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Pro-Active Problem Solving

Pro-Active Problem Solving. How to Avoid and Handle Plant Injury Problems. By Joanne Kick-Raack, State Coordinator Pesticide Education Program Ohio State University Extension. Handling Complaints. Simplest method to deal with complaints is to prevent them Evaluate the application site

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Pro-Active Problem Solving

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  1. Pro-Active Problem Solving How to Avoid and Handle Plant Injury Problems By Joanne Kick-Raack, State Coordinator Pesticide Education Program Ohio State University Extension

  2. Handling Complaints • Simplest method to deal with complaints is to prevent them • Evaluate the application site • Review and adjust for potential problems • Continuously monitor the application • Respond quickly and appropriately to concerns

  3. Pro-Active Problem Solving • Sprayer maintenance • Calibration • Application techniques • Mix/rinse/fill procedures • Disposal • Protective Equipment • Record keeping • Communication

  4. Cleaning Field Sprayers to Avoid Crop Injury

  5. Why is cleaning field sprayers so important? • New pesticides are highly active in low amounts • They can be redissolved with later contact with other herbicides, their solvents or spray adjuvants

  6. Examples • Switching from Round-up on beans to a post-emergent application on corn • Switching from 2,4-D etc. on corn to Round-up on beans

  7. General Sprayer Clean-up Procedures • Fill for the day and end with an empty tank • Carry 50-100 gal.of fresh water for rinsing • Flush the system in the field immediately after use and apply to the application site consistent with the label • Don’t discharge solution in a small area • Select a location that is away from water supplies, streams • Do apply so that puddling or run-off cannot occur

  8. Sprayer Cleanout Between Crops—Step 1 • Add ½ tank fresh water and flush tanks, lines, booms, nozzles for > 5 min. using a combination of agitation and spraying • Wear protective equipment • Rinse inside surfaces of tank – be sure to get areas around baffles and tank fixtures

  9. Sprayer Cleanout Between Crops—Step 2 • Fill the tank with fresh water and add cleaning solution and agitate for 15 minutes. • Operate booms to ensure all nozzles and boom lines are filled with cleaning solution. Let solution stand for several hours or overnight. • Add more water and rinse again. Remove nozzles, strainers and clean separately • Rinse and flush system again

  10. Cleaning Solutions • Should be selected based on the herbicide and formulation to be cleaned. • Dilution, solubilization, and deactivation • Add one of following to each 50 gals. water • 2 qts. Household ammonia (let stand overnight for growth regulator herbicides such as 2,4-D, Banvel, Clarity • 4 lbs. Trisodium phosphate cleaner detergent

  11. Caution! • All sprayer components must be cleaned • Lowest point of the system should have a drain • If not, remaining solution may be problem

  12. Minimize Drift Drift is the “ Number One”complaint to the Ohio Department of Agriculture as the result of agricultural spraying.

  13. Drift/Non-Target Application No person shall apply a pesticide: -to an area or a crop in such a manner or at such time that he will contaminate adjacent crops, pasture land, other area or water -at such time or under such conditions that the wind velocity will cause the pesticide to drift and cause damage

  14. Remember… • ODA does issue penalties to farmers • Civil penalties $200-$400 • If take lab samples, costs can range from $800-$2000 • Also, ODA begins looking at other aspects of operation when out there • If damage is > $500, you are required to report

  15. Preplan Your Application • Evaluate application site and adjacent area • Wells • Lakes, ponds, streams, ditches, waterways • Gardens • Sensitive crops or ornamentals • Identify neighbors

  16. Considerations for Problem Sites • Use of buffer zones or setbacks • Wind speed, direction • Temperature and humidity • Nozzle selection • Product volatility • Product potential for damage & alternatives • Drift control agents

  17. Responding to Complaints • Respond immediately and in person • Listen! • Don’t argue • Provide a list of products applied (labels) • Agree to follow up ---and do it! • Document the complaint • Don’t make promises you or insurance won’t keep

  18. Risk Generalizations • Two key elements of risk perception • Familiarity • Control • Facts do not control risk perception • The public is not looking for zero risk

  19. Risk Communication The primary objective is to build trust not change public opinion about the size of the risk.

  20. Ohio Requirements for Private Applicator Record keeping • Record applications of all restricted use pesticides (RUP’s) • Keep records for 3 years • Record information on the day of application

  21. Ohio Requirements for Private Applicator Record keeping • If renting land, record must be made available to landowner within 30 days of the request • Information must be provided to attending health care professionals • Custom applicator may keep records for you

  22. Private ApplicatorPesticide Application Records • Certified applicator (name, address, certification number) • Brand name, formulation, EPA registration number • Total amount and rate of application • Crop treated • Target pest

  23. Private ApplicatorPesticide Application Records 7. Month, day, year of application 8. Type of application equipment 9. Method of application (preemerge etc.) 10. Weather conditions: air temperature, wind speed and direction

  24. Reasons to Keep Application Records • Improve management decisions—what works and what doesn’t • Improve crop rotation decisions • Prevent future pesticide failures • Provide safeguard in case of claims of drift or injury • Substantiates product guarantee claims

  25. Reasons to Keep Application Records • Saves Money • Helps secure funding by providing environmental liability records • Meets buyer requirements • Respond to food and water safety questions • Aids in emergency medical treatment • Provides data to support pesticide use

  26. Damage Control • Proper tank clean-out • Thoughtful Applications • Good records • Good neighbor communications

  27. Handling Complaints • Act concerned!! • Take the time to talk rationally with them • Don’t just say, “It will be all right don’t worry”

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