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FOC on Internationalization and Economic Globalization

FOC on Internationalization and Economic Globalization. Ronald Jansen Chief, Trade Statistics Branch, UNSD/DESA New York jansen1@un.org. 1. Background. Pascal Lamy, Director-General of WTO Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of OECD Walter Radermacher, Chief Statistician of the European Union

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FOC on Internationalization and Economic Globalization

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  1. FOC on Internationalization and Economic Globalization Ronald Jansen Chief, Trade Statistics Branch, UNSD/DESA New York jansen1@un.org 1 Friends of the Chair Group on Internationalization

  2. Background • Pascal Lamy, Director-General of WTO • Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of OECD • Walter Radermacher, Chief Statistician of the European Union • World Bank, IDE-JETRO, USITC 2 Friends of the Chair Group on Internationalization

  3. Policy Questions • What does each country along a global value chain contribute to the value of a final product? • How much employment is created through this value addition? • What is the effect of trade and investment on innovation and knowledge transfer? 3 Friends of the Chair Group on Internationalization

  4. Replies from statistical community Eurostat Report on ‘Global Value Chains and Economic Globalization’ OECD-WTO initiative on Trade in Value-Added UNECE Handbook on Global Production UN Statistical Commission Report E/CN.3/2013/7 4 Friends of the Chair Group on Internationalization

  5. Reply from the UN Statistical Commission – Friends of the Chair group • Mandate: Prepare a concept paper • on the scope and content of the measurement of internationalization and economic globalization • on an appropriate mechanism for coordination Friends of the Chair Group on Internationalization

  6. FOC member countries and agencies: Moderator: Statistics Canada Europe: Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Italy, Russia America: Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, USA Africa: Morocco, Cape Verde, South Africa, Uganda Asia: China, India, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand Pacific: New Zealand M/East: Iran, Oman Agencies: Eurostat, IMF, OECD, UNCTAD, WTO, UNSD Friends of the Chair Group on Internationalization

  7. Concept Paper:Internationalization and economic globalization Friends of the Chair Group on Internationalization

  8. Information Base • Basic statistics on international trade, investment, commercial presence, outsourcing of business functions, transfer of intellectual property products • Accounting framework of the System of National Accounts • Indicators related to internationalization and economic globalization 8 Friends of the Chair Group on Internationalization

  9. Integration • Horizontal integration: • Linking all basic data to the business register • Vertical integration: • Input-Output tables of national accounts • International input-output tables for the measurement of trade in value-added 9 Friends of the Chair Group on Internationalization

  10. Communication • Global Value Chains analysis • Concepts • GVC maps • Presentation of data • Linking results to Policy questions 10 Friends of the Chair Group on Internationalization

  11. Thank you Ronald Jansen Chief, Trade Statistics Branch, UNSD/DESA New York jansen1@un.org 11 Friends of the Chair Group on Internationalization

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