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Breast Enhancement Surgery

Breast enhancement procedure is best to reshape you breast. To increase the size or restore the volume of the breasts that has been lost after weight reduction or pregnancy. To lift the sagging breast or reshaped the breast by removing excess skin.

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Breast Enhancement Surgery

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  1. Breast Enhancement Surgery Deepam Meditours (Medical Tourism Company)

  2. What is Breast Augmentation Surgery? • To increase the size or restore the volume of the breasts that has been lost after weight reduction or pregnancy. • Using silicone gel implants, saline implants or fat transfer to increase the size.

  3. When to Consider Breast Augmentation • For better proportioned or more appealing figure. • When pregnancy, weight loss or aging has affected the size and shape of the breasts. • To restore symmetry if one of the breasts is smaller than the other Do you have Questions about the procedure? Talk to us : +91-9810085065

  4. Are you a good candidate for Breast Augmentation? • The breasts are too small for the body. • Clothes that fit at the hips are too large at the bust line. • The breasts have become smaller or less firm after the children. • The breasts have become smaller due to weight loss. • One of the breast is noticeably smaller than the other.

  5. Breast Augmentation Risks • Bleeding • Infection • Changes in nipple or breast sensation • Poor scarring of skin • Wrong or faulty position of the implant • Implant leakage or rupture • The formation of tight scar tissue around the implant • Fluid accumulation (seroma) • Wrinkling of the skin over the implant • Pain, which may persist

  6. What to Expect from Breast Augmentation ? • Increase fullness and projection of the breasts • Improve the balance of the figure • Enhances self-image and self-confidence

  7. Pros & Cons of Breast Augmentation

  8. Post Op Care • Sleep in an upright position for 1-2 weeks after procedure. • No heavy lifting for 4-6 weeks has to be there. • Keep the hands and elbows to the side for 2 weeks. • No workouts for 4-6 weeks • Avoid Smoking & Alcohol

  9. What is Breast Lift Surgery? • Also known as Mastopexy • Raises the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour. 

  10. When to Consider a Breast Lift • Breasts that are pendulous but adequate in size. • Breasts that lack substance or firmness. • Nipples and areolas that point downward • Breasts that are not equal in size. • Breasts that are relatively small. Are you a good candidate for a Breast Lift? Meet Our Experts Today

  11. Breast Lift Addresses • Sagging or drooping breasts • Downward pointing nipples • Unsightly stretch marks • Overly enlarged areolas • Asymmetry between breasts

  12. Breast Lift Risks • Infection • Fluid accumulation • Poor incision healing • Scarring • Asymmetry

  13. Pros & Cons of Breast Lift

  14. A New Shape A New Perspective for Your Breasts

  15. Our Presence on Social Media…… Keep Follow Us….. Breast Enhancement Perfecting the Natural Look…. info@deepammeditours.com | +91-9810085065 | www.deepammeditours.com

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