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World War I. Chapter 29. The Rise of Nationalism. Nations competing for power Competition for colonies in Africa and Asia Other groups, Serbs, Bulgarians, Romanians pushing for independence. Military Powers. European Nations believed they needed to have a powerful military
World War I Chapter 29
The Rise of Nationalism • Nations competing for power • Competition for colonies in Africa and Asia • Other groups, Serbs, Bulgarians, Romanians pushing for independence
Military Powers • European Nations believed they needed to have a powerful military • Militarism- policy of glorifying the military power and keeping an army prepared for war
Militarism Frightened Many “The entire able-bodied population are preparing to massacre one another; though no one, it is true, wants to attack, and everybody protests his love of peace and determination to maintain it, yet the whole world feels that it only requires some unforeseen incident, some unpreventable accident, for the spark to fall in a flash…and blow all Europe sky-high” –Frederic Passy (1895)
Otto Von Bismarck What tactic/strategy did he use to unify Germany?
Rivalries and Alliances • Bismarck believed Germany’s greatest threat was France “As long as it is without allies…France poses no danger to us” -Otto Von Bismarck
Triple Alliance • Germany formed a dual alliance with Austria-Hungary • Italy joined the Alliance a couple years later • Bismarck then also signed a treaty with Russia
Triple Alliance Treaty • What country was this document bringing into the alliance? • What was one of the chief aims of the Triple Alliance? • What happens if Italy is attacked by France? • Article 4: What happens if a great power attacks one of the high contracting powers? • Is the treaty secretive or open? • How long is the treaty initially in force for?
Germany Slips Up • Kaiser Wilhelm II forced Bismarck to resign in 1890 • He did not want to share power with anyone • Wanted to show the world how mighty Germany was
Germany Slips Up • Wilhelm let treaty with Russia run out in 1890 • Russia formed a military alliance with France in 1892 • This was Bismarck’s greatest fear… • War with one would be war with the other • 2 front war
Germany Slips Up • Wilhelm also began a massive ship building project • Wanted his navy equivalent to Great Britain • GB was threatened by Germany
Triple Entente • Great Britain forms an alliance with France • In 1907, Great Britain, France, and Russia formed the Triple Entente
Triple Alliance Triple Entente France, Russia, and Great Britain Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
The Ottoman Empire • The Ottoman Empire encompassed Turkey and the Balkan Peninsula • However, its power was in decline and several nationalist groups declared their independence
Balkan Nations • These new formed countries in the Balkans included Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia • All these countries looked to extend their borders
Serbia • Had a large Slavic population • Wanted to absorb all Slavs on the Balkan Peninsula • Russia, mostly Slavic, supported Serbian Nationalism • Austria-Hungary did not Novak Djokovic
Austria-Hungary • Was afraid a Slavic Nation in the Balkans would stir rebellion amongst its Slavic population • 1908, took over Bosnia and Herzegovina (2 areas with large Slavic populations)
Tensions between A-H and Serbia • Serbs were outraged by this • Serbs vowed to take Bosnia and Herzegovina • Austria-Hungary vowed to crush any Serbian effort to undermine their authority in the Balkans
Remember Back…19 Years Previous “The entire able-bodied population are preparing to massacre one another; though no one, it is true, wants to attack, and everybody protests his love of peace and determination to maintain it, yet the whole world feels that it only requires some unforeseen incident, some unpreventable accident, for the spark to fall in a flash…and blow all Europe sky-high” –Frederic Passy (1895)
“A Shot Rings Throughout Europe” • The heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated on June 28, 1914 • He and his wife, Sophie, were paying a visit to Bosnia
“A Shot Rings Throughout Europe” • He was assassinated by GavriloPrincip, a Serbian and member of the Black Hand • The Black Hand was a secret society • Their goal was to rid Bosnia of Austrian rule
BorijoveJevtic’s Account You are an Editor for the “Serbian Chronicle.” Write a newspaper account of the events that took place on June 28. Use quotes from BorijoveJevtic.
Franz Ferdinand Band • Formed in 2002 • Song “All for you, Sophia” is speaking of “Sophie” as well as mentions GavriloPrincip, the Black Hand, and “Urban” (Franz Ferdinand)
War Breaks Out • Austria saw this murder as an excuse to punish Serbia • On July 28 Austria declared war on Serbia
Russia Joins War • Russia was an ally of Serbia with its large Slavic population • Russia ordered the mobilization of troops to the Austrian border
Triple Alliance Triple Entente France, Russia, and Great Britain Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
Chain Reaction • Russia also began mobilizing troops to the German border • Germany then declared war on Russia on August 1
Chain Reaction • 2 days after, August 3rd, Germany declared war on France • Great Britain then declared war on Germany
Central Powers • Germany • Austria-Hungary • Bulgaria * • Ottoman Empire * *Joined in hopes of regaining lost territory
Allied Powers • Great Britain • France • Russia • Japan joined shortly there after • Italy joined after accusing its former partners (Austria and Germany) of unjustly starting a war
World War I Many thought the war would be very short… Not many knew how horrible this war would actually be…
Quiz • What country carried out the Schlieffen Plan? • Name 3 Central Powers. • Give 2 reasons why the US entered World War I. • What did the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk do?
Germany: Schlieffen Plan • Plan was to defeat France in the West quickly • Then move East and defeat Russia • Russia lagged behind France in railroads and industry
Germany: Schlieffen Plan • By Fall, Germany was finding great success in defeating France on the Western Front • Germany had swept into France and were on the outskirts of Paris
First Battle of the Marne • Great Victory for France • Outside of Paris • France threw everything they had at Germany • After 4 days of fighting, Germany retreated
First Battle of Marne • Schlieffen Plan was now left in ruins • A quick victory on the Western Front for Germany now did not look too promising • Stalemate on the Western Front
Trench Warfare • Opposing armies dug up trenches/ditches that they fought from • Area between trenches was known as “No man’s land” • Armies trade huge loses fighting in the trenches
Trenches • Conditions were awful! • Mud • Rats • Malnutrition • Lack of Sleep • Artillery fire was aimed at the trenches
“The men slept in mud, washed in mud, ate mud, and dreamed mud.” -Anonymous Soldier
“Shells of all calibers kept raining on our sector…The trenches disappeared, filled with earth…The air was unbreathable. Our blinded, wounded crawling, and shouting soldiers kept falling on top of us and died splashing us with food. It was living Hell.” -French Soldier
A Global Conflict • Japan and Australia joined the Allies • The Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria joined the Central Powers • France and Great Britain used its colonists in Africa to help fight the war
World War I Allied Powers Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary Bulgaria Ottoman Empire • Great Britain • France • Russia • Italy • Japan • United States (Joined 1917)