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Be a Hero

Be a Hero. Be a Mentor. Agenda:. What is Mentorship? Communication Safety Mentoring Guidelines. What is Mentorship?. Who was/is your mentor? Why? Where have you seen mentoring relationships in the media? (movie, TV Shows etc…) What qualities do good mentors possess?. What is mentorship?.

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Be a Hero

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Be a Hero Be a Mentor

  2. Agenda: • What is Mentorship? • Communication • Safety • Mentoring Guidelines

  3. What is Mentorship? • Who was/is your mentor? Why? • Where have you seen mentoring relationships in the media? (movie, TV Shows etc…) • What qualities do good mentors possess?

  4. What is mentorship? Positive Role Model Friend Coach Advisor Self-Esteem Builder Career Counselor Advocate

  5. What is Mentorship • Mentoring is a structured and trusting relationship that brings young people together with caring individuals who offer guidance, support and encouragement aimed at developing competence and character of the student.

  6. Why Mentorship? Students who meet regularly with a mentor… • Increased high school graduation rates • Lower high school dropout rates • Healthier relationships and lifestyle choices • Better attitude about school • Higher college enrollment rates and higher educational aspirations • Enhanced self-esteem and self-confidence • Improved behavior, both at home and at school • Stronger relationships with parents, teachers, and peers • Improved interpersonal skills • Decreased likelihood of initiating drug and alcohol

  7. Communication • Activity: What Am I Really Saying? • Break into groups of 4 • Choose 1 member of each group to be the Actor • Each Actor will be given a scenario that they are not to show their group • The Actor will then act out the scenario to their group • Adapted from Heart to Heart

  8. Communication • Communication is • 7% words/what you say • 38% how you use your voice (tone) • 55% non-verbal (facial, body language, posture)

  9. Communication • Are secrets between the mentor and mentee appropriate? • NO SECRETS EVER

  10. Communication • How to report Child Abuse • Child Abuse Hotline • (call) 1-800-252-5400 OR • www.txabusehotline.org

  11. Communication…Discipline • Never physically discipline • Never use abusive language • Don’t use ultimatums • Do Explain…children will listen and respond to reason • Do Discuss…don’t use the silent treatment to solve the problem • Do, if warrants, end the session and resume with the next scheduled meeting

  12. Safety • Do not use alcohol, or tobacco products before meeting with your mentee • Do not have firearms or weapons present when meeting with your mentee • Do not allow other students to intervene on your time with your mentee

  13. Mentoring Guidelines • Can I hug my mentee?

  14. Mentoring Guidelines • Yes, you can hug your mentee….but…. • Respect the child’s wishes • Allow the child to initiate contact • Respect your own feelings about physical contact • Err on the side of caution • Be aware of how others may perceive your actions

  15. Mentoring Guidelines Unacceptable Forms of Physical Contact with a Mentee: Sitting on Tickling Piggy-backs • Kissing • Cuddling • Wrestling or Roughhousing

  16. Mentoring Guidelines Setting Boundaries • Be a friend while maintaining the role of a more mature person • Take advantage of opportunities to be a positive role model • Acknowledge inappropriate behavior • Say “no” to inappropriate requests • Be consistent • Praise the child when they make appropriate choices. • Set realistic expectations from the beginning of the relationship.

  17. Mentoring Guidelines • Don’ts • Dispense Medications • Make referrals to outside programs • Lend Money to Students • Promote brand name products, religious beliefs, or political doctrines

  18. Mentoring Guidelines • Beware of Social Media

  19. Mentoring Guidelines • Confidentiality is IMPORTANT • Assure the protection of your mentee and their family

  20. Mentoring Guidelines • The following information must remain confidential: • Name of student, students parents, family members • Address of student • Personal identifiers, like social or school ID # • List of characteristics that make it possible to identify student • Grades and Attendance • Assessment Record • Discipline Matters

  21. Mentoring Guidelines • Support the teachers, not supplant them • Avoid expressing dissatisfactions in the presence of students • Take matters of concern to campus mentoring coordinator • Abide by all campus rules and procedures’ • Exhibit adult, professional behavior • Work under the direction of the staff

  22. Mentoring Guidelines • Stay on school/site property • Stay in visible places with your mentee • Clean up after each activity • Dress appropriately • Do not bring food. For lunch try our delicious cafeteria tray. • Avoid other students intruding on your mentee’s time with you.

  23. Mentoring Guidelines • Mentoring requires a commitment of 30 – 45 minutes a weekfor the duration of the year • Mentors are welcome to visit any time during the school day (unless campus/student is testing) • Familiarize yourself with campus norms and school rules which are available from the Campus Mentor Coordinator.

  24. Mentoring Guidelines • Other resources are available from the Campus Mentor Coordinator such as: • Conversation starters • Best practices when ending a mentor/mentee relationship • Games, activities, and other helpful information

  25. What happens next? • Relatrix volunteer/mentoring approval (if not completed already)hipponation.org/mentoring • Introduction to mentee on campus • Meet with mentee weekly • Stay in communication with campus mentoring coordinator

  26. Welcome to Mentoring

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