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BAB XIII KONSEP PEMASARAN INTI (Core marketing Concepts). Tradiionally: A market was a physical place where buyers and sellers gathered to exchange goods ( Philip Kotler) Market is a group of sellers and buyers who are willing to exchange goods and servicers. ( McCarthy and Perreault). Needs
BAB XIII KONSEP PEMASARAN INTI (Core marketing Concepts) Tradiionally: A market was a physical place where buyers and sellers gathered to exchange goods (Philip Kotler) Market is a group of sellers and buyers who are willing to exchange goods and servicers. (McCarthy and Perreault) Needs Wants, Demands MARKET (PASAR) Market Product Core Marketing Concepts Exchange, Transaction And Relationships Value, Satisfaction And Quality Economists: A market as a collection of buyers and sellers who transact over a particular product class. Businesspeople: use the term market to cover various grouping of customers. (Philip Kotler). Marketer: A market is the set of actual and potential buyers of product MARKET (PASAR)
Needs are the basic human requirements The needs become wants when they are directed to specific objects that might safisty the need. Demands are wants for specific product backed by an ability to pay Product Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. Value as a ratio between what the customer gets and what he gives. Value can be seen as primarily a combination of quality, service, and price (QSP) MARKET SEGMENTATION, TARGETING, POSITIONING Mass marketing Micromarketing Segments Niches Local areas Individuals Target marketing Involves three activities: Market segmentation Market targeting Market psoitioning
MARKET SEGMENTATION Markets are not Homogeneous A company cannot Connect with all Customers in large, broad, Or diverse market. Customers vary on many dimensions and often can be grouped according to one or more characteristics. WHAT IS A MARKET SEGMENT ? A company needs to identify which market segments it can serve effectivey A market segment consists of a group of customers who share a similar set of wants. A marketer does not create the segment, the marketer’s task is to identify the segment and decide which one (s) to target. SEGMENTING CONSUMER Bases for segmenting consumer markets Geographic, Demographic, psychographic, Behavioral
SEGMENTING BUSINESS MARKETS Bases for segmenting business markets Demographic, Operating, variables, Purchasing approach, Situational factors, Personal characteristic. KALAU SUDAH DISEGMENTASIKAN TERUS ? EVALUATING AND SELECTING THE MARKET SEGMENT The firm must look at two factors: The segment’s overall attractiveness. The company’s objectives and resources. Measurable Substantial Accessible Differentiable Actionable Effective Segmentation Criteria MARKET POSITIONING All marketing strategy is buil on STP – Segmentation, targeting, And Positioning. What is Positioning?
No company can win if its Products and offerings Resemble every other Product and offering. Kotler & Keller Positioning start with a product. A piece of merchandise, a service, a company, an institution, or even a person….But positioning is not what you do to a product. Positioning is what you do to the mind of the prospect. That is, you position the product in the mind of the prospect Positioning is the act of designing the company’s offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the mind of the target market. (Kotler) Positioning as the strategy to lead your customer credibly. Positioning menjadi penentu eksistensi merek,produk dan perusahaan di benak pelanggan. Positioning adalah reason for being bagi merek, produk, dan perusahaan. Hermawan Kertajaya
Positioning haruslah bersifat unik, sehingga dapat dengan mudah mendefernsiasikan diri dari para pesaing. Positioning harus berkelanjutan dan selalu relevan dengan berbagai perubahan dalam lingkungan bisnis. Positioning harus dipersepsi secara positif oleh pelanggan dan menjadi reason to buy. Positioning harus mencerminkan kekuatan dan keunggulan kompetitif. Membangun Positioning yang tepat. Membangun Positioning yang tepat. The result positioning is the successful creation of a “customer-focused value proposition”, a cogent reason why the target market should buy the product. Several different positioning Possibilities Attribute positioning Benefit positioning Use or application positioning User positioning Proudct category positioning Quality or price positioning Hasil Positioning
Apa yang disukai oleh konsumen, atau sesuatu yang penting di mata konsumen. Harus unik dan jelas beda dengan pesaing. Harus didukung oleh produk atau perusahaan itu sendiri Hal-hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam membuat positioning Communicating the product or Company’s positioning A marketing plan should Include a positioning statement Once the company has developed a clear positioning statement, it must communicate that positioning effectively through all the elements of the marketing mix.