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WTO Trade Facilitation Self Assessment of Needs – Lesotho

This presentation outlines Lesotho's needs and priorities in the WTO Trade Facilitation negotiations, including measures considered, compliance levels, major barriers, top technical assistance needs, and recommendations for the way forward.

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WTO Trade Facilitation Self Assessment of Needs – Lesotho

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WTO Trade Facilitation Self Assessment of Needs – Lesotho Needs and Priorities in the WTO Trade Facilitation Negotiations Workshop MASERU 11 July 2008

  2. Presentation outline • Background to Self assessment • Workshop participation • Measures considered • Compliant measures • Partially compliant • Not compliant • Major Barriers to compliance • Top Technical assistance needs and priorities • Recommendations on the way forward • Commitments made

  3. Background to SA of Needs and Priorities Self assessment of needs and priorities as a key element for technical assistance Determination of priorities for support during and after negotiations

  4. Workshop participation • Pubic sector • Ministry of Trade, Industry, Cooperatives and Marketing • Ministry of Foreign affairs • Law of Office and Attorney general • Customs and Excise • Private sector • Chamber of Commerce and industry • Central bank • Freight forwarders and clearing agents

  5. Measures considered • 35 proposed measures were considered • Workshop proceeded with group work

  6. Summary Findings • Already Compliant with (10,28%) • Partially compliant with (21, 60%) • Not compliant with (3, 9%) • Not applicable with (1, 3%)

  7. Measures Lesotho Complies with • Elimination of Pre-Shipment Inspection • Pre-Arrival Processing • Objective Criteria For Tariff Classification • Detention • Cross border coordination • Phasing Out Mandatory Use of Customs Brokers • Consular requirements

  8. Measures Lesotho Partially complies with • Publication and notification of trade regulations and penalty provisions; • Right of Appeal • Use of International standards. • Acceptance of Commercially available information and of copies. • Strengthened non-discrimination. • Expedited Shipments • Authorized Traders

  9. Measures Lesotho Partially complies with (cont.) • Customs Cooperation • Establishment of enquiry points • Test procedures • Single window/ one time submission

  10. Measures Lesotho does not comply with • Provision of Advance Rulings • Risk Management/Analysis • Establishment And Publication of Average Release and Clearance Times • Interval between publication and entry into force: publication for transit

  11. Major Barriers to Compliance Insufficient technical expertise, skill base and competency Inadequate infrastructure and equipment to support technology No and/or Outdated legislation Limited awareness on WTO issues Limited implementation of international conventions

  12. Top Priorities for Technical Assistance • Reforms and Restructuring • One Stop Shop as a legal enquiry point • Customs Trade Programme • Risk management, • Anti- smuggling, • Post clearance audit, • Policies and procedures  • Establishment of legislative frameworks

  13. Top Priorities for Technical Assistance • Training of Personnel • Officials at One Stop Shop • Training on website development and support • Establishment of Customs and trade laboratory for goods analysis • Financial assistance • Prompt publication and distribution of trade related laws and regulation and administrative rulings • Development of Customs Automated System

  14. Recommendations for the way forward The existing WTO National steering Committee, particularly the Trade Facilitation working group should be strengthened Establishment of mechanism for enactment of all agreements Sufficient internal consultation with all stakeholders during the negotiations Customs expert participate in TF Negotiations

  15. Commitments made • Circulate the draft report to all relevant stakeholders for comment (within 3 weeks) • Resuscitate WTO National Steering committee to meet on quarterly basis (end of August) • Trade facilitation working group to meet on monthly basis • To support the Geneva negotiations

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