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Cosmic ray station DAQ

Cosmic ray station DAQ. We have successfully taken data with our local RCDLNF configuration, ATLAS standard online-00-21-02 and dataflow DF-00-09-01 software .The first run was on Feb. 9th. 2005. Hardware Structure. Modules TDC: 32channels VME board based on KLOE TDC CSM: Trigger system

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Cosmic ray station DAQ

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  1. Cosmic ray station DAQ We have successfully taken data with our local RCDLNF configuration, ATLAS standard online-00-21-02 and dataflow DF-00-09-01 software .The first run was on Feb. 9th. 2005

  2. Hardware Structure • Modules • TDC: 32channels VME board based on KLOE TDC • CSM: • Trigger system • V262 libs need to be upgraded by CAEN • V513 in use • NIM system • 2 DAQ machines rcdlnf and pcatlasacqr

  3. DATA VME PCatlasacqr R C D lnf V 513 C S M T D C ETH RCDlnf: A CPU VME concurrent. Readout module and Trigger control PCatlasacqr: OS, ROS and ROB emulate. Storage manager VME NIMSYS trigger

  4. DAQ Software Structure • Libraries • Csm (built up based on matteo’s csmlib) ,Tdc (built up based on KLOE tdclib) • Modules (new) • Csm, Tdc • Trigger • V513(new), MUTrigger(by Enrico) • Common (CERN) • GeoVme, kVme, RCD Common • LNF configuration(new) • Databases(new)

  5. ATLAS Online & dataflow software ROS & ROB (emulated) databases LNF RCD configuration Modules MUTrigger RCDCommon Triglib v513 Libs Common lib

  6. Since last meeting in Oct. we have done: • Complete Database • Build up trigger system • Emulate ROB & ROS • Debugging the whole system • Up to Oct. 2004 almost all the libraries and Modules had been built up. But there were many problems and we have solved:

  7. VME bus error (software map or hardware connection problems) • configure failure with few error message (some database value need to change) • Taking data with emulated trigger no error but frequency is very high. (CSM broken) • V262 not upgrade at the right version (have to build new lib of V513) • data taking aborted after 2 or 3 events with real trigger. (Trigger timing and register reset problem)

  8. Event Dump • Dump tool • StorageReader • on atlas@pcatlasacq • pwd=/home/atlas/StorageReader/work/i686-rh73-gcc32-dbg • Dump Example • [atlas@pcatlasacq i686-rh73-gcc32-dbg]$ StorageReader

  9. Got previous file name from PreviousDataFile.Name Where is the data? Please specify the file name with path. (or enter "y" to accept the default /data/daq_ROS_cosmic_0001013_file01.data) y Open file /data/daq_ROS_cosmic_0001013_file01.data Trying to read file /data/daq_ROS_cosmic_0001013_file01.data DataReader setup OK! Dummy beam test analysis created.

  10. File start time 154641 File start date 14032005 Dump events? (y/n): y Please name file for dumping events: dumpevent1013 Dump events in range from ... to ... Give two integers please! 1 5 Will dump events from 1 to 5 to file dumpevent1013

  11. Data block 1 from file 1 has size 264 bytes. Dumping data block 1 with size 264 bytes to file. Validity of EventFormat for this event is 0. Data block not valid as full event. Try as ROS fragment. Valid ROS fragment! ROS fragment contains 1 ROD fragments.

  12. Data block 1 with size 264 dumped as 4 byte integers (hexadecimal) • cc1234cc 42 d 2040000 26100 3f5 1 0 1 100000d 2 0 0 dd1234dd 35 • 10 • 2040000 16101 3f5 2 0 0 1 10 4 0 0 0 0 ee1234ee 9 2040000 • 6100 3f5 0 0 0 0 59000000 a40005ea a50005ea a60005ea a70005ea a80005ea a90005ea aa0005ea a00005ea a10005ea

  13. a20005ea a30005ea c5000002 c6000002 c7000002 c8000002 c9000002 4a329509 c0000002 c1000002 c2000002 c3000002 c4000002 ca000003 5b000019 0 19 0 0 End of data block 1

  14. Summary • Our data format is a ROS format not full event format.

  15. Summary • We have successfully taken data with our local RCDLNF configuration, ATLAS standard online-00-21-02 and dataflow DF-00-09-01 software • In one month, 15 runs, about 6.8 million events recorded in about 3HZ trigger frequency. Event size is around 300 bytes. The first was on Feb. 9th. • Data saved in /data local disk of pcatlasacqr. It should be: (disk full, upto run1008 done) /afs/lnf/project/atlas/data/cosmici/2005

  16. Our data format is a ROS format not full event format. • Run type is set as default physics run (value=0) not cosmic run 2

  17. ATLAS software on local farm • ATLAS software Installed INST_PATH = /scratch/nfs/atlas/software Version = V8.7.0 INST_PATH = /scratch/nfs/atlas/soft Version V8.6.0 V8.0.8 • How to setup MyAthena in LNF

  18. An example of Athena setup with ATLAS release 8.7.0 on lxcalc • How to check ROOT format file in new farm lxcalc Written in: http://www.lnf.infn.it/esperimenti/atlas/new/Doc/MyAthena.html

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