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Extending Live Chat Reference Service at University of Turin: A Case Study

Analyzing chat logs to enhance live chat service for UniTO libraries, focusing on Psychology at Kiesow library. Using text mining to filter and improve chat responses.

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Extending Live Chat Reference Service at University of Turin: A Case Study

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  1. Università degli Studi di Torino Ufficio Servizi Bibliografici Digitali Maria Vittoria Muzzupapa Marco Stefano Tomatis Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

  2. PREMISES • 2014 - UniTOstarted the service “TUTTO” with alive chat referenceintegrated in it • Patronsasked for virtualreference to exploit the UniTolibraryservices for bibliographicresearch • Analysis of chat logs from 2014 to 2016 wascarried out • Automatic editing of FAQ for the UniTO Library System Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

  3. AIM OF THE PROJECT Respond to the question: Is the amount of live chat exchanges addressed to the UniTopsychology library F. Kiesow so consistent to require the activation of a dedicated chat instance on the Kiesow library website? Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

  4. OPERATING CONTEXT The PsychologylibraryKiesowis part of the University of Turin“Polo delle Biblioteche Scientifiche” (scientificlibrarygroup) Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

  5. OPERATING CONTEXT Polo delle Biblioteche Scientifiche: Human Movement Science Chemistry (Ponzio) Earth Science (Spezia andMalaroda) Informatics Physics Mathematics (Peano) Pharmacy (Guareschi) Biology Psychology (Kiesow) Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

  6. CONTENT ANALYSIS How couldweanswer the projectquestion? Analysis of all the reference chat log files via text miningsolutions: • Automaticselection of chat fragmentstied to the differentlibraries of the Polo Scientifico by usingsubject-specifickeywords • Enumeration of the selectedtexts Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

  7. CONTENT ANALYSIS Nextstep Furtherselection of all the Psychology-related chat exchanges by defininga newset of usefulkeywords Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

  8. WHICH FILTERS? Keywordswerecarefullychosenaccording to the followingcriteria: • Institutional • Semantic Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

  9. WHICH FILTERS? Institutionalcriteria: Keywordswhichexplicitlymention the Universityof TurinPsychologylibrary or itsresources e.g.: • “Kiesow” • “PsycArticles” • “PsycInfo” Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

  10. WHICH FILTERS? Semanticcriteria: Keywordsexpressingspecificpsychologysubjects e.g.: • “Disturbo” (disturbance) • “Apprendimento” (learning) • “Disorder” Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

  11. QUALITATIVE APPROACH Usage of READ Scale to define a set of taggingcodes to: Performfurthermanualanalysis to identify the differentskills the referencelibrarianisasked to exercise to reply patron requests Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

  12. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH • Save all chat sessions in CSV format log files • Merge all chat logsinto a single file Preliminary steps: Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

  13. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH Design of scripts for: • Removingadministrative and non-pertinent information • Delimiting each chat exchange via XML tags “<chat>…</chat>” • Tokenize the entire log file Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

  14. TEXT MINING Design Regular Expressions into GAWK scripts for usingPattern Matchingfacility to Retrieveall the chat exchangesresponding to ourselectioncriteria - keywords Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

  15. Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

  16. Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

  17. Extending the live chat reference service at the University of Turin - a case study

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