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All About Deepak Kharbanda

Deepak Kharbanda has managed software release upgrades and feature roll-outs for deployment in the production network. With expert-level handling of software escalations and DevOps support, he is also experienced in Hands-on testing, debugging, and trouble-shooting expertise with Cisco, Juniper, Brocade, Dell, and Linux.

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All About Deepak Kharbanda

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  1. Deepak Kharbanda TheMostInfectiousIT Professional AresidentofMissionVijeowhoformerlylivedinIrvine.

  2. AboutDeepak Kharbanda Deepak Kharbandais a resident of Mission Vijeo who formerly lived in Irvine. Since new employment opportunities appeared in the information and technology sector, he grabbed a one and began his career as a software engineer.Fromthatpointonwards,hedevelopedhisskillsinacomparablefield. While working in this position, he was responsible for making viable arrangements for various IT tasks. In this position, he acquired abilities that helpedhimpursuehiscareertowardsgainingextraordinaryskills. Philosophy Deepak Kharbanda Irvinehas managed software release upgrades and feature roll-outsfordeploymentintheproductionnetwork.Withexpert-levelhandlingof software escalations and DevOps support, he is also experienced in Hands-on testing, debugging, and trouble-shooting expertise with Cisco, Juniper, Brocade, Dell, andLinux. DEEPAK KHARBANDA

  3. OutstandingWork DeepakKharbandaisanITexpertwhogainedimmenseknowledge inhisnichebyputtinginconsistenteffortsandhardwork. Healsoservedasadevelopmentmanagerandledthegroupsintherightdirection with his mastery and valuable experience. His expertise in project management can’t be unseen! He managed to finish the tasks and exercises considering the limitslikecosts,degree,andtimeinthisprofession. DEEPAKKHARBANDA

  4. Executive Summary Deepak Kharbanda is a resident of Mission Vijeo who formerly lived in Irvine. Since new employment opportunities appeared in the information and technology sector, he grabbed a one and began his career as a software engineer. From that point onwards, he developed his skills in a comparable field. While working in this position, he was responsible for making viable arrangements for various IT tasks. In this position, he acquired abilities that helpedhimpursuehiscareertowardsgainingextraordinaryskills. Nowhehasbecomeaninspirationformanyindividualslookingtoentersuch ahotfield.Further,hisexpertiseinotherprofessionssuchasprojectplanning, vendor management, budgeting, risk management, change management, agileprojectmanagement,etc.,cannotbeneglected. Skills MobileTechnologies Subjectmatterexpertinmobiletechnologiesandsoftwareproject methodologies‐iPhone,Androidorwebanddesktopapplications. GuidingTeams Proven success & Guiding teams throughout project life cycle, applyingadvancedcommunication,training,andmentoringskills. DEEPAKKHARBANDA

  5. Motivated achiever andprovenbottom‐ linecontributor Hello! I’m Deepak Kharbanda. Motivatedachieverandproven bottom‐linecontributor Proven success directing global quality and process improvement initiatives, systems engineering projects,operations, andprogrammanagementacrossdiverse industriesincludingdistributionandretail. Guideteamsthroughoutprojectlifecycle, applying advanced communication, training,andmentoringskills. Now he has become an inspiration for many individuals looking to enter such a hot field. Further, his expertise in other professions such as project planning, vendor management, budgeting, risk management,changemanagement,agile project management, etc., cannot be neglected. DEEPAKKHARBANDA

  6. CONTACTINFO deepakharbandairvine@gmail.com Location: CALIFORNIAIRVINE Website: http://deepakkharbanda.me/

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