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MANAGEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT OF PROCESSES Management by processes. Management by processes. 1. 1.1. Introduction 1.2. To stablish the structure of processes 1.3. To chararacterise the processes 1.4. To measure the efectiveness of the processes 1.5. Processes improvement.

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  2. Management by processes 1. • 1.1. Introduction • 1.2. To stablish the structure of processes • 1.3. To chararacterise the processes • 1.4. To measure the efectiveness of the processes • 1.5. Processes improvement

  3. CASE: cooking hamburguers • Control of one, tasting one by, taking a little piece of them (Control on the product). • Statistical control of the process: sampling one in a certain number of hamburgers. • >>

  4. 3. Control of the process: (Control on the process) • Control variables: time, temperature • (but there are still mistakes, because the cooker, after a number of hamburgers change its conditions and the temperature stops beig the correct– Scab in the plate that lowers the thermal efficiency). • 4. Control of the conditions of the process (Control on the conditions of the process) • Every certain time cleaning the plate is needed to maintain the conditions of temperature (and time)

  5. 1.1. Introduction Model of a quality management sistem based on processes

  6. Process Process: Set of activities mutually related or that interacts, that transforms entrance elements into results Product/Service: Result of a process Requirement: Established necesities or expectations, generally implicit or obligatory ones. (of the product, the service, the client or the General Quality Sistem)

  7. Aproach based on processes • “An approach based on processes within a quality management sistem emphasizes the importance of: • a) The understanding and the fulfillment of the requirements, • b) The necessity of considering the processes in terms of added value • >>>

  8. c) The obtaining of results of the performance and effectiveness of the process • d) The continuous improvement of the processes based on objective measurements”

  9. Approach to the Client Processes and activities have to add value to the client

  10. Summary of the approach to processes • To understand the structure of processes • To identify the structure of processes • To determine the interaction sequence of processes • To know the processes • To determine the necessary criteria and methods to make sure that the operation and the control of the processes are effective • >>>

  11. To obtain results • Getting sure of the availability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and the pursuit of the processes • To pursuit, measure and analyze the processes • To get better • To implement the actions necessary to reach the planned results and the continuous improvement of the processes

  12. 1.2. To establish the structure of processes How to reach a processes map

  13. 1.2.1 Identification of the processes

  14. 1.2.2 To choose the necessary processes • Necessary processes : • Those that finally will apear on the procesess map of the organization. • Criteria for their determination: • They affect the satisfaction degree of the client because the capacity to fulfill his necessities and expectations depends to a great extent on them. • They are related to the capacity of the organization to provide products and services in agreement • >>>

  15. The fulfillment of the organization´s mission, the progress towards the vision and the attainment of their strategic targets depend, in great extent, on them • They involve a high percentage of the organization´s resources and, in consequence, their optimization and efficiency have a very important weight in the attainment of the competitive results

  16. 1.2.3 Processes grouping Norm 5 6 7 8

  17. Strategic and planification • * Quality Management System • * communication and marketing • * strategic and management planification (short, medium and long term)

  18. Resources management • * Information and knowledge • * people • * work enviroment • * economic and administrative processes

  19. Accomplishment of the product • *Processes of design and development of the product • * Production processes • * Process of commercialization (portfolio of orders) • * Process of attention to the client (post-sale, complaints and claims, satisfaction)

  20. Measure, analysis and improvement • * Improvement processes management • * Economic-financial pursuit • * Pursuit of the satisfaction of interested parts

  21. Externaly contracted processes 1. To assure the control on such processes 2. To identify the control in the quality management sistem The control of external processes must be identified in the quality management sistem of the organization

  22. Another classification • Processes of accomplishment • Product manufacture • Support processes • * Management: • Quality, personnel, purchases, innovation, knowledge, financial management • * Formation • * Maintenance

  23. Company processes • - Company management • - Marketing • - Sales • - Financial management • - Human resources management • >>>

  24. - Purchases • - Material resources maintenance • - Produt development • - Production • - Distribution • - Delivery of services

  25. Check lists • For each process a check-list is structured in relation to: • Targets and policies • Activities • Revision and improvement • - targets achivement • - effectiveness • - relevance of policies and objectives

  26. 1.2.4 Processes map (Example)

  27. Ericson Spain Management Sistem

  28. Necessity of documentation of the processes • 1.3. To characterize the processes. Description and documentation of processes What is needed to know of each process to be able to manage it? How are the processes characterized? * Process diagrams * Process cards * Documented procedure * Tecnical instruction * Planes * etc

  29. Process cards Process Mision Person in charge of the process Limits Incomes and outcomes Infrastructure and competition Control variables Indicators Registries • Definition of procedure: • “Specific form to carry out an activity or a process. It can be documented or not” • ISO 9000:2000

  30. Mision of the Process • It must identify the cause, intention or reason of being and for who the process destines, its purpose, clients and users • It can include an initial description, brief and concise, of the process, so that it serves as direction and presentation of itself

  31. Person in charge of the process • Member of the organization to whom to the direction or leadership of all the activities relative to the management of the process is assigned. • Tasks: • To assume the global responsibility of the process, being assured its control, effectiveness and efficiency of stable and permanent form • Final responsibility of the results before the direction • >>>

  32. Toadminister the delegation of powerreceived correctly, authorizing and delegating as well to the employees who assume the property of their works • To maintain the interrelation with the other processes of the organization • To assure that the process properly is documented with the Indicators, necessary Control variables and measures and that the information is distributed with regularity and precision

  33. Limits • Where the scope of influence of the process begins and finishes • Identify: • Begining, ending and activities that it includes • Incomes and supliers • Results and clients

  34. Incomes and results • To identify the characteristics of the incomes • To specify the values of the characteristics so that the entrances are procesables • To specify the values wished for the characteristics of the exits (in agreement results)

  35. R

  36. Process sheet

  37. SECONDARY SCHOOL EXAMPLE 1. RELATION OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES • Mail Registry (Income/ exit) • Admission of students • Matriculation • Scholarships • Titles • Statistic • School transport • Teachers transfers

  38. Economic management • Evaluation acts • Parts of schedule fulfillment (educational/noneducational) • Certificats • Files transfer • Files • Legislation • Rates liquidation

  39. 2. Expedition of academic titles • * Development • Student´s information • Request • Data verification • Pick the ducumentation and the rate up • Receipts delivery • Registry of the titles book • Rates liquidation • >>>

  40. Expedition request • Titles reception • Checking, mistakes detection • Inscription on the record book • Warming to the interested one • Titles delivering

  41. Ministry of Education • Secondary School • Activity: ACADEMIC TITLES DELIVERY • 3. Critic Point • Avoid any mistake in the accomplishment of personal data (Name, surname, date, etc.) • Student´s medium rate • Asigned code to the kind of titles and the speciality • Director´s signature and seal of the center • Zero mistakes

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