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On the Validation of Acquired Experiential learning within the French VET system: Functioning and role in promoting professionalisation and LLL. M’Hamed DIF BETA/Céreq Alsace - ULP mdif@cournot.u-strasbg.fr Paper presented at ECER’08
On the Validation of Acquired Experiential learning within the French VET system:Functioning and role in promoting professionalisation and LLL M’Hamed DIF BETA/Céreq Alsace - ULP mdif@cournot.u-strasbg.fr Paper presented at ECER’08 http://www.vet-research.net/downloads/M_DIF-P1571_CREDIVOC-Symposium-298_ECER2008.pdf University of Gothenburg, 10-12/9/2008, Sweden BETA-Céreq Alsace - ULP
On the Validation of Acquired Experiential learning within the French VET system:Functioning and role in promoting professionalisation and LLL Structure of the paper: • Introduction: Research methodology and target groups • I: Overall structure of existing VET system • II: VAE development, functioning and instruments • III: VAE performance • IV: Overall conclusions: VAE role and transference feasibility BETA-Céreq Alsace - ULP
On the Validation of Acquired Experiential learning within the French VET system:Functioning and role in promoting professionalisation and LLL Research method: • Desk research and documentation • Completed by focus group interviews and meeting with experts and representatives from: • Implementing silent partners of CREDIVOC • Target group of technicians/engineers within the electromechanical engineering sector. BETA-Céreq Alsace - ULP
Overall structure of the French VET System Starts by the end of compulsory education: • Initial vocational education and training (IVET) • Initial technological Education (ITE) • Initial Vocational education (IVE) • Initial Vocational Training (IVT) • Alternating Vocational Training (AVT) (e.g. Professionalisation contract) • Apprenticeship • Specific Vocational Inclusion Programmes (SVIP) • Continuing Vocational Training (CVT) • Employer-Directed CVT (ED-CVT) • Self-Directed CVT (SD-CVT) • Leave for SD-CVT: LSD-CVT (“CIF”) & VAE Leave • Leave for Competence Audit (LCA) (“Congé de Bilan de Compétences: CBC”), • Individual Right for Training (“DIF: Droit Individuel à la Formation”). BETA-Céreq Alsace - ULP
VAE development, functioning and instruments1. Background developments: • 1934 Act: Engineer grade award after 5 years of working experience in the same field of activity. • 1985 Decree: Promoting access to higher education within levels I-II (executives and engineers) and III (supervisors and high technicians) on the basis of accrediting all prior experiential (work and non work-based) learning. • 1992 Act (“VAP”): Extended the 1985 Regime to the remaining levels IV (team leaders, technician and highly skilled workers) & V (employees and skilled workers) with access to certification, but restricted it to prior work-based learning (implemented through the 1993 Decree). • 2002 Social Modernisation Act (“VAE”):Further extended and enriched (1992 Act) to include experiential learning gained through social and cultural activities, including the possibility of having access to immediate certification. BETA-Céreq Alsace - ULP
VAE functioning, financing and instrumentsObjectives: Basic accessibility objective: • Establishing the individual’s right, who accumulated (continuously or discontinuously) over three years of any (salaried and non-salaried) working experience in at least one activity, related to the targeted type of certification to apply for an exemption in the required exam-units or modules (exemption can be complete and certification can be immediate in VAE last version). Ultimate: by contributing to: • Integrations and professionalisation of the whole educational system through the development of learning-path fluidity and complementarity between formal and non-formal learning; • Promotion of the beneficiaries’ lifelong learning, employability, flexibility and mobility in particular, and their socio-professional promotion in general. BETA-Céreq Alsace - ULP
VAE functioning, financing and instrumentsAccess procedure in three basic stages: • Information & guidance stage: Collective and individualised access to necessary information on national and regional levels for interested individuals (including pre-application feasibility assessment) through regional accredited VAE centres. • Preparation of the candidate’s portfolio of acquired learning experiences; • Assessment, interview, deliberation and final decision by a VAE Jury. Undertaken decision can be: full validation, partial validation or refusal. BETA-Céreq Alsace - ULP
VAE functioning, financing and instrumentsFinancing: Dependent on the beneficiary’s employment status: • Employed individuals: three possibilities: • Within the framework of ED- CVT: the enterprises training plan • Within the framework of “DIF” (Individual right for training) scheme • Within the framework of ESD-CVT: VAE leave scheme (financed through a parity fund collector and manger called OPCA. • Unemployed/job-seekers : two possibilities: • ASSEDIC (Association for Employment in Industry and Commerce, which manages unemployment insurance funds) • Regional authority (Regional council) • Self-employed individuals,through a Training Insurance Fund collector and manager called FAF. BETA-Céreq Alsace - ULP
VAE functioning instruments within the French NQF:Qualifications/certifications inclusion in the “RNCP” (FQF): • Certifications of experiential learning outcomes via “VAE” are registered in the National Repertory for Professional Certifications (RNCP). • Registration within the “RNCP” is achieved through a a consultation between the public authority and the social partners (employer organisations and trade unions), and managed by the National Commission for Vocational Qualification Certification (CNCP) composed of 43 members representing the state (16), social partners (10), chambers of commerce (3), regions (3) and qualified experts (11). BETA-Céreq Alsace - ULP
VAE functioning instruments within the French NQF:Types of certification according to their delivery body : 3 main categories: • National vocational certificates (diplomas) delivered by State through its different ministries and automatically registered in national repertory “RNCP”. • Vocational Qualification Certificates (“CQP: Certificats de Qualification Professionnelle”) created and delivered by sectors under the responsibility of social partners. Their registration within “RNCP” is requested by the concerned sector bodies and approved by the commission “CNCP”. • Certificates and titles delivered by Chambers, public or private institutions under their own names. They can also be registered within national repertory “RNCP” at request and after the approval of the commission “CNCP”. BETA-Céreq Alsace - ULP
Level 1: It concern executives, engineers, managers and experts possessing qualification level through education and training equal or superior to the Master degree and more (Baccalaureate +five year or more in higher education level). Level 2: Middle mangers and experts possessing a qualification level through education and training equal to a Bachelor degree or a first year of a “Master” (Baccalaureate +3 and 4 years of higher education). Level 3: high technicians and supervisors with a qualification level corresponding to the Baccalaureate plus two-year higher education level. Level 4: Team leaders, technicians and highly skilled workers possessing a technological or a vocational Baccalaureate ((BTn or Bac.Pro.), a Technician or a Vocational Certificate (BT and BP). Level 5: skilled workers and employees holding CAP (Vocational Aptitude Certificate) or BEP (Vocational Studies certificate). VAE functioning instruments within the French NQF:Qualification/certification levels through VAE: 5 NQF levels: BETA-Céreq Alsace - ULP
VAE functioning instruments within the French NQF:ECTS according to the three certification levels in Higher education: • FQF level 3 (Bac. +2): 120 ECTS for BTS (High Technician Certificate) and 120 ECTS for DUT (University Diploma in Technology); • FQF level 2 (Bac. +3 and 4): 180 ECTS for the Bachelor degree (Licence) and 240 ECTS for the first year of Master degree (M1); • FQF level 1 (Bac. +5): 300 ECTS for Master degree (2nd year of Master degree: M2). BETA-Céreq Alsace - ULP
VAE performancein terms input/output flow of beneficiaries : Out of 70 000 informed individuals in 2004, 36 000 submitted their applications for assessment by the VAE jury. ½ of them were successful (by finally obtaining a certificate or a title) distributed according to the following criteria: • candidate’s employment status, age and gender • 2/3 employed (against 1/3 unemployed/job-seekers); • 30 to 45 years old individuals constitute the dominant age group; • 2/3 women. • level of certification: • Level V certification (CAP & BEP): 42%. • Level IV (Bac. Pro., BT et BP): 23% • Level III (Bac+2): 25% • Level II (Bac+3 and 4) : 7% • Level I (Bac+5 and more):3 %. • certification delivery body: • National certificates delivered by the ministry of education are the most requested form of certification especially BTS (Bac+2), Level 4 professional certificates and level 5 certificates (CAP). BETA-Céreq Alsace - ULP
VAE performancein terms of its qualitative contribution to its ultimate objectives (1) Development of more dynamic and socio-professionally open approach to learning and professional identity formation through its effective contribution to: • Social recognition of all kinds of acquired work experiences as means for the individual's access to LLL and certification; • Promotion of learning and vocational flexibility and mobility; • Creation of an external and more objective indicator for human resources management and development on the level of organisations and institutions by combining “curricular-certification referential” and “occupation referential”. BETA-Céreq Alsace - ULP
VAE performancein terms of its qualitative contribution to its ultimate objectives (2) Contribution to the professionalisation and integration of the whole educational and training through via: • Widening the scope of qualification/certification delivery modes; • Establishing a new dynamic and more coherent relation between occupational activity and the existing modes of learning and certification; • Promoting self initiated and directed matching between vocational education and training, employment requirements and the individual's needs for identity formation and career development; • Development of learning path-fluidity and complementarity within and between different components of the educational and training system as a whole. BETA-Céreq Alsace - ULP
Conclusion: VAE transference feasibility as an effective practice In accordance with 3 categories of interconnected common ground criteria within both original and/or recipient countries: • VAE observed effectiveness in the original country, • VAE integration of the “European dimension” (i.e. VAE integration within the common ground strategy guidelines and recommendations of the “Lisbon-Bologna-Copenhagen” process for the promotion of cooperation and exchange of effective practices in E&T for LLL promotion within and between all EU countries); • Existence of contextual receptivity in the recipient country. BETA-Céreq Alsace - ULP