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Advanced Computer Graphics Spring 2014. K. H. Ko School of Mechatronics Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology. Today ’ s Topics. Linear Algebra SVD Affine Algebra. Singular Value Decomposition. The SVD is a highlight of linear algebra. Typical Applications of SVD
Advanced Computer Graphics Spring 2014 K. H. Ko School of Mechatronics Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
Today’s Topics • Linear Algebra • SVD • Affine Algebra
Singular Value Decomposition • The SVD is a highlight of linear algebra. • Typical Applications of SVD • Solving a system of linear equations • Compression of a signal, an image, etc. • SVD approach can give an optimal low rank approximation of a given matrix A. • Ex) Replace the 256 by 512 pixel matrix by a matrix of rank one: a column times a row.
Singular Value Decomposition • Overview of SVD • A is any m by n matrix, square or rectangular. • We will diagonalize it. Its row and column spaces are r-dim. • We choose special orthonormal bases v1,…vr for the row space and u1,…,ur for the column space. • For those bases, we want each Avi to be in the direction of ui. • In matrix form, these equations Avi=σiui become AV=UΣ or A=UΣVT. This is the SVD.
Singular Value Decomposition • The Bases and the SVD • Start with a 2 by 2 matrix. • Its rank is 2. • This matrix A is invertible. • Its row space is the plane R2. • We want v1 and v2 to be perpendicular unit vectors, an orthonormal basis. • We also want Av1 and Av2 to be perpendicular. • Then the unit vectors u1 and u2 of Av1 and Av2 are orthonormal.
Singular Value Decomposition • The Bases and the SVD • We are aiming for orthonormal bases that diagonalize A. • When the inputs are v1 and v2, the outputs are Av1 and Av2. We want those to line up with u1 and u2, respectively. • The basis vectors have to give Av1 = σ1u1 and also Av2 = σ2u2. • The singular values σ1 and σ2 are the lengths |Av1| and |Av2|.
Singular Value Decomposition • The Bases and the SVD • With v1 and v2 as columns of V, • In matrix notation, that is AV=UΣ, or U-1AV = Σ or UTAV = Σ. • Σ contains the singular values, which are different from the eigenvalues.
Singular Value Decomposition • In SVD, U and V must be orthogonal matrices. • Orthonormal basis VTV = I. • VT = V-1. UT = U-1 • This is the new factorization of A: orthogonal times diagonal times orthogonal.
Singular Value Decomposition • There is a way to remove U and see V by itself.: Multiply AT times A. • ATA = (UΣVT)T(UΣVT) = VΣTΣVT • This becomes an ordinary diagonalization of the crucial symmetric matrix ATA, whose eigenvalues are σ12,σ22. The columns of V are the eigenvectors of ATA. <- This is how we find V.
Singular Value Decomposition • Working Example
Singular Value Decomposition • In many cases where Gaussian elimination and LU decomposition fail to give satisfactory results, SVD can diagnose for you precisely what the problem is. • In some cases, SVD gives you a useful numerical answer. • Although it is not necessarily “THE” answer.
Singular Value Decomposition • Any MⅹN matrix A (MⅹN) can be written as the product of an MⅹN column-orthogonal matrix U, an NⅹN diagonal matrix W with positive or zero elements, and the transpose of an NⅹN orthogonal matrix V. • U and V are each orthogonal in the sense that their columns are orthogonal.
Singular Value Decomposition • The decomposition can always be done no matter how singular the matrix is. • In “Numerical Recipes in C”, there is a routine called “svdcmp” that performs SVD on an arbitrary matrix A, replacing it by U and giving back Σ and V separately.
Singular Value Decomposition • If the matrix A is square, U, V and W are all square matrices of the same size. • Their inverses are trivial to compute. • U and V are orthogonal • Their inverses are equal to their transposes. • Σ is diagonal • Its inverse is the diagonal matrix whose elements are the reciprocals of the elements.
Singular Value Decomposition • The only thing that you can go wrong with this inverse computation is • for one of the σj’s to be zero or • for it to be so small that its value is dominated by roundoff error and therefore unknowable. • If more than one of the singular values have such problems, then the matrix is more singular. • So, SVD gives you a clear diagnosis of the situation.
Singular Value Decomposition • Condition Number of a matrix • The ratio of the largest (in magnitude) of the σj’s to the smallest of the σj’s. • A matrix is singular if its condition number is infinite. • A matrix is ill-conditioned if its condition number is too large. • If its reciprocal approaches the machine’s floating-point precision.
Singular Value Decomposition • For singular matrices, the concept of nullspace and range are important. • Given Aᆞx = b • If A is singular, • There is some subspace of x, called the null space, that is mapped to zero, i.e. Aᆞx = 0. • The dimension of the nullspace (the number of linearly independent vectors x, satisfying Ax=0) is called the nullity of A.
Singular Value Decomposition • For singular matrices, the concept of nullspace and range are important. • Given Aᆞx = b • There is also some subspace of b that can be reached by A. • There exists some x which is mapped there. • This subspace of b is called the range of A. • The dimension of the range is called the rank of A.
Singular Value Decomposition • If A is nonsingular, then its range will be all of the vector space b, so its rank is N. • If A is singular, then the rank will be less than N. • Therefore, for an NⅹN matrix, the rank plus the nullity of the matrix equals N. • What has this to do with SVD?
Singular Value Decomposition • SVD explicitly constructs orthonormal bases for the nullspace and range of a matrix. • The columns of U whose same-numbered elements σj are nonzero are an orthonormal set of basis vectors that span the range. • The columns of V whose same-numbered elements σj are zero are an orthonormal basis for the nullspace.
Singular Value Decomposition • When solving the set of simultaneous linear equations with a singular matrix A • SVD can solve the set of homogeneous equations, i.e. b = 0 • Any column of V whose corresponding σj is zero. • When the vector b on the right-hand side is not zero, • The most important question is whether it lies in the range of A or not. • If it does, the singular set of equations does have a solution x. -> More than one solution.
Singular Value Decomposition • When the vector b on the right-hand side is not zero, • The most important question is whether it lies in the range of A or not. • If it does, the singular set of equations does have a solution x. -> More than one solution. • If we want to single out one particular member of this solution set of vectors, we may want to pick the one with the smallest length |x|2 • Simply replace 1/σj by zero if σj = 0. • Then compute
Singular Value Decomposition • If b is not in the range of the singular matrix A, then Ax=b has no solution. • But it can still be used to construct a “solution” vector x. Namely, it will give the closest possible solution in the least squares sense.
Singular Value Decomposition • Numerically, the far more common situation is… • Some of the singular values are very small BUT nonzero. • The matrix is ill-conditioned. • The direct solution methods of LU decomposition or Gaussian elimination may actually give a formal solution to the problem.-> No zero pivot. • Algebraic cancellation due to the limited precision may give a very poor approximation to the true solution.
Singular Value Decomposition • In such cases, the solution vector x obtained by zeroing the small singular values and using is very often better than both the direct methods. • Zeroing a singular value corresponds to throwing away one linear combination of the equations. • But its contribution is small, leading to a good approximation. • SVD cannot be applied blindly. • Should decide what threshold is appropriate.
Singular Value Decomposition • Although you do not need to zero any singular values for computational reasons, you should at least take note of any that are unusually small. • Their corresponding columns in V are linear combination of x’s which are insensitive to your data.
Factorization Based on Elimination • Triangular Factorization without row exchange: A = LDU • L : lower triangular • U : upper triangular • D : diagonal. Elements are nonzero. • They come directly from elimination. • The factorization succeeds only if the pivots are not zero.
Factorization Based on Elimination • Triangular Factorization with row exchange: PA = LDU • P : permutation matrix • Reorder the rows to achieve nonzero pivots. • L : lower triangular • U : upper triangular • D : diagonal. Elements are nonzero.
Factorization Based on Elimination • Reduction to echelon form PA = LU • Every rectangular matrix A can be changed by row operations into a matrix U that has zeros below its pivots. • The last m-r rows of U are entirely zero. • L: square matrix • D and U are combined into a single rectangular matrix with the same shape as A.
Factorization Based on Eigenvalues • Diagonalization of A: A = SΛS-1 • If A has a full set of n linearly independent eigenvectors. • They are the colums of S. • S-1AS is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues. • With ATA = AAT, the eigenvectors can be chosen orthonormal and S becomes Q. Namely A = QΛQ-1.
Factorization Based on Eigenvalues • Jordan Form (Jordan Decomposition): A = MJM-1 • Every square matrix A is similar to a Jordan matrix J, with the eigenvalues Jii = λi on the diagonal. • J has a diagonal block of the form for each independent eigenvector.
Factorization Based on ATA • Orthogonalization of the columns of A: A = QR • A must have independent columns a1, …, an. Q has orthonormal columns q1,…,qn.
Factorization Based on ATA • Singular Value Decomposition • Polar Decomposition: A = QB • A is split into an orthogonal matrix Q and a symmetric positive definite matrix B. • B is the positive definite square root of ATA. Q = AB-1
Affine Algebra • Linear Algebra is the study of vectors and vector spaces. • A vector was treated as a quantity with direction and magnitude. • Two vectors have the same directions and magnitudes are the same irrespective of their positions. • What if the location of the vector, namely, where its initial point is, is very important? • In physics applications, sometimes the location matters.
Affine Algebra • There needs to be a distinction between points and vectors -> The essence of affine algebra. • Let V be a vector space of dimension n. Let A be a set of elements that are called points.
Affine Algebra • Let V be a vector space of dimension n. Let A be a set of elements that are called points. Then A is referred to as an n-dimensional affine space whenever the following conditions are met: • For each ordered pair of points P,Q∈A, there is a unique vector in V called the difference vector and denoted by Δ(P,Q) • For each point P∈A and v∈V, there is a unique point Q∈A such that v = Δ(P,Q). • For any three points P,Q,R∈A, it must be that Δ(P,Q)+Δ(Q,R)=Δ(P,R).
Affine Algebra • From the formal definition for an affine space, we have • Δ(P,P) = 0. • Δ(P,Q) = -Δ(Q,P). • If Δ(P1,Q1) = Δ(P2,Q2), then Δ(P1,P2) = Δ(Q1,Q2).
Affine AlgebraCoordinate Systems • Let A be an n-dimensional affine space. Let a fixed point O∈A be labeled as the origin. Let {v1,…,vn} be a basis for V. Then the set {O;v1,…,vn} is called an affine coordinate system. • The numbers (a1,…,an) are called the affine coordinates of P relative to the specified coordinate system.
Affine AlgebraCoordinate Systems • Change coordinates from one system to another. • {O1;u1,…,un} and {O2;v1,…,vn} for A. • A point P∈A has affine coordinates (a1,…,an) and (b1,…,bn). • The origin O2 has affine coordinates (c1,…,cn) in the first coordinate system.
Affine AlgebraCoordinate Systems • The two bases are related by a change of basis transformation ui = Σmjivj.
Affine AlgebraSubspaces • Let A be an affine space. An affine subspace of A is a set A1⊆A such that V1 = {Δ(P,Q)∈V: P,Q ∈ S} is a subspace of V.
Affine AlgebraTransformation • Definition of Affine Transformations for Affine Spaces • Let A be an affine space with vector space V and vector difference operator ΔA. • Let B be an affine space with vector space W and vector difference operator ΔB. • An affine transformation is a function T: A->B such that • ΔA(P1,Q1)= ΔA(P2,Q2) implies that ΔB(T(P1),T(Q1))= ΔB(T(P2),T(Q2)). • The function L : V->W defined by L(ΔA(P,Q))= ΔB(T(P),T(Q)) is a linear transformation.
Affine AlgebraTransformation • If OA is selected as the origin for A and if OB = T(OA) is selected as the origin for B, then the affine transformation is of the form • T(OA+x) = T(OA) + L(x) = OB + L(x) • If B=A, W=V and B A. Given OB-OA = b. Then T(OA + x) = OA + b + L(x). • For a fixed origin OA and for a specific matrix representation M of the linear transformation L, we have y = Mx + b: rigid motion • M: orthogonal matrix -> rotation
Affine AlgebraBarycentric Coordiantes • An operation on two points: a weighted average of two points • R = (1-t)P + tQ. R is said to be a barycentric combination of P and Q with barycentric coordinates 1-t and t. • The sum of the barycentric coordinates is one.<- A necessity for a pair of numbers to be barycentric coordinates. • R is a point on the line segment connecting P and Q.
Affine AlgebraBarycentric Coordiantes • Triangles • Given three noncolinear points P, Q and R. Then, P + su + tv = P+s(Q-P) + t(R-P) is a point. • Then B = (1-s-t)P + sQ + tR is a barycentric combination of P, Q and R with barycentric coordinates c1 = 1-s-t, c2 = s, c3 = t. • The coordinates cannot be simultaneously negative since the sum of three negative numbers cannot be 1. • It is a useful tool for describing the location of a point in a triangle.
Affine AlgebraBarycentric Coordiantes • Tetrahedra • Given four noncoplanar points Pi, (1 ≤ i ≤ 3), a barycentric combination of the points is B = (1-c1-c2-c3)P0 + c1P1 + c2P2 + c3P3. • Simplices • A simplex is formed by n+1 points Pi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, such that the set of vectors {Pi-P0} are linearly independent. • A barycentric combination of the points is