their role effectively?

  9. Where can we get help? • Local Authorities • National Governors’ Association • Governor Line • External providers • A good clerk • Twitter • Other governors!! • National College for Teaching and Leadership

  10. National College for Teaching and Leadership • Chairs’ Development Programme • National College Membership • www.nationalcollege.org.uk • National Leaders of Governance (NLG) • www.education.gov.uk/nationalcollege

  11. National Leaders of Governance • What are they?

  12. National Leaders of Governance What about you? www.education.gov.uk/nationalcollege

  13. National Leaders of Governance • Speak to Local Authority / NCTL broker / NLG or • Email chair.ofgovernors@education.gsi.gov.uk

  14. What’s it all for?

  15. Karl Marx “We make our own destiny but not in circumstances of our own choosing”

  16. Keep in touch @ruthagnew @rmagovernance http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/ruth-agnew/33/9ab/457/ ruthagnew.wordpress.com rmaconsulting@mail.com

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