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Lower Bounds for Local Search by Quantum Arguments

Explore quantum lower bounds for local search problems using relational adversary methods and quantum queries. The talk covers deterministic and randomized query complexities, as well as new lower bounds and modifications to the traditional local search problem. Discover the complexities of finding local optima in graphs and hypercubes, and the implications for quantum algorithms.

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Lower Bounds for Local Search by Quantum Arguments

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  1. Lower Bounds for Local Search by Quantum Arguments Scott Aaronson (UC Berkeley) http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~aaronson August 14, 2003

  2. Quantum Background Needed for This Talk

  3. Outline • Problem: Find a local minimum of a function using as few function evaluations (queries) as possible • Relational adversary method: A quantum method for proving quantum and classical lower bounds on query complexity (only other example: Kerenidis and de Wolf 2003) • Applying the method to LOCAL SEARCH • Open problems

  4. The LOCAL SEARCH Problem • Given: undirected connected graph G=(V,E) and function • Task: Find a vV such thatfor all neighbors w of v 3 2 3 3 3 3 4

  5. Motivation • Why do local search algorithms work so well in practice? • Conventional wisdom: Because finding a local optimum is intrinsically not that hard • We show this is false—even for quantum computers • Raises a question: Why do exponentially long chains of descending values, as used for lower bounds, almost never occur in “real-world” problems?

  6. Motivation #2 • Quantum adiabatic algorithm (Farhi et al.): Quantum analogue of simulated annealing • Can sometimes “tunnel” through barriers to reach global instead of local optima • Further strange feature: For function f(x)=|x| on Boolean hypercube {0,1}n, finds minimum 0n in O(1) queries, instead of O(n) classically • We give first example where adiabatic algorithm is provably only polynomially faster than simulated annealing at finding local optima

  7. Motivation #3 • Megiddo and Papadimitriou defined a complexity class TFNP, of NP search problems for which we know a solution exists • Example: Given a circuit that maps {0,1}n to {0,1}n-1, find two inputs that map to same output • Papadimitriou: Are TFNP problems good candidates for fast quantum algorithms? • My answer: Probably not • Collision lower bound (A 2002): PPP  FBQP relative to an oracle (PPP = Polynomial Pigeonhole Principle, FBQP = Function Bounded-Error Quantum Polytime) • This work: PLS  FBQP relative to an oracle (PLS = Polynomial Local Search)


  9. 5 4 6 7 9 Deterministic Query Complexity of LOCAL SEARCH • Depends on graph G • For an N-vertex line, (log N) • Similar for complete binary tree

  10. 4 2 5 3 1 6 Deterministic Lower Bound • Llewellyn, Tovey, Trick :(2n/n) for Boolean hypercube {0,1}n Oracle returns decreasing values of f(v), until the set of queried vertices cuts G into 2 pieces Then oracle restricts the problem to largest piece “Cuttability” tightly characterizes query complexity 7 8

  11. Randomized Query Complexity • for any graph with N vertices and max degree d • Steepest descent algorithm:- Choose vertices uniformly and query them- Let v0 be queried vertex with minimum f- Repeatedly let vt+1 be minimum neighbor of vt, until local min is found • Claim: Local min is found when whp • Proof: At most vertices have smaller f-value than v0 whp. In that case distance from v0 to local min in “steepest descent tree” is at most

  12. Randomized Lower Bound • Aldous 1983: 2n/2-o(n) for hypercube • Idea: Pick random start vertex, then take random walk. Label each vertex with 1st hitting time Random walk mixes in n log n steps If you haven’t yet found a v with f(v)<2n/2, intuitively the best you can do is continue “stabbing in the dark” Hard to prove! 8 3 13 12 1 2 6 5

  13. Quantum Query Complexity • O((Nd)1/3) for any graph with N vertices and max degree d • Choose (Nd)2/3 vertices uniformly at random • Use Grover’s quantum search algorithm to find the v0 with minimum f-value in time • As before, follow v0 to local min by steepest descent

  14. Ambainis’ Adversary Method“Most General” Version A: Set of 0-inputs B: Set of 1-inputs Choose a function R(f,g)0 For all fA, gB, and indices v, let Then quantum query complexity is (1/geom) where

  15. 3 1 5 6 2 4 3 4 5 6 2 1 Let A = set of permutations of {1,…,N} with ‘1’ on left half, B = set with ‘1’ on right half R(f,g)=1 if g obtained from f by swapping the ‘1’, R(f,g)=0 otherwise Example: (N) for Inverting a Permutation f g (f,2)=1, but (g,2)=2/N (g,6)=1, but (f,6)=2/N

  16. Relational Adversary Method Let A, B, R(f,g), (f,v), (g,v) be as before Then classical randomized query complexity is (1/min) where Compare to Example: For inverting a permutation, we get (N) instead of (N)

  17. On Boolean hypercube {0,1}n: • quantum queries • randomized queries • On d-dimensional cube of N vertices (d≥3): • quantum queries • randomized queries New Lower Bounds forLOCAL SEARCH

  18. 9 10 G 8 11 3 7 9 (Known) Snake Head 4 12 8 6 11 2 10 13 5 7 9 11 1 10 8 12 Snake Tail (contains binary answer) 9 11 10 Modified Problem Starting from the head, follow a “snake” of LN descending values to the unique local minimum of f, then return an answer bit found there. Clearly a lower bound for this problem implies an equivalent lower bound for LOCAL SEARCH

  19. Good Snakes Let D be a distribution over snakes (x0,…,xL-1), with xL-1=h and xi+1 adjacent to xi for all i We say an X drawn from D is -good if the following holds. Choose j uniformly from {0,…,L-1}, and let DX,j be the distribution over snakes Y=(x0,…,xL-1) drawn from D conditioned on xt=yt for all t>j. Then (1) (2) For all vertices v of G,

  20. Theorem: Suppose there’s a snake distribution D, such that a snake drawn from D is -good with probability at least 9/10. Then the quantum query complexity of LOCAL SEARCH on G is , and the randomized is

  21. Large (fX,v) but small (fY,v) j 9 7 6 8 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 2 7 8 9 1 6 Large (fY,v) but small (fX,v) 10 11 y0 x0 Sensitivity 10 11 xL-1=yL-1=h

  22. 8 1 2 4 7 6 3 4 3 1 2 5 Bunched-Up Snake Snake Tails Intersect 1 3 2 Sources of Trouble Idea: Just remove inputs that cause trouble! Lemma: Suppose a graph G has average degree k. Then G has an induced subgraph with minimum degree at least k/2.

  23. Boolean Hypercube {0,1}n Instead of Aldous’ random walk, more convenient to define snake distribution D using a “coordinate loop” Given v{0,1}n, let v(i) = (v with ith bit flipped) Let x0 = h, xt+1 = xt with ½ probability, xt+1 = xt(t mod n) with ½ probability Mixes completely in n steps Theorem: A snake drawn from D is n2/2n/2-good with probability at least 9/10

  24. d-dimensional cube (d≥3) Drawbacks of random walk become more serious: mixing time is too long, too many self-intersections Instead define D by “struts” of randomly chosen lengths connected at endpoints Theorem: A snake drawn from D is (logN)/N1/2-1/d-good with probability at least 9/10

  25. Open Problems • 2n/4 vs. 2n/3 gap for quantum complexity on {0,1}n • 2n/2/n2 vs. 2n/2n gap for randomized complexity • 2D square grid • Conjecture: Deterministic, randomized, and quantum query complexities are polynomially related for every family of graphs • Apply relational adversary method to other problems

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