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Surviving in a Changing Environment: Understanding Limiting Factors

Explore how populations survive within limiting factors, like carrying capacity, endangered and threatened species, and human-induced changes such as urban growth and pollution.

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Surviving in a Changing Environment: Understanding Limiting Factors

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  1. How Populations Survive pgs. B32-B41 Chapter 5: Lesson 3

  2. 1. limiting factor… • anything that controls the growth or survival of a population.

  3. the maximum population size that the resources in an area can support. 2. carrying capacity…

  4. 3. endangered species… • species that are in danger of becoming extinct.

  5. 4. extinct…. • a species is extinct when it has died out completely.

  6. 5. threatened species… • species may become endangered.

  7. How do people change the environment? • Urban Growth • Population has increased, land size remains the same. • Pollution • Air pollution • Water pollution • Garbage

  8. Musical Chairs • What were you competing for? • chairs This is called the limiting factor.

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