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Welcome and Introduction. Patricia Raleigh Guidance Director. North Hunterdon High School Junior College Workshop. Guiding Your Child Through College Admissions. College is a Family Decision. You’re a Great Coach!. Discuss your values, expectations and concerns about college
Welcome and Introduction • Patricia Raleigh • Guidance Director
North Hunterdon High SchoolJunior College Workshop Guiding Your Child Through College Admissions
You’re a Great Coach! • Discuss your values, expectations and concerns about college • Assist your child in determining critical factors when looking for schools • Help your child map out a plan that includes searching, visitations, applications, scholarships and decision making • Encourage your child to take ownership of the process
Have an open discussion about what factors are important to you and your child.
Parent No-No’s • Searching for the school of your choice • Filling out your child’s application • Writing your child’s college essay • Taking over the process when your child isn’t willing to do the work
Communication is KEY! • Preparation for college requires communication and planning between you, your child and your school counselor
Everything you see here tonight can be accessed on our webpage! www.nhvweb.net/NHHS/Guidance
Writing the College Essay Without pulling your hair out …
Whatever you decide towrite about… It has to be about you!
Some topics are assigned: Discuss the role of Concordia in international or national or local affairs.
How about this one? What is your favorite word in the English language?
Tell us about a book that has changed your life… It is not easy to write this essay… especially if you have never actually read a book.
Understand what they want… Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.
What are they looking for? • Evaluate • Experience • Achievement • Risk • Ethical dilemma • Its impact on you
Write about a flaw… • “I party a bit too much.”
Sample Argument Topic Explain your position on whether or not to allow people in poor nations to legally sell their organs.
Short Essays • If you are told to write 300 words, do not write 305. • Online programs truncate your submission.
PERFECTION • Everything you submit to a college must be perfect. • Use spell check, but don’t depend on it.
Avoid the Amusement of Admission Committees • Your going to sea that IM a cape able person who follows threw with everything I say that I will do. • LESSON: Spell Check cannot think.
The essay must be perfect The Bottom LinePERFECTION PAYS OFF The essay must reveal who you are. Tell the truth. Use specific examples. Do not denigrate others in your essay—it is bratty. Don’t write a funny essay unless you are really funny. Plagiarism—no no no! Catch the reader’s interest from the beginning . If you have avoided learning how to write, now is the time… PROOFREAD. No wrinkles –no food stains .
College Recommendations • Ask a teacher who knows you very well to write your recommendation. • Junior and Senior teachers are bombarded with requests for recommendations, SOOOOOOOOO • Ask your teacher of choice EARLY. • Choose a teacher who really respects the work you have done in his or her class.
The Packet Purchase a large manila envelope to put together all of the items you will need for your recommendation.
What should I put in the envelope? • Give your teacher “ammunition.” In a cover letter, remind your teacher of your accomplishments in class: grades, great projects, work ethic, tutoring If you have other talents such as athletics, community service, music, put that in the cover letter as well.
What else belongs in the packet? For each school you are applying to: • Provide a stamped, addressed envelope • Be sure to include the recommendation form and any checklists.
REMEMBER Colleges want to know the following about their applicants: • Work ethic • Integrity • Intellectual aptitude • Special skills
A Little Advice • Don’t ever submit an application to John Hopkins University. The Admissions Committee only looks at essays addressed to JOHNS Hopkins University.
Questions About Recommendations Can I see the recommendation letter before it is sent out?
What Else Do I Need To Know? Senior grades matter…. Colleges receive ALL grades, including final grades.
The Scariest Word The word no student or parent ever wants to hear… • “Rescission”
Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will, but remember it didn't work for the rabbit. R. E. Shay HARD WORK MAKES ITS OWN LUCK.
Three Pieces of Information You and Your Child Needs to Know To Get Started. • Student’s Cumulative GPA • PSAT,SAT or ACT scores • Academic Units
Naviance/ Family Connection a personalized, web-based resource for planning & advising
Tonight’s Agenda What is Family Connection? How do I access it? What can I do with it? How does it help career and college planning?
What is Family Connections? A powerful interactive link between school and home opening avenues of communication. An individualized, customized, and secure website that supports academic planning for North Hunterdon High School and beyond. Helps students and parents make better decisions about courses, college opportunities and career plans. Provides useful tools that can be utilized throughout high school.
How do I access it? Your student is registered and can log in using their email address and password. The web address is available from the North Hunterdon Guidance Website. Click on ‘Juniors’ and click on the ‘Naviance’ tab. Or, visit: http://connection.naviance.com/NHHS Parents can request to have their own access. Parents may also access Naviance Family Connections as a guest, using the password: nhhs
What can I do with it? Share Plans Between Parent, Child & Counselor Career Exploration Conduct College Searches Compare Colleges Analyze Scattergrams on College Admissions Track Deadlines Complete Surveys Links to Colleges & Selected Third-Party Resources
Main Page/Sign-In Log-In • http://connection.naviance.com/NHHS
Junior Year • Students will be encouraged to utilize “Game Plan” which is a series of questions designed to create post graduation goals. • Under ‘About Me’ tab • Students are encouraged to “Explorer Careers” and learn about occupations. • Under ‘Careers’ tab • Students should utilize the “College Search” and “College Lookup” links to begin exploring colleges. • Under ‘College’ tab
Game Plan – Developing Goals Game Plan
Career Exploration Simply type in career or search by occupation category
Learn about careers including daily tasks and activities, starting salaries, and general skills required to be successful in the career path.
Exploring College College Lookup College Search
College Search Search by location, student population, admissions difficulty, athletic involvement, majors… and much more!
College Search Results Click on each school for ‘College Lookup’
College Lookup Simply type College/University name here College Lookup
College Comparison College Compare