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THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER May 4, 2014 The disciples on the road to Emmaus hear

THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER May 4, 2014 The disciples on the road to Emmaus hear the Scriptures interpreted in a way that had never occurred to them before. It causes their hearts to burn within them; it is what they have been waiting to hear all their lives.

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THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER May 4, 2014 The disciples on the road to Emmaus hear

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  1. THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER May 4, 2014 The disciples on the road to Emmaus hear the Scriptures interpreted in a way that had never occurred to them before. It causes their hearts to burn within them; it is what they have been waiting to hear all their lives. It moves them to beg the Stranger, “Stay with us.” Our hearts burn as we hear Peter interpret Psalm 16 with the same striking authority. It is as if the words that speak of Christ’s resurrection – “You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence” – have totally revivified Peter’s own life. The Word, the breaking of the Eucharistic bread, the companionship of other followers are what make us realize how truly we have been “ransomed from all our futile conduct.” they never traveled unaccompanied. The ever-faithful God revealed his presence to them in fire and cloud, in bread from heaven and water from the rock, and in the word of the prophets. // Their story culminated in the great paschal journey undertaken in their name by Jesus Christ. It is that journey from death to life which we celebrate on all these Sundays of Easter, as today’s first readings remind us. // But the journey has not ended. We, the people of God, are still in pilgrimage toward the kingdom of God in its fullness. And it is no easy journey. It sometimes leads us, as it led the first disciples, through the wilderness of doubt and the desert of despair. It takes us from hope to disappointment to confusion and back again. It is a journey marked by the sign of the cross. Yet we, like our forebears, never travel unaccompanied. The Lord whom we follow points out the road through the word proclaimed in our assemblies. He reveals himself as food for the journey in the breaking of the bread. ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST PARISH MINERSVILLE, PA www.StMatthewTheEvangelistParish.org Rectory Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM Phone: (570) 544-2211 Fax: (570) 54-2317 SAINT MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST WELCOMES ALL No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race, ethnicity, etc.; you are Invited, Welcomed, Accepted, Loved and Respected at Saint Matthew the Evangelist Parish! SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR: Sr. Meg Cole (610-866-0581x19) VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR: Wendy S. Krisak (1-800-791-9209) WEEKDAY MASS AT 8:00 AM MON – Living and Deceased Parishioners TUE – Owsinski and Kupetz Families by Tom and Mary WED – John Dobles by Daughter, Carol THU – Betty Dean Renninger by Sister, Theresa and Frank FRI – Stella Logan by Son, Joseph and Wife, Rita SAT – 4:00 PM – First Communicants and Living and Deceased Parishioners SUN – 8:30 AM – Ryan Wiscount by Mom and Dad 10:30 AM – Bernie Lescavage by Children ******************************************************************************************************************************************** THE WEEKLY CALENDAR: Cry out with joy to God, all the earth;/ O sing to the glory of his name./ O render him glorious praise, alleluia. (Cf. Ps 66(65):1-2) THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER, May 4 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 8:00 AM and 10:15 AM. THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS(FPC): Jesus told us to ask the Harvest Master to send laborers into his harvest. May the prayers of our participating families bear fruit. Our thanks to ROBYNN MELOCHICK for hosting the Family Prayer Chalice for Vocations this week. Sign up in Church Vestibule or call 570-399-5056. FAMILY PERSPECTIVE: In today’s gospel the disciples were returning home so “downcast” they did not recognize Jesus walking with them. In our homes we can be so overwhelmed with responsibilities we don’t see God with us. Today’s gospel tells us to stop and open our eyes to the blessings we are to one another. PRO-LIFE REFLECTION: “As bad as the economy is, as bad as the war is, the destruction of innocent human life, especially in the womb, is a greater evil, and correction of this grave evil must take place. Each of us has a role in making this correction in our duties as citizens.”   Bishop Samuel J. Aquila. STEWARDSHIP: “Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us on the road, while He opened to us the scriptures?”  Luke 24:32. How often do we take the time to see what Jesus wants from us? Are our prayers always petitions, asking Jesus to do things for us? If so, that’s a one-sided relationship. Living our faith means developing a personal relationship with Jesus. So, just like any friendship with another person, there is give and take, each side listening to other and helping each other out. Take time in silence to listen to what Jesus is saying to you.LAST WEEK YOU CONTRIBUTED: Sunday: $2,885; Capital Improvement: $468; Expenses: $6,857.03 (ordinary); $4,500 (school subsidy); $7,842 (Diocesan Assessments). Thanks! EASTER SEASON CHARITY:ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PANTRY– Your donation of all TYPES OF CANNED MEATS will allow the SVDP Society to aid the needy of our area. Volunteer to help our SVDP Society Outreach and God’s Bountiful Table. Call570-544-2739 for information. EASTER SEASON VOTIVES:(1) SANCTUARY: IMO Helen Maletz (9th Annv) by Son, Father Leo. (2) ALTARS: BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: IMO John Dobles by Daughter, Carol; For the Health of George Homa and Special 0. The people of God have always been a pilgrim people. Since the beginning of Lent, we have traced their steps from the garden of Eden to the garden of the empty tomb. It was never an easy journey. It led them through wilderness and through desert. It took them from slavery to the land of promise, to exile and back again. They knew what it was to walk in the valley of the shadow of death. Yet 2014 BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL: Many thanks to those who have made a pledge to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Making a six-month pledge to the Appeal allows you to maximize the amount that you may give by making monthly payments. For example, a $120 gift to the Appeal may be setup with six $20 installments. Your generosity funds the annual budget for important Diocesan ministries in our area. To make your gift, please return the pledge form that you will receive in the mail, drop it in the Sunday collection basket, visit the Appeal’s website at www.2014baa.org, or call 800-831-4443. // We welcome Julia Leibensperger, Principal of St. Joseph Center for Special Learning, Pottsville, who will speak at all weekend Masses on behalf of the Appeal, especially concerning the good your financial contributions accomplish for the special children who attend SJCSL. FYI: On April 18, a letter from Msgr. Alfred A. Schlert, Vicar General of our Diocese, sent on behalf of His Excellency Bishop Barres, was received. It concerned permissions requested to paint the interior of St. Matthew the Evangelist Church and to repair the exterior of The Good Shepherd School Building. Approval for these two projects is pending until these three conditions are fulfilled: 1) the former St. Francis of Assisi Church roof must be repaired; 2) the past due assessments for the former St. Francis of Assisi Parish of $48,823 are to be remitted in full to the Diocese; and 3) renovations to the school building MUST include a review of the means of egress as a part of the overall renovation plan. These conditions will be fulfilled in obedience. Intention by Wife and Family; For the Health of Marie Sokoloski by Francis and Dolores Leister; Special Intention by Stan and Sally Gober. (3) BEFORE: ST. JOSEPH: Special Intention. REREDOS NICHE: IMO Rev. Joseph F. Reilly by Parents. Call 570-544-2211.

  2. NATIVITY BVM CHINESE AUCTION: Doors open 11:00 AM; Bingo starts 2:00 PM. Call Diane (570-294-0551) for information. POLKA SPRING FLING: 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM, St. Mary Catholic Church, Hamburg. Tickets are $20 each in advance and $25 at the door. Music by Polka Country Musicians. Food and beverages available for purchase. Call 610-562-7657 for tickets and information. MONDAY, May 5 – VISITATION OF THE SICK: Our sick and shut-in will be brought Holy Communion for the month of May. Should someone need to be added to our list call 570-544-2211. TUESDAY, May 6 – ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM: 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM, the Good Shepherd Building.Callour coordinator of Religious Education, Rosalie Novack (570-544-2211).ABSENCES MUST BE REPORTED! WEDNESDAY, May 7 – DEVOTIONS TO ST. PEREGRINE: 8:00 AM Mass. Ask St. Peregrine to help cancer patients and their caregivers. THURSDAY, MAY 8 – “SOUNDS OF THE SPIRIT” CONTEMPORARY CHOIR REHEARSAL: 7:00 PM, Church Loft. Call 570-544-2355. FRIDAY, MAY 9 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 7:45 AM. SATURDAY, MAY 10 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 3:30 PM. HELPERS OF GOD’S PRECIOUS INFANTS PRAYER PILGRIMAGE: Prayer Pilgrimage followed by lunch beginning with 8:00 AM Mass at Notre Dame Church, Bethlehem with Father Joseph Ganser. 2nd Saturday of every month. Email hogpi@hotmail.com. FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER, May 11 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 8:00 AM and 10:15 AM. MOTHERS’ DAY: We are asking for Vigil and Floral Memorials to decorate our Church and altars for Mothers’ Day. The Vigil offering is $5. The Flower offering is $10. Call the Rectory (570-544-2211) as soon as possible to make arrangements. THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS (FPC): TONI AND BOB PLESNARSKI (10:30 AM) will host the FPC this week. Call 570-399-5056 or sign-up in the Church Vestibule. We need host families for June. SECOND COLLECTION ENVELOPE: (1) INSURANCE: Your contribution will help us pay the premiums to insure all Parish buildings. (2) Please check your Sunday Church Envelope Boxes for the envelopes you might have missed. Kindly catch up! (3) Please write the amount of your donation on your envelope. Do not staple, scotch tape it shut. Simply seal it with a lick.Thanks! ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************** MINISTERS AT MASS FOR FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER OFF. PROCESSIONLECTORS EUCH. MINISTERSALTAR SERVERS SAT 4:00 PM First Communicants Michael NovackMaria BartushNathan Tropp Alex Reppert SUN 8:30 AM WiscountFamily John HudockMary Regina Mundy Nicholas Quinn Nick Quinn Gabriella Quinn Maria Quinn 10:30 AM LescavageFamily Mary Ann Harrison Marian Rhoads Jordan Berdanier Anthony Forte ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* COMING EVENTS: Please be sure to mark your calendar! MAY 14 – GOD’S BOUNTIFUL TABLE: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Fr. Anthony Ricapito Annex. MAY 16 – ST. JOSEPH CENTER 23RD ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT AND DINNER: Registration begins at 11:00 AM. Mountain Valley Golf Course. All golf fees include lunch and dinner. Call 570-622-4638 for more information and to register. MAY 18 – MINERSVILLE ROTARY CLUB 4TH ANNUAL CAR SHOW: Registration, 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM; Awards, 3:00 PM. McCann School of Business, Pottsville. Food sales, basket auctions, 50/50, ultimate grill drawing. Registrations, available at www.minersvillerotary.org. MAY 25 – ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS: 6:00 PM Prayer Service. Vigils (offering $6 each) can be memorialized in memory/honor of a loved one by calling 570-544-2739. MAY 26 – NOTRE DAME CLUB OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY “ANNUAL POTTSVILLE MILE”: Benefits St. Joseph Center for Special Learning, Pottsville. For more information or to register or to become a sponsor, please email Bill Kern at williamnkern@comcast.net. MAY 29 – THE SOLEMNITY OF THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD: Today is a Holy Day of Obligation for all Catholics. Mass will be celebrated at 7:00 PM (evening before), 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM. JUNE 15 – EASTER DUTY: This is the LAST day to fulfill the Easter Precept. CANON 920- #1. All the faithful after having been initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, are bound by the obligation of receiving Communion at least once a year. #2. This precept must be fulfilled during the Easter Season (First Sunday of Lent to Trinity Sunday) unless it is fulfilled for a just cause at some other time during the year. (Please realize that fulfillment of your Easter Duty would also require the reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation if you are aware of having committed Mortal Sin, e.g. deliberately missing Sunday Mass.) JUNE 16 – 20 – ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ CAPE COD, MA INCLUDING MARTHA’S VINEYARD AND NANTUCKET BUS TRIP: $650 per person (double occupancy) includes: 4 nights lodging, 4 breakfasts, 4 dinners, visit to Mystic Seaport en route to Cape Cod, Fully escorted tours of Hyannis area, including Kennedy Memorial and Main Street, Chatham, ferry ride to Martha’s Vineyard with tour, ferry ride to Nantucket Island with tour, Hyannis Harbor Cruise with view of Kennedy Compound, visit to Foxwoods Casino en route home, souvenir gift, luggage handling, all taxes and meal gratuities, Motorcoach transportation. Call Julie (570-544-5231) or Millie (570-628-5413). JULY 24, 25, 26 – ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST PARISH ANNUAL TRIDUUM IN HONOR OF GOOD ST. ANNE: DAY 1 and DAY II: Triduum prayers and Veneration of St. Anne’s Relic after 8:00 AM Mass. DAY III: Feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of our Lady, Grandparents of our Lord. This day is the conclusion of our Triduum in Honor of St. Anne. We will have a special Healing Mass within which the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at 9:00 AM. Call the Rectory (570-544-2211) to register for Anointing. JULY 28 – AUGUST 1 – NATIVITY BVM HIGH SCHOOL THEATRE ARTS CAMP: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Daily. Performance August 1st at 7:30 PM. Open to students entering grades 7 through college. Instruction from college level professors. Equivalent to college course of 3 credit hours. Cost $495. Call 570-622-8110 to register. AUGUST 17 – ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST ANNUAL SUMMER FESTIVAL: 12:00 Noon to 9:00 PM, South Cass Fire Co. Picnic Grounds, Primrose. Come and enjoy All the ethnic foods you love! Call 570-544-2211 for more information.  SEPTEMBER 8 – 11– ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ OUTER BANKS, NORTH CAROLINA BUS TRIP:$539 per person (double occupancy) includes: 3 nights lodging, 3 breakfasts, 3 full course dinners, guided tour of Cape Hatteras, Roanoke Island Festival Park, Graveyard of the Alantic, Wright Brothers National Memorial, Elizabethan Gardens, Bodie Island Lighthouse, souvenir gift, luggage handling, all taxes and meal gratuities, Motorcoach transportation. Your payment is your reservation. Call Julie (570-544-5231) or Millie (570-628-5413). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CEMETERY NEWS: Christmas decorations and winter flowers MUST be removed from all 5 Parish Cemeteries immediately! Otherwise, they will be discarded! Thanks! EASTER FLOWER MEMORIALS: We gratefully acknowledge your kindness and generosity which allowed us to decorate our church so beautifully during this past Easter Season (Unless otherwise noted each donation was $10): IMO Lenny Kostek by Shirley Kostek; IMO Felix and Josephine Costic by Son, Jerry; IMO Charles Matz by Darlene; IMO Felix and Antoinette M. Kryston by Anna Kryston ($15); IMO Stanley and Anna Gober by M/M Daniel Clark ($20); IMO John and Louise Kishel by Daughter, Joan Roberts; IMO Michael J. Warhola by Family; IMO Angelina Reta by Catherine Brilla; IMO Gerald Murphy and Jack Consugar by Gerry Maley ($20) (TBC). FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: Within our 4:00 PM Mass today, the following children of our Parish will receive their Eucharistic Lord for the first time: KAITLYN KOURY, BRAYDEN MIKLESAVAGE, TYLER NOVACK, BROCK POLINSKY, BROCK REGNIER, GAVIN STINE. May their parents keep them close to our Risen Savior and His Church! THEY ARE OUR PARISH’S TREASURE! After Mass their will a light social for our First Communicants and their families in the P.C. MAY 18 – ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST SPAGHETTI DINNER: 11:00 AM TO 3:00 PM, Parish Center. $8.50 Adults; Children $4.50. Donations of Baked Goods would be greatly appreciated and can be brought to the Parish Center between 7:00 AM and 11:00 AM. Please purchase your one 50/50 chance. Kindly make all returns to the Rectory (570-544-2211) as soon as possible. MAY 21 – ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ MOUNT AIRY CASINO BUS TRIP: Pay $25; Rebate $25.Includes free buffet. Bus leaves R&J 7:45 AM; Quandel’s in Minersville 8:15 AM. Bus departs casino 4:00 PM. Call Julie (570-544-5231) or Millie (570-628-5413). MAY CALENDAR WINNERS: May 1 – Lucy Barnetsky; May 2 – Val Davis; May 3 – Betty Valosin

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