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  2. 5th WORLD WATER FORUM ISTANBULPECC INTERNATIONAL PROJECT 2007-2009SESSION ON SMALL ISLANDSIntroducing Guidelines on water management in islands, coastal and isolated areas THE LEGAL APPROACH FOR A BETTER MANAGEMENT OF WATER

  3. OBSERVATIONS • All users, being private, industrial, agricultural, are confronted with the need to move towards more efficient and more secured water consumption worldwide. • Water crisis commands attention; conflicts may arise between competing use of water, raising questions about rights to access to water, its appropriate economic value, and priorities for its use. (Michel Rocard - Nouméa 2008) • Mechanisms of market are necessary but not sufficient to allocate scarce resources. • Water scarcity has to conduct to new models of regulation and governance of production and sharing out, with a link between the global and the local level. • Very few entity of regulation and very often no national water policy. • Water difficulties are always linked to : - local, regional and international components, - sociological and cultural components.

  4. THE STAKES A sustainable and responsible management of water*, The preservation of water quality*, An access to water for all populations victims of exclusion: islands or isolated areas*, A fair sharing of water*, To prevent from conflicts and to solve them when existing : - between operators and users, - between public entity and private operator, - between geographical, economic or social category of users * Millenium development objectives 4

  5. ONE FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION How to share a common and sustainable vision of the future in water governance? That is the purpose of a legal framework.

  6. 1. LEGAL RULES TO SETTLE INSTITUTIONS • To support water management by establishing essential principles, • To identify a good specific level of governance: island or coastal dedicated level, European level of policy is the regional one or the basin one : “intercommunalité” provides a good and autonomic scale for managing a water network, • To create specific entities in charge of water governance • To create institutional parameters of solidarity : - geographical, - social, - functional, - economic…, • To identify a higher global level of governance through territories and economic activities

  7. SPECIFIC ENTITIES • Water agencies or committees at the level of the hydrological basin, • With subsidiary power regarding legal essential principles, • Trust determining by public strength or by independence both from public power and private economic operators. • With status and missions defined by the law: - research, - strategic orientations, - control of resources and good enforcement of prices policies, - measure of consumption and quality of water, - maintenance of networks, - technical and scientific assistance, - regulation of water access and use on basis of solidarity, with no extra cost for the user, and environmental efficiency, - link between governments, public local authorities, users and associations,

  8. HIGHER LEVEL OF GOVERNANCE • At global and/or international level, • Through framework agreements for water management in island territories or coastal regions and/or isolated communities • Sometimes supported by guarantee funds

  9. 2. LEGAL RULES FOR RIGHTS AND DUTIES • At the global level : • efficient, coherent and sustainable water policy • common and essential principles to guarantee access to water • preservation, protection, improvement of environment and rational use of natural resources with sanctions • global program of actions well adapted to local contexts • Elaboration of environmental quality standards • Actions through prices adjustments (taxes against pollution *... ) and scheme of water *France, Germany, Netherland

  10. 2. LEGAL RULES FOR RIGHTS AND DUTIES • At the local level : • rules and procedures for solving trans-frontiers problems within the boundaries of a common hydrographical basin, • Obligations of surveillancewith implementation of measures, • Specific rules and rights of property can also be necessary to organise new market areas.

  11. 3. LEGAL RULES FOR CONTRACTUAL FRAME • To reinforce regulation, rules can give strength to the contract, • At the central or local level, to look for : - to mobilize private economic operators and investors, - to federate financial means, competences and technologies from private economic operators, - to look for a « public – private » equilibrium. • through PPP that is the solution that presents the biggest potential for contractual invention and adaptation to diverses social and cultural contexts.

  12. PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP PPP is a tool to : - Mobilize and optimize massive financing with serious guarantee, • Improve forms of governance and efficiency of management of public services, • Establish a clear breakdown and allocation of risks between strong supervising public authorities, service private operators and financial institutions, • Transmit formation of local professionals and education of populations • Implement sustainable development policies through long term vision and day-to-day management preserving future generation, • Build trust between partners, with the staff retained, with the consumers, with the population, • Organize economic stability and predictability, • Offer disposals about disputes resolution.

  13. TOPIC POINTS OF « water PPP » • Clear share of responsibilities and benefits for an equilibrated relationship • Contractual means to regulate ( by the contract or a third person) and fulfill the political engagement for an equal access to water for all people • Regulation of prices by public authorities • Incentive measures : - either a mix of public financing and private management only remunerated by fees based on volume (percentage of new users) , to protect poor populations from discrimination, - or a mix of private financing and public subsidies (output based aids) for realising new infrastructures to bring water to isolated places, • Good balance betweenfinancial and social aims, by taking into account populations’ capacity of payment

  14. 4. LEGAL RULES TO SOLVE CONFLICTS As no specific modes of resolution of water conflicts prevail, the best way to solve conflicts is to prevent them : • By the rules and strong regulations : dissuasion and sanctions, • By a better governance and control, • By the contract which federates financial means, competences and technologies, • By creating territories of cooperation • By alternative modes of resolution of disputes

  15. WATER WAR -NEW WAYS OF CONFLICTS RESOLUTION Three means to answer needs and resolve disputes: • Define a (local or regional) area of solidarity, • Search for solutions through regional dialogue between public entities, users, associations and ONG. • At this level of solidarity, recognise or create a supra-local entity to regulate the conflicts about water property and water waste and to offer water dispute resolution service,

  16. Virtuouscircle of water SANCTIONS DISSUASION CONTRACT Public Private Partnership REGULATIONS Rights / Obligations Responsibilities Needs of water = Fulfillment of needs CONFLICTS PREVENTION REGULATION CONTROL GOVERNANCE Authorities / Organization AGREEMENT THROUGH TERRITORIES / THROUGH ACTIVITIES 16

  17. DS AVOCATS 46 rue de Bassano 75008 PARIS • 01 53 67 50 00 Fax : 01 53 67 50 01 www.dsavocats.com DS est également présent à LYON . BRUXELLES . BARCELONE . MILAN . BUENOS AIRES . PEKIN . SHANGHAI . CANTON. SEOUL . HANOI . HO CHI MINH VILLE . SEOUL . SINGAPOUR

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