Dear Leader, For the past few years, the SGTC team has been conducting CSI surveys to measure our performance in four areas: Quality of work, On time delivery, Responsiveness, & Communication. Starting today, we will be conducting a new survey on our partnership with you, at the leadership level. Completing this survey will only take few minutes. We would appreciate your response by 15th November 2013. Simply click on the link below, or cut and paste the entire URL into your browser to access the survey: http://websrv3.in.webmyne.com/Strykar/DisplaySurvey/displaysurvey.aspx?SurveyID=MQ==@ Survey password: PHtW4 Details of our engagement SGTC team size: 5 Last Average CSI score by Division Managers: 4.5 Divisional Contacts: ____________ Thank you for your valuable feedback for improving our partnership. Sincerely, SGTC Team