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Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK . A Genious … . A Del iberator …. A Founder …. A Man of Enlightment . A Great Communicator . A Great Convincer . A g reat , careful open minded listener, without any prejudice…. The Father of us, Turks….
A great, careful openmindedlistener, without any prejudice….
He graduatedfromtheMilitarySchoolandjoinedthearmy as an officer.
He becamethechiefcommander of thearmyduringtheWar of Independence. (1919-1922)
TheTurkish Grand NationalAssemblyelectedhim as thefirstpresident.
1. PoliticalReforms • Abolishment of theoffice of the Sultan • Proclamation of theRepublic • Abolishment of thereligiousleadership
2. SocialReforms Recognition of equalrightsforwomenand men • Reform of HeadgearandDress
3. Legal Reforms • Abolishment of theCanonLaw • Transfer in to a secularlawstructure
4. Educationalandculturalreforms • Adoption of thenewTurkishalphabet
Atatürk died in 1938.His mausoleum is in Ankara, thecapitalcity of Turkey.
Thedeath of Atatürk, who had savedTurkeyduringtheWarandrevivedtheTurkishNationaftertheWar, is a greatloss, not onlyfor his country, but alsoforEurope as well. Winston CHURCHILL, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Mysorrow is that, it is no longerpossibletofulfilmystrongwishaboutmeetingwiththisman. Franklin D. ROOSEVELT (U.S. President, 10 November 1963)
TIME:“Mustafa Kemal Pasha is themanwhosucceededtocreate a wholenewnationout of theashes of a destroyed, outdatedempire...”March 24, 1923
UNITED KINGDOM Englandsalutesthegreatman, thatEngland has knownfirst as a braveandnobleenemy, then as a faithfulfriend. SundayTimes
GREECE Inthe life of a nation it is veryseldomthatchangestosuch a radicaldegreewerecarriedout in such a shortperiod of time... Without a doubt, thosewhohave done theseextraordinaryactivitieshaveearnedtheattributes of a greatman in thecomplete sense of theword. Andbecause of this, Turkey can be proud of itself. (October 31, 1933) EleutheriosVenizelos, Prime Minister of Greece
JAPAN Wefeel a greatadmirationfor Atatürk in his effortstowardsensuringthemodernization of TurkishsocietybyseparatingreligionandpoliticsfromeachotherandbycarryingouttheTurkishLanguageReforms. HayatoIkeda Prime Minister of Japan
Teachers: thenewgenerationwill be yourdevotion. • Peace at home, peace in theworld.
Sovereignty is not given, it is taken. • Teachersaretheonlyandoneswhosavenations.