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Mexican Army. Santa Anna had taken his brother in law Cos ’ defeat in San Antonio personally.
Mexican Army • Santa Anna had taken his brother in law Cos’ defeat in San Antonio personally. • He raised an army of about 6,000 soldiers and marched north in the dead of winter. It was a terrible winter and it snowed in south Texas and northern Mexico. Santa Anna lost hundreds of men to sickness and exposure but managed to arrive in Texas in February of 1836.
Santa Anna split his army in two. General Urrea was to take south Texas while Santa Anna himself to take San Antonio.
San Antonio and the Alamo • In San Antonio William Barrett Travis and James Bowie were the co-commanders of the Texas forces in San Antonio and used the Alamo mission as their base. • They had about 150 Texian soldiers to protect the city. • Travis was in charge of the “Regulars” (Soldiers who signed a commitment to serve) • Bowie was in charge of the volunteer militia. • They would often argue over command William B. Travis and Jim Bowie the commanders of the Alamo I have a big knife!
The Alamo in March of 1836. The Mexicans had fortified it and placed 18 cannons around the perimeter. The Texians took control after the battle of San Antonio in December of 1835
Santa Anna Arrives • Santa Anna’s Mexican army arrived on Feb the 23rd 1836. • The Texians were totally surprised and rushed into the Alamo for safety as they could not hold the town of San Antonio. • Bowie tried to parley (a discussion between enemies) for good terms of surrender with the Mexican army. This upset Travis who considered himself in charge.
Travis ordered a cannon to be fired at the Mexicans ending any hope of a peaceful ending… NO SURRENDER!!!!
Juan Seguin and James Butler Bonham served as letter carriers and slipped past the Mexican lines. Segun was not allowed to return by Houston. Bonham returned after delivering his message even though he knew he faced certain death… Colonel Travis was able to dispatch riders carrying letters to General Houston and other Texians describing of his situation and requesting help. Travis and Bowie desperately needed more soldiers!
COMMANDANCY OF BEXAR, 3 o'clock p.m.: The enemy in large force are in sight. We want men and provisions. Send them to us. We have 150 men and are determined to defend the Alamo to the last. Give us assistance. William Barrett Travis
Travis sent his most famous letter on the second day of the siege: To The People of Texas andAll Americans In The World --February 24, 1836 Fellow citizens & compatriots -- I am besieged, by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna -- I have sustained a continual Bombardment & cannonade for 24 hours & have not lost a man -- The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion, otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword, if the fort is taken -- I have answered the demand with a cannon shot, & our flag still waves proudly from the walls -- I shall never surrender or retreat. I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism, & every thing dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch -- The enemy is receiving reinforcements daily & will no doubt increase to three or four thousand in four or five days. If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country -- VICTORY OR DEATH William Barret TravisLt. Col. Comdt.
The Alamo Siege • After the Mexicans arrived on Feb 23rd, they settled into a siege of the Alamo. • They flew a red flag which meant no quarter. (no mercy, no prisoners) • During the 13 day siege the Mexican army inched closer and closer to the Alamo walls. • They fired cannons at the fort day and night and harassed the defenders by having the Mexican Military band play a song titled “El Degüello” which meant “Slit Throat”.
By the 24th of February James Bowie had become extremely sick and was bedridden for the rest of the siege. • Another blow for Travis came on March 1st , reinforcements came from Gonzales but it was only 32 men. Known as the “Immortal 32” • How many Texians were there at the Alamo? The tradition number of defenders is 189. But some estimates range up to as many as 257.
Santa Anna decided to assault the Alamo on March the 6th. At 5 a.m. 2,000 Mexicans attacked on all 4 sides. The Texians put up a noble fight but stood no chance. They were out numbered more than 10 to 1 The battle lasted no more than 90 minutes, every Texian defender was killed. Santa Anna ordered “No Quarter” which meant take no prisoners.
Travis is one of the first Texans to be killed. • According to his slave Joe (who survived the battle) Travis was shot in the head in the first few minutes on the North Wall. • Bowie, too sick to fight, is killed in his bed. • Movie accounts show him firing pistols at the on coming Mexicans but there is zero evidence to support this How did Crockett die?
How did David Crockett die? • It’s a mystery! • There are many different opinions on this. Some think that he survived the battle along with a few others and was executed afterwards. Others think he died defending the palisade. Still others think that as many as 60 of the defenders including Crockett jumped the walls to escape during the assault and were killed outside the Alamo. • There are so many different eye witness accounts from Mexican soldiers and survivors of the battle like Susanna Dickinson and Travis’ slave Joe that history will never know.
Aftermath of the Battle Not everyone in the Alamo died. About 20 or so non-combatants: women, children, and slaves were spared by Santa Anna including Susanna Dickinson and Travis’ slave Joe. Santa Anna told Susanna Dickinson to tell Texas General Houston and the Americans in Texas about what had happened at the Alamo and that if the Americans didn’t leave Texas the same thing would happen to them as well.
The Alamo defender’s ashes at San Fernando Cathedral in San Antonio The Alamo defenders were burned in a huge fire. After the war, Juan Seguin would return to the Alamo and give them a proper burial.
How many Mexican soldiers were killed in the battle? • The number of Mexicans killed in the siege and the battle is probably between 200 and 600. • Santa Anna did not bring medical supplies with him and because of this men who suffered bad wounds would die instead of being saved by medical treatment.
Just the Facts Battle of the Alamo Who fought? Texian and Tejano Revolutionaries vs the Republic of Mexico Strength of forces Mexican Army: 3000 Texian army: 189-250 Leadership Texas: William B. Travis and James Bowie Mexico: Santa Anna Outcome Mexican Victory Loses Texas: All defenders Mexico: 200-600