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Which ones are you using?

Team Worker. Creative Thinker. Effective Participator. Independent Enquirer. Reflective Learner. Self Manager. Why are we learning this?. Which ones are you using?. PLT Skills. LESSON OBJECTIVES. Always aim high!. We are learning to: discuss attitudes towards future plans (Grade C).

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Which ones are you using?

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  1. Team Worker Creative Thinker Effective Participator Independent Enquirer Reflective Learner Self Manager Why are we learning this? Which ones are you using? PLT Skills LESSON OBJECTIVES Always aim high! We are learning to: • discuss attitudes towards future plans (Grade C) Where are we in our journey? Mr Padvis

  2. Which ones are you using? BRAIN IN GEAR Team Worker Creative Thinker Effective Participator Independent Enquirer Reflective Learner Self Manager PLT Skills

  3. Which ones are you using? Team Worker Creative Thinker Effective Participator Independent Enquirer Reflective Learner Self Manager STARTER PLT Skills TASK In English, write a words that might come up when asked “What do you want to do in the future?”.

  4. Veux-tutemarier?

  5. Non! • Je ne veux pas me marier. • Je ne voudrais jamais me marier. • Je préfère rester célibataire. • Je n’aime pas les garçons, je préfère les filles! • Je n’aimes pas les filles, je préfère les garçons! • Je voudrais vivre avec mon petit-ami pour quelque temps.

  6. Oui • J’adore l’idée de me marier – la belle robe blanche, le grand boum, la lune de miel, un beau garçon… • Quand? - à l’âge de…. ans. - quand j’aurais fini mes études - Je vais attendre un peu

  7. L’amour • Je voudrais tomber amoureuse (de quelqu’un..) • Je voudrais me fiancer • La bague – c’est cher! • Nous allons fêter nos fiançailles

  8. Le mariage en France • Un croquembouche – une pièce montée: un gâteau fait avec des petites pâtisseries croquantes comme le nougat et les dragées, couvert de sucre caramélisé. Des dragées

  9. Tuvoudraisavoir des enfants? • J’adore les enfants – j’en voudrais au moins trois! • Je préfère les enfants des autres • Je n’aime pas les petits enfants

  10. Moi, je préfère les animaux aux enfants! • Je préfèrerais avoir un chien/un chat!

  11. French Fact In France, a civil solidarity pact (French: pacte civil de solidarité), commonly known as a PACS is a form of civil union between two adults (same-sex or opposite-sex) for organising their joint life. It brings rights and responsibilities, but less so than marriage. In 2012, 94% of PACS are between opposite-sex couples. Since 2006, individuals who have registered a PACS are no longer considered single in terms of their marital status; their birth records will be amended to show their status as pacsé.

  12. Voicicequevousallez faire • http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/french/mafrance/html/dating/video_player_a_fullscreen.shtml

  13. Which ones are you using? Team Worker Creative Thinker Effective Participator Independent Enquirer Reflective Learner Self Manager PLT Skills TASK (Grade C) You’ve guessed it… you are going speed dating. You have 1 minute to talk to your parteners and decide if you are the perfect match. Vote when the buzzer sounds with the cards in your planners. To save blushes I have given you a new identity Comment tut’appelles? Tuvoudraistemarier? Décris ton caractère. Quelest ton métier? Quelâge as-tu? J’aimerais… Je voudrais…. Je préfèrerais…

  14. The Questions Sheet (or how to help yourself when I can’t help you)

  15. Which ones are you using? Team Worker Creative Thinker Effective Participator Independent Enquirer Reflective Learner Self Manager • LINK BACK TO OBJECTIVES • discuss attitudes towards future plans (Grade C) Why were we learning this? DISCOVERY PLT Skills

  16. Team Worker Creative Thinker Effective Participator Independent Enquirer Reflective Learner Self Manager Why were we learning this? PLT Skills Which ones are you using? Draw your brain In your brain, write or draw everything you can remember about today’s lesson. It can be a skill or a reflection, or something else that might be prominent in your brain. Where are we in our journey?

  17. Team Worker Creative Thinker Effective Participator Independent Enquirer Reflective Learner Self Manager H/W PLT Skills Which ones are you using? • Due: Ongoing • Task: Update the Questions sheet • Evidence: marked every other week. Random Check!

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