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Methods 1 Parallel recordings of mushroom body local field potentials and antennal lobe PNs

Take home point: Action potentials in a distributed neural network can be precisely timed via distributed oscillatory fields events. When you remove those oscillations you desynchronize distributed activity and this results in a specific impairment, the loss of fine odor discrimination. Methods 1

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Methods 1 Parallel recordings of mushroom body local field potentials and antennal lobe PNs

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  1. Take home point: Action potentials in a distributed neural network can be precisely timed via distributed oscillatory fields events. When you remove those oscillations you desynchronize distributed activity and this results in a specific impairment, the loss of fine odor discrimination.

  2. Methods 1 • Parallel recordings of mushroom body local field potentials and antennal lobe PNs • Stimulate with a panel of odors/repeats and blanks • Apply PCT and repeat stimulation • Analysis includes • Visual inspection of raw data • Sliding window Correlograms (auto and cross) • Power spectral density analysis

  3. Results: LFP correlates spiking activity A. Autocorrelograms reveal odor-driven oscillations B-D. Crosscorrelograms reveal odor-driven phase locking of action potentials to odor-driven oscillations E. Two cells transiently synchronize spikes and sub threshold events

  4. Results: GABA blockers abolish odor-driven oscillations odor-driven oscillations lost pre vs during PCT Loss of power in the oscillatory range that is present during odor response pre vs during PCT Autocorrelograms reveal odor-driven oscillations are lost during PCT

  5. Spike trains appear unaffected by PCT Two cells and two repeats of three odors show consistent odor-dependent responses Parallel LFP recordings show PCT-dependent loss of power One cell in response to one odor (4 repeats) before vs during PCT Responses are unaffected. One cell 3 odors and PCT: same story plus cell maintains odor-dependent responses during PCT

  6. Methods 2 • Groups of honeybees conditioned • Apply either PCT or saline vehicle in separate groups • Tested in a stimulus generalization paradigm • Analysis includes • Statistical comparison of groups using t-tests

  7. Conclusions: • Output cells phase lock to local field potentials only transiently during odor-driven response • This provides a temporal sequence of synchronized spikes across a distributed population. • TOS is mediated by GABA, blocking GABA only disrupts this synchronizing mechanism • This loss of synchronization only affects discrimination of closely related odors • Thus the temporal aspect of encoding of odors disambiguates closely related odor representations.

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