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ONE-NET. ONE-NET Evolution.

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  1. ONE-NET

  2. ONE-NET Evolution The original development work on ONE-NET was done by a Petaluma, CA company called Threshold, which was founded to create wireless networking devices for home automation and control.The company looked at various protocols available, from ZigBee to 802.15.4, but found none of them solved the problems of a network in the home environment. So the decision was made to develop a new protocol, which was eventually named ONE-NET.

  3. Common Ground

  4. What is ONE-NET? • ONE-NET is an open-source design standard for low power wireless networking. The ONE-NET wireless standard is specifically optimized for: • low power • low cost • high security • long range • ONE-NET can be implemented with a variety of off the shelf wireless transceivers and microcontrollers. • Anyone from a single engineer to a large chip company can contribute.

  5. Alliance Partners ONE-NET is supported by a growing number of partners:

  6. Features and Applications

  7. Open Source • ONE-NET is the only wireless control network that is based on the Open-Source philosophy • No royalties or fees for use of technology • Freedom to implement and modify • Uses the OSI-approved “Simplified BSD License” • Lots of design choices with open design standard • compilers, development systems, etc.

  8. Security • ONE-NET offers best-of-breed security: • Encryption is integral to protocol – No unencrypted modes • Default encryption is XTEA2 • Alternate encryption ID tag allows extension to stronger algorithms • Resistant to spoofing & replay attacks by using embedded nonces to ensure unique packets • Nonce tracking allows source verification • Security key update rate can be set per system to allow greater control of security level. Faster key updates increase network security • Programmable “still operational” messages can be used to detect sensor tampering or failure

  9. Network Topology • Star • Star topology is used to lower complexity and cost of peripherals • Peer-to-Peer • Master configures and authorizes peer-to-peer transactions • Mesh (Multi-hop) • Allows for repeating to cover larger area or route around ‘dead areas’

  10. Network Characteristics • Superior Range • ONE-NET outdoor peer-to-peer range has been measured to well over 500m • Indoor peer-to-peer range has been demonstrated from 60m to over 100m • Mesh range can extend to several kilometers • Simple, Block, and Streaming Transactions • Easy to Configure & Manage Network • High-Priority For Human-Response Peripherals

  11. Power Management • Optimized for battery-powered peripherals • Low-duty-cycle battery-powered ONE-NET devices such as window sensors, moisture detectors, etc. can easily achieve a three to five year battery life with “AA” or "AAA" alkaline cells • High data rate and short packets minimizes transceiver ON time • Deterministic Sleep period for client devices

  12. Documentation • ONE-NET Specification defines the ONE-NET physical and network protocol. • Payload Document defines the application message format. • Command Line Interface (CLI) provides basic control over ONE-NET devices either from a host processor or user terminal for ONE-NET evaluation boards.

  13. Payload Packets

  14. Message Types • There are 39 message types currently defined within the spec. • Switch • Temperature • Humidity • Etc. • There are 20 new message types currently proposed. • Instantaneous Gas • Accumulated Gas • INSTEON Command • Being open-source, the community can suggest and amend the message types as the protocol grows

  15. Message Classes • ONE-NET has 3 Message Classes: • Status • Command • Query • A given Message Type can have differing Message Data formats when used in a different Message Class, and not all message classes are valid for every message type. • When a Message Class is not valid for a Message type it will have the following type of entry in the Device Payload Document:

  16. CLI Examples LIST Command (Master View) ASSIGN PEER Command (Master View) SINGLE Command (Client View)

  17. Hardware Design Considerations

  18. Transceivers The number of ONE-NET transceiver options is growing. The list already includes: • TRC102 • XE1203F • XE1205 • ADF7025 • IA4421 • CC1100 • MICRF505 • AX5051 • SX1211

  19. Wireless Transmission • UHF ISM Transceivers • 868 and 915 MHz today • additional frequencies possible • Multiple Channels • 25 available in U.S. • Wideband FSK (Frequency-Shift Keying) • not FHSS (Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum) or DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)

  20. Low Cost Hardware • ONE-NET CLIENT has modest host processor requirements • 16K ROM • 1K RAM • 128 bytes user non-volatile memory • Well-suited for low-cost 8-bit and 16-bit processors such as: • MSP430 • R8C • C8051 • HC08

  21. Network Speed • Dynamic Data Rate Protocol • base data rate is 38.4Kbps • throughput at 38.4Kbpsis about 6Kbps • Per node dynamic data rate configuration for data rates up to 230Kbps • Low latency • 30–40ms typical (from wake-up to sleep again)

  22. Software Design Considerations

  23. ONE-NET Master • The ONE-NET Master is the device that primarily securely adds devices to the network, makes peer assignments, and manages network keys. • A master must have some form of user interface or connectivity to initiate actions such as adding clients. • This could even be a ONE-NET USB dongle, where the interface is provided through the PC or a one-line LCD with a few buttons.

  24. Client Devices Client Devices are all devices which aren’t a master. There’s no need for any user interfaces for ONE-NET clients. • Clients typically would be devices from a light switch, motion detector, thermostat, door chimes, energy meters/monitors. • ONE-NET defines simple clients as devices that support only single transactions. This is actually the greatest number of devices which will fit into any ONE-NET category such as a light switch or electrical outlet.

  25. Application Layer - Master

  26. Application Layer - Client

  27. Competitive Analysis

  28. Evaluation Boards Several companies plan to offer ONE-NET evaluation boards, modules, and development systems based on 9 different transceivers and numerous microcontrollers

  29. Thank You For more information, documentation or source code, visit: http://www.one-net.info

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