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Efficient Algorithms for Alternate Paths & Bridges in Networks and Geometric Graphs. Amit M Bhosle Department of Computer Science University of California, Santa Barbara. Overview. Transient failures and proactive recovery schemes Single link failure recovery: definition and solutions
Efficient Algorithms for Alternate Paths & Bridges in Networks and Geometric Graphs Amit M Bhosle Department of Computer Science University of California, Santa Barbara
Overview • Transient failures and proactive recovery schemes • Single link failure recovery: definition and solutions • Related link failure problems • Improvements for restricted graphs • Single node failure recovery: definition and solutions • Bridges connecting polygons • Open Problems
Failures in IP Backbones • Five 9s availability (99.999% uptime) is highly desirable • VOIP, VPN, Banking, Multimedia Conferencing, Shopping, … • Failures occur quite frequently • Faulty interfaces, router/link failures, maintenance activity • Markopolu, et al. (2004) characterized the failures in IP backbones • About 20% failures due to planned activity (e.g. maintenance) • Most unplanned failures in communication networks are transient and affect a single element • 46% last less than 1 minute • 86% last less than 10 minutes • 85% of all failures affect a single link or node • Handling transient single node or link failures is key to ensuring high availability
Proactive Recovery Schemes • Popular technique of handling transient failures • Precompute alternate paths that avoid the failed element • When a failure actually occurs • Suppress the failure, instead of the traditional approach of advertising it across the network (and hope that it is a transient issue) • Use the precomputed alternate paths to reroute traffic (and survive the failure)
Single Link Failure Recovery (SLFR) • Given an edge weighted graph G (V,E), and the shortest paths tree Ts = {e1 , e2 ,…, en-1}of a node s, where ei= {xi , yi} and xi is the parent of yiin Ts • For 1 ≤ i ≤ n-1, find the shortest path from yi to s in the graph G-i = G \ ei • G-i is obtained from G by deleting the edge ei • G assumed to be 2-edge-connected, and undirected
Single Node Failure Recovery (SNFR) • Given an edge weighted graph G(V,E), and the shortest paths tree Tsof a node s, where Cx= {x1 , x2 , x3 ,…, xk}denote the children of x in Ts • For each node x є G, and x ≠ s, find a path from each xiєCxto s in the graph G-x = (V \ x, E \ Ex) • G-x is obtained from G by deleting the node x and all its edges • G assumed to be 2-node-connected, and undirected
SLFR SNFR s s x x xj y xi
SLFR, SNFR: Naïve Algorithm • Recompute the shortest paths tree of s separately in each of the n-1 failure graphs (G-igraphs for SLFR problem, and G-xgraphs for SNFR problem) • Time Complexity: Since we have O(n)failure graphs, the naïve algorithm requires O(n(m+nlog n))time • Simple, but inefficient (at least for undirected graphs)
SLFR, SNFR: Our Results • SLFR: O(m + nlog n)time for computing optimal alternate paths • Planar undirected graphs: linear time • Undirected, integer edge weights: O(m + Tsort(n)) • Currently Tsort(n) = O(n log log n) [Han ’02] • Some improvements for replacement-paths problem • Given an s-t shortest path, find alternate s-t paths if each edge of the original s-t shortest path fails, one at a time • SNFR: O(m log n)time algorithm • Computes good alternate paths – within 15% of optimal for randomly generated graph with 100 – 1000 nodes, and an average degree of 10 – 30
SLFR: Key Properties s x y u v • (u, v) offers an alt path with weight p(u,v) = d(y,v) + w(v,u) + d(u,s) • Shortest alternate path minimizes p over all such escape edges • p’(u,v) = d(s,y) + p(u,v) = d(s,v) + w(v,u) + d(u,s) • does not changethe final answer • is independent of (x,y)
SLFR: A Recursive Algorithm s x b2 b1 g1 g2 • g edges have exactly one end point inside the subtree of x, and are valid escape edges for x. • b edges have both end points within the subtree of x, and are not valid escape edges for x. • All these were valid escape edges for the children of x • How do we efficiently determine whether an edge is a valid escape edge or not?
DFS Start / End Labels (1,14) (12,13) (2,11) u w (5,10) (3,4) (8,9) (6,7) v • Assign start and end labels to nodes as a depth-first-search traversal of the tree starts or ends at the node • A node v belongs to the subtree of u iff dfsStart(u) < dfsStart(v) < dfsEnd(v) < dfsEnd(u) • Valid escape edges have exactly one end point in the node’s subtree
SLFR Algorithm • Organize escape edges in a heap H, with the p’ weights as the priority of the heap elements • For leaf nodes, H.findMin retrieves the best escape edge • Hx meld(Hx, Hx1, Hx2 ,…, Hxk) where xi is a child node of x • At this point, Hxmay contain some invalid edges • To find the escape edge for x: • while (Hx.findMin is invalid) Hx.deleteMin • x.escapeEdge = Hx.findMin
SLFR Algorithm: Time Complexity • The previous algorithm has O(m) deleteMin, O(m+n) findMin and O(n) meld operations • F-heaps have O(log n) for deleteMin, and O(1) for findMin and meld operations. Thus, this algorithm has O(m log n) total time complexity • We can reduce the number of candidate escape edges from O(m) to O(n) in O(m + n log n)time using an MST property. • This improves time complexity to near-optimal O(m + n log n) • DAGs admit a linear time solution
SLFR Algorithm: k-RE-MST • k-RE-MST: • For each edge of the MST, find the k least cost edges of G across the cut induced by deleting the edge • Sub-problem in Shen’s randomized algorithm [Shen ’99] for finding the k most vital edges of an MST • Shen’s algorithm has O(n2) time complexity, bottlenecked at the k-RE-MST solution • SLFR can be easily generalized to solve this problem in O(m + n log n)time, and achieve corresponding improvement in Shen’s algorithm • For each node, find not just 1, but k cheapest valid edges • Insert the valid edges thus found back after a node has been processed
SNFR: Key Properties s G x xj x1 xi gj bq bp gi • Green edges (e.g. gi, gj) have one end point outside the subtree of x. • giand gjcan be used by xiand xj respectively to reach s. • Blue edges (e.g. bp, bq) run between subtrees of siblings. • Together with green edges, they can offer a valid alternate paths. • E.g. bpoffers an alternate path to x1(either bq gj, or directly using gi).
SNFR: Constructing Rx s G x xj x1 xi gj bq bp gi sx sx yi yj y1 yi y1 yj Rx Tsx
SNFR Algorithm • Recursive algorithm somewhat similar to the SLFR algorithm • Each node needs the following information • Cheapest green edge for each child node • Blue edges among the subtrees of the child nodes • An edge is green for a node if it has one end point in the node’s subtree, and the other outside the node’s parent’s subtree • An edge is blue in Rx if x is the nearest-common-ancestor of the two end points of the edge
SNFR Algorithm (Contd.) • Using NCA data structures, precompute the set of blue edges in each Rx • Merge green edges heaps of child nodes to build the green edges heap for a parent node • At this point, parent node’s heap may contain some invalid edges • Use DFS start/end labels to check if edge is a valid green edge; discard if not • Using heaps with O(log n) time for deleteMin, findMin and meld operations, we have an O(m log n) solution • O(m) deleteMin, O(n) meld and O(m+n) findMin operations
A Proactive Recovery Scheme Using Paths Computed by SLFR/SNFR • SLFR/SNFR assign an escape edge to each node • The escape edge defines the alternate path that avoids the failed element • If (u,v) is the escape edge of node x, if x’s parent (or the parent link) is down, send message to u • Embed control information in the message so that intermediate nodes know how to handle the message • Message should be routed to u, and not s • Important to provide loop-free routing • u sends message to v along (u,v), after which it is v’s responsibility to send the message to s (u deletes the control information)
SLFR/SNFR: Improvements to Related Problems • Anti-block vital edge [SXX ’07] • Very similar to the SLFR problem, except that the aim is to find the edge which results in the largest ratio PG-e(u,s) / PG(u,s) • Authors present an O(n3) algorithm for this problem • An O(n) post-processing of SLFR results suffices to solve this problem in near-optimal O(m + n log n) total time • Most Vital Node under Uncertainty [Yan ’06] • Given an s-t path, alternate paths are defined as those in SNFR problem (from child of failed node to t). • Find node u (nextHop = v) which produces longest path: PG(s,u) + PG-v(u,t) • Using our path weight functions, and techniques similar to those for the most-vital-node solution [NPW03], this problem can be solved in near-optimal O(m + n log n) total time
Some Open Problems Related to SLFR/SNFR • Directed graphs • Our upper bounds are strictly for undirected graphs • (m n) lower bound holds for directed graphs in path comparison model (as long as m = O(n n) ) • Recently, replacement paths problem solved in O(n log3n) time for directed planar graphs [EPR ’08] • Multiple link failures • Any two links in the network? We presented an O(n3) algorithm for computing alternate s-t paths when the 2 failed links are on the original s-t path • Trivial lower bound of (n2) for 2-link version • Multiple node failures • Any two nodes in the network • Failure of related nodes • Two end points of an edge • A node and all of its k - hop neighbors
Some Open Problems Related to SLFR/SNFR (Contd.) • Faster algorithm and/or better alternate paths for SNFR problem • Our solution runs in O(m log n) time, and does not compute optimal alternate paths • Naïve upper bound for computing optimal alt paths: O(n(m + n log n)) • Distributed algorithms for the SLFR/SNFR problems • All known algorithms are centralized, and need information of the entire network graph as input • Especially of interest if all other steps performed at setup time are distributed algorithms • A proactive recovery scheme that uses these efficient paths and doesn’t need to alter/wrap the original message • Enriching message headers (with escape edge information) not always desirable • Original message may need to be split into multiple messages if we wrap it in a new message along with the escape edge information
Bridge Connecting Simple Polygons • P & Q are two simple, disjoint polygons • Bridge (p, q), with p єρ(P), qєρ(Q) • ρ() defines the region enclosed by the boundary of the polygon • Weight of the bridge (p,q)is: w (p,q) = gd(p, P) + d(p,q) + gd(q, Q) • gd(x, X): Geodesic distance between x and its geodesic furthest neighbor in X • d(a,b): Euclidean distance between points a and b • Problem is to find a bridge connecting P and Q which has minimum weight
Bridge Illustration P Q p q gd(p,P) = gd(p,p’) gd(q,Q) = gd(q,q’) p’ q’ w(p,q) = d(p,q) + gd(p,p’) + gd(q,q’)
Bridge Properties y y Q w(opt visible bridge) ~ 2x + 2y w(opt bridge) ~ x + 2y x P z Opt bridge’s end points may not be mutually visible: a restriction imposed/assumed in earlier results on the bridge problem x >> y >> z
Opt Bridge has End Points on the Polygon Boundaries p q P q’ Q gd(q,Q) = gd(q,r) gd(q’,Q) = gd(q’,r’) r r’ • gd(q’,r’)≤d(q’,q) + gd(q,r’) ≤ d(q’,q) + gd(q,r) • gd(q’,Q) ≤ d(q’,q) + gd(q,Q) w(p,q) = gd(p,P) + d(p,q) + gd(q,Q) w(p,q’) = gd(p,P) + d(p,q’) + gd(q’,Q) ≤ gd(p,P) + d(p,q’) + d(q’,q) + gd(q,Q) = gd(p,P) + d(p,q) + gd(q,Q) • w(p,q’) ≤ w(p,q)
O(n log n)Algorithm for Optimal Vertex Bridge • Vertex bridge is between the vertices of the 2 polygons • Additively weighted nearest-point Voronoi diagram • Each Voronoi point u has an associated weight wv • Query for point p returns a point v such that d(p, v) + wv = MIN u є V{d(p,u) + wu} • Can be built in O(n log n) time [Aurenhammer-Imai ’88] • Query can be answered in O(log n) time • Geodesic furthest neighbors of all vertices of a simple polygon can be found in O(n log n) time [Suri ’89]
Optimal Vertex Bridge (Contd.) • For each vertex q є Q, assign weight wq = gd(q, Q) • O(n log n) total time • For each vertex p є P, find the vertex q є Q with minimum d(p, q) + wq • This would be the best vertex bridge with p as one end point • Each query in O(log n) time • Check all vertices of P for the optimal vertex bridge • Total time O(n log n)
Approximately Optimal Bridge • Divide each edge into k uniform segments • Run the vertex bridge algorithm: O(kn log kn) time • Approximation ratio: 1 + 2/k Q P c a’ gd(p,P) = gd(p,p’) = x gd(a,P) = gd(a,a’) gd(q,Q) = y a q p x p’ d(a,p) = gd(a,p) ≤ x gd(a,P) = gd(a, a’) ≤ d(a,p) + gd(p,a’) ≤ 2x d(a,c) ≤d(a,p) + d(p,q) + d(q,c) ≤x + d(p,q) + y w(a,c) = gd(a,P) + d(a,c) + gd(c,Q) ≤ 2x + (x + d(p,q) + y) + 2y ≤3 (x + d(p, q) + y) Analysis can be extended to prove the ratio of 1 + 2/k
Optimal Bridge • We narrow the set of points that can support an optimal bridge to O(n2) anchors on each polygon’s boundary • These O(n2) anchors can be found in O(n2 log n) time • The optimal vertex bridge algorithm takes an additional O(n2log n) time for finding the bridge • the polygons can be considered to have O(n2) vertices each
Open Problems Related to Bridges • Faster algorithm for the optimal bridge and optimal vertex bridge connecting simple polygons • What if the bridge itself is geodesic (instead of Euclidean)? • Exact algorithm? • Approximation schemes?
SLFR => RE-MST • RE-MST: • For each edge of the MST, find the least cost edge of G across the cut induced by deleting the edge • Has been exhaustively studied as the MST sensitivity problem • Efficient algorithms known • O(m α(m,n))for general graphs • Linear time for planar graphs • SLFR and the replacement paths problems can be reduced to the RE-MST problem in O(Tmst(m,n) + Tsssp(m,n)) time • Reduced graph has O(n) nodes and O(2n) edges • Linear time for planar graphs • O(m + n α(2n,n)) for integer edge weight graphs