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REGIONAL WORKSHOP "AGRICULTURAL NUTRIENT POLLUTION CONTROL IN BLACK SEA DANUBE PARTNERSHIP COUNTRIES". Ministry of the Agriculture and Water Management & Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment of the Republic of Serbia. Summary. Background Country Eligibility
REGIONAL WORKSHOP "AGRICULTURAL NUTRIENT POLLUTION CONTROL IN BLACK SEA DANUBE PARTNERSHIP COUNTRIES" Ministry of the Agriculture and Water Management & Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment of the Republic of Serbia
Summary • Background • Country Eligibility • Description of the Project • Nutrient Pollution from Enterprises • Institutional and Legal Framework • Conclusion
Background • The section of the Danube that flows through Republic of Serbia is 588 km long of which about 138 km constitute the state border with Croatia and about 213 km with Romania. • Danube’s largest tributaries, Drava, Sava and Tisa, empty into the Danube on Serbian territory increasing its flow about 2.5 times. Other significant tributaries that empty into the Danube on Republic of Serbia territory include Velika Morava, Tamis.
Country Eligibility • Serbia and Montenegro has signed and ratified on January 2003 the Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Danube River (Danube Convention) (1994, Sofia). SAM is also member of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and was in full cooperation with ICPDR during the 1990s • It participated in the preparation of the Danube River TDA, prepared a National Review and held a National Planning Workshop in 1998, and contributed a national action plan for SAM to the Five Year Nutrient Reduction Action Plan (2000).
In December 2002, SAM signed together with Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia the Sava River Agreement, which aims to institute integrated river basin management in the basin • The “Report on the State of the Environment in 2000 and Priorities in 2001+ for Serbia” published by MENR in June 2002 identified water pollution in the Danube River system as a major environmental problem that requires immediate action. • In August 2002 World Bank support in preparing an investment project under the GEF WB Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in the Black Sea/Danube Basin.
Description of the Project The Danube Pollution Reduction Programme has identified over 30 municipal ”hot spots” of water pollution in the Danube basin The project would reduce nutrient pollution from hotspot enterprises on the Danube River and its tributaries through investment in cleaner production and better waste management technologies as well as institutional and monitoring & enforcement development Main point source nutrient discharging enterprises in ROS are fertilizer factories, slaughterhouse and meat processing industries, and large pig and cattle farms.
Fertilizer Factories and Agro-processors • (i) the IHP Prahova Phosphate Fertilizer Factory • (ii) the HI Zorka Sabac Fertilizer Factory • (iii) HIP Azotara Pancevo which was previously part of the large Pancevo Industrial Complex • The objective of the Reduction of Enterprise Nutrient Discharges Project (RENDR) would be to reduce nutrient pollution from hotspot industrial enterprises, increase Republic of Serbia’s capacity to effectively control water quality and thereby meet its international commitments as well as harmonize with the European Union Directives
Reduction of Enterprise Nutrient Discharges Project would consist of four components: (i) Investment in Industrial Nutrient Reduction (incl. fertilizer factories, agro-processors, and large-scale livestock farms), (ii) Policy Reform and Capacity Building, (iii) Awareness Raising and Replicability Strategy; and (iv) Project Management and MonitoringThe project would fund the policy and legal reforms that will support reduction of industrial nutrient pollution and support Republic of Serbia in its goal to gradually harmonize its environmental laws and regulations with those in the EU aquis. In particular, the project would support harmonization of the relevant laws and regulations with EU’s Nitrates Directive.
Institutional and Legal Framework A New System Law on Environmental Protection has been designed to overcome some of the institutional shortcomings that so far have hampered the effective implementation of environmental policy including water protection. The Law also provides for the establishment of an Environmental Protection Agency that will, inter alia, lead to more systematic monitoring, enhanced environmental information, and stricter inspections and enforcement, including for water. The Draft System Law on Environmental Protection is in harmony with EU's Directive concerning integrated pollution prevention and control, also known as the IPPC Directive (96/61/EC).
According to the Rio Conference, Johannesburg Summit and Kiev Ministerial Conference, we undertake obligation to actively cooperate in the field of protection and sustainable use of international water currents, first of all the Danube, Save, Tisa and Ibar River, by means of strengthening the joint initiatives, developing plans for joint monitoring. The objective of the Reduction of Enterprise Nutrient Discharges Project (RENDR) would be to reduce nutrient pollution from hotspot industrial enterprises, increase Republic of Serbia’s capacity to effectively control water quality and thereby meet its international commitments as well as harmonize with the European Union Directives. Conclusions