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A novel role for opioids: the reversal of established hyperalgesia and chronic pain by synaptic depotentiation

A novel role for opioids: the reversal of established hyperalgesia and chronic pain by synaptic depotentiation. LS07-040. Jürgen Sandkühler, Ruth Drdla-Schutting , Burkhard Gustorff. Project-team. Univ. –Prof. Dr. Burkhard Gustorff , DEAA . Ass.-Prof. Mag. Ruth Drdla-Schutting , PhD.

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A novel role for opioids: the reversal of established hyperalgesia and chronic pain by synaptic depotentiation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A novel role for opioids: the reversal of established hyperalgesia and chronic pain by synaptic depotentiation LS07-040 Jürgen Sandkühler, Ruth Drdla-Schutting, Burkhard Gustorff

  2. Project-team Univ. –Prof. Dr. Burkhard Gustorff, DEAA Ass.-Prof. Mag. Ruth Drdla-Schutting, PhD Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sandkühler

  3. A synaptic amplifier of pain at the spinal level Noxiousstimulus

  4. Spinal dorsal horn µ-Opioid receptor IR Opioid receptors at the spinal relay for nociception

  5. A brief, high-dose opioid application persistently reverses LTP Drdla-Schutting et al., Science 335 (2012) 235

  6. A brief, high-dose opioid application persistently reverses LTP Drdla-Schutting et al., Science 335 (2012) 235

  7. Mechanisms of LTP reversal by opioids Drdla-Schutting et al., Science 335 (2012) 235

  8. Capsaicin High-dose opioid Opioids reverse hyperalgesia in behaving animals Drdla-Schutting et al., Science 335 (2012) 235

  9. Brief high-dose opioid treatment persistently reduces pain ratings in patients

  10. Summary and Impact • Novelopioidmechanism: • Single, high-dose opioidapplicationreverses • established LTP atnociceptivesynapses • Hyperalgesia • painratings in patientswith post-herpeticneuralgia • Immediate andeffectivepaintreatment • Forms ofchronicpaininvolving LTP mightbenefit • Causaltherapyforsomeformsofenhancedpainsensitivity

  11. Output of the project Drdla-SchuttingR, Benrath J, Wunderbaldinger G, Sandkühler J (2012) Erasureof spinal memorytracesofpainby a brief, high-dose opioidadministration. Science 13;335(6065):235-8 Prof.BurkhardGustorff: Head of Department Anaesthesiology, Wilhelminenspital – Chief physician (2009) Ruth Drdla-Schutting: Assistant Professor, Medical University of Vienna, CBR (2011)

  12. A novel role for opioids: the reversal of established hyperalgesia and chronic pain by synaptic depotentiation Jürgen Sandkühler, Ruth Drdla-Schutting, Burkhard Gustorff Thankyouforyourattention!

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