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Explore how Winlink 2000 provides robust wireless backup system for SMTP email, endorsed by ARRL for emergency communications and offers various services like weather bulletin, position reporting, and more. Learn how Ham Radio users can access this system and enhance their communication abilities.
How to get started by John Rader AA7ZV
Winlink 2000 is… • … a robust wireless backup system for SMTP email. It utilizes a full-featured radio digital message transfer system, worldwide. • …a system that provides email transfer with attachments, map & text-based position reporting, graphic & text-based weather bulletin services, and emergency communicationsare now available to the Amateur radio community by linking radio to the Internet.” …email over Ham Radio!
Winlink 2000 Today • Originally created for open water boaters and RV users • Endorsed by the ARRL as a viable emergency digital communication system • Approximately 150,000 radio message/260,000 minutes through system, monthly. • Over 7,200 weekly users to over 85,000 email recipients. • Over 45 Standard Participating locations (PMBOs) with 24 in USA. Many locations contain multiple stations. • 2.1 minute Ave. est. delivery time to PMBO for Pickup • Over 670 VHF/UHF Telpac gateways in operation. • HF radio access, VHF/UHF radio access, Telnet Access, WEB Browser Access. • New Inclusion of non-public EmComm PMBOs. • Enhanced, more flexible & redundant network topology currently under development with even less Internet dependency.
AirMail Paclink HyperTerminal E-MAIL VIA HAM RADIOHow do Hams do that? TelPacNode (WA7FW-10) Antenna By connecting to the VHF packet Telpac Node the ham station may be linked to the internet to send and receive e-mails. VHF Radio PMBO Data Interface Client Mail Programs Ham Computer Internet E-mail
What does it take to get started? • Can connect with or without radio. • If using a radio you need a client program.
Go to the Webmail website. To use this you must first have to make a connection over a rf link. Then go to this website and create a password and log in.
HyperTerminal This will work but is slower than using one of the other client programs. Not recommended for use on hf but is fine on vhf.
Download and install Airmail www.airmail2000.com
Installing AirMail Download and run Airmail.
To setup to use over the internet click on “Modules” and then on “Internet Access”
Click on the green button and watch the connect.
To use packet radio click on “Tools” And then on “Options”
Click on “Modules” and choose which method to send your message.
Enter the Telpac callsign Make sure the handshake is selected Click on the green button and watch the connect
Tips to improve effeciency: • Try to keep the messages as small as possible. • Send messages in Rich Text Format rather than Word. • Use CSV files rather than Excel files. • Use photo editing to get pictures somewhere around 30k to 40k in size. • Ask people you are sending to to not reply to your message but to instead create a new message. • Always listen before you start transmitting. This is true of packet radio as well as hf pactor.
Winlink 2000 (WL2K) System Details and Downloads: Winlink 2000 web site: www.winlink.org EmComm WL2K reflector: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wl2kemcomm/ On-line course for Using WL2K programs for EmComm: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LOADING_WL2K_USER_PROGRAMS/ Published Information about Winlink 2000: http://www.winlink.org/news.htm Airmail Program Download: http://www.airmail2000.com Airmail reflector: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/airmail2000/