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Investigating resonance production, widths, and masses in various particle collision experiments to understand collision dynamics. Examining different decay channels and their implications on the final collision stages.
Overview of Resonance Production P. Fachini Brookhaven National Laboratory Patricia Fachini
Motivation Measured Resonances Masses and Widths Spectra and Yields Ratios Outlook Patricia Fachini
Motivation Patricia Fachini
π- ρ0 π+ ρ0 ρ0 ρ0 π- π+ π- ρ0 + + + π+ - - - Motivation - I • Medium modification of mass and/or width Chiral Symmetry Restoration, Collision Broadening and/or Phase Space? • ρ0leptonic decay channel probes all stages of the collision R. Rapp and J. Wambach, Adv. Nucl. Phys. 25, 1 (2000); G. E. Brown and M. Rho, Phys. Rev. Let. 66 2720 (1991); P. Braun-Munzinger, GSI Internal Report ρ0 c = 1.3 fm • ρ0hadronic decay channel probes latestages of the collision Patricia Fachini
Motivation - II • Φ information early stages of the collision • Φ modification mass shape and width • Φ different production for hadronic and leptonic channels • Nucleon-nucleon collisions η, ω and ρ0 at high pT perturbative QCD • A+A collisions η, ω and ρ0at high pT nuclear effects can modify particle production • Δ++ mass and width modification in medium • K* time between chemical and kinetic freeze-out Φ c = 44 fm S. Pal et al., Nucl.Phys. A707 (2002) 525-539 RHIC Δ++ Hees and Rapp Hot Quarks04 Hees and Rapp, HotQuarks04 Patricia Fachini
π K* K K* measured π K* K*lost K π K* π π K* K K K K* measured Motivation - III • If resonance decays before kinetic freeze-out not reconstructed due to rescattering of daughters • K*0(c = 4 fm)survival probability timebetween chemical and kinetic freeze-out, source size and pT of K*0 • Chemical freeze-out elastic interactionsπK K*0 πKregenerate K*0(892)until kinetic freeze-out • K*0/K may reveal time between chemical and kinetic freeze-out Chemical freeze-out Kinetic freeze-out Patricia Fachini
Measured Resonances Patricia Fachini
Resonance Production ρ0(770)π+ π-B.R. ~1 c = 1.3 fm Δ++(1232) p π+ B.R. ~1 c = 1.6 fm K*(892) πK B.R. ~1 c = 4 fm Σ(1385) ΛπB.R. 0.88 c = 5.5 fm Λ(1520) p KB.R. 0.45 c = 12.6 fm Ξ(1530) ΞπB.R. ~1 c = 21 fm ω(782) π+ π-π0B.R. 0.89 c = 23 fm ω(782) π0 B.R. 0.089 c = 23 fm Φ(1020) K+ K-B.R. 0.49 c = 44 fm Φ(1020) e+e-B.R. 0.000296 c = 44 fm η(547) π+ π-π0B.R. 0.23 c = 167225 fm Life Time Patricia Fachini
Δ++(1232) p π+ B.R. ~1 c = 1.6 fm STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary √sNN = 200 GeV √sNN = 200 GeV Patricia Fachini
K*(892) πK B.R. ~1 c = 4 fm STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary √sNN = 200 GeV √sNN = 200 GeV √sNN = 62 GeV STAR Preliminary Patricia Fachini
Σ(1385) ΛπB.R. 0.88 c = 5.5 fm Λ(1520) p KB.R. 0.45 c = 12.6 fm Ξ(1530) ΞπB.R. ~1 c = 21 fm Ξ* STAR Preliminary Au+Au √sNN = 200 GeV √sNN = 200 GeV STAR Preliminary Λ* Minimum Bias d+Au STAR Preliminary Patricia Fachini
ω(782) π+ π-π0B.R. 0.89 c = 23 fm ω(782) π0 B.R. 0.089 c = 23 fm η(547) π+ π-π0B.R. 0.23 c = 167225 fm p+p Au+Au PHENIX η,ω π+π-π0 p+p ω π0 ω π0 PHENIX PHENIX √sNN = 200 GeV Patricia Fachini
Φ(1020) K+ K-B.R. 0.49 c = 44 fm Φ(1020) e+e-B.R. 0.000296 c = 44 fm d+Au PHENIX Φ K+K- STAR Preliminary √sNN = 200 GeV Au+Au PHENIX Φ e+e- √sNN = 200 GeV Patricia Fachini
Sub-Threshold Measurements K(892) (< 800 MeV) Σ(1385) (< 400 MeV) K*0 K+ + - Σ*± + ± Al+Al 1.9 AGeV FOPI Al+Al 1.9 AGeV FOPI Patricia Fachini
K0Sπ+π- ω(782) (π+π-) π0and π+ π- K0S ω η (π+π-) π0 and (π+π-) η’ (π+π-)ηand (π+π-) ρ0 η + η’ K*(892)0 Kπwith K misidentified as π K*0 + K*0misidentified π+π- Invariant Mass Distribution from Monte Carlo • HIJING events with a realistic simulation of detector response STAR Preliminary ρ0(770) π+π- sNN= 200 GeV ρ0 • Use ωandK*0shape from HIJING to fit the data • K*0signal is fixed using STAR measurement Patricia Fachini
ρ0(770)π+ π-B.R. ~1 c = 1.3 fm STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary 20-40% dAu 0.6 ≤ pT < 0.8 GeV/c 40-100% dAu 0.6 ≤ pT < 0.8 GeV/c √sNN = 200 GeV √sNN = 200 GeV STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary 40-80% Au+Au 0.6 ≤ pT < 0.8 GeV/c 0-20% dAu 0.6 ≤ pT < 0.8 GeV/c √sNN = 62 GeV √sNN = 200 GeV Patricia Fachini
Masses and Widths Patricia Fachini
K* Mass and Width STAR Preliminary • K*0 pT < 1 GeV mass shift of ~10 MeV observed • K*± and K*0 pT > 1 GeV mass agrees with PDG for all systems within errors • Width agrees with PDG for all systems within errors • Systematic error shown for minimum bias d+Au 200 GeV MC PDG K*0 PDG K*± PDG STAR Preliminary Patricia Fachini
Δ++ Mass and Width PDG • Δ++ mass shift observed in both minimum bias p+p and d+Au at √sNN = 200 GeV • Width agrees with PDG for both systems within errors PDG Patricia Fachini
ω Mass • Nomass shift observed in both minimum bias p+p and d+Au at √sNN = 200 GeV • Statistical error shown fit PDG fit PDG Patricia Fachini
ρ0 Mass • Mass shift observed for all systems • Towards the vacuum value at high pT? • Systematic errors shown for Minimum Bias d+Au 200 GeV STAR Preliminary Patricia Fachini
STAR ρ0 Hadronic channel STAR (RHIC) • Probing late of the collisions • Mass shift ~70 MeV Patricia Fachini
ρ0 Dimuons channel NA60 (SPS) Hees and Rapp, hep-ph/0603084 • Probing all stages of the collisions • Mass broadening Patricia Fachini
STAR Mass Shift in A+A Hees and Rapp, hep-ph/0603084 SPS RHIC • ~70 MeV mass shift measured by STAR in peripheral Au+Au collisions and no apparent broadening • Broadening measured by NA60 in central In-In collisions and no mass shift • Are these measurements in agreement? • RHIC di-lepton measurements! Patricia Fachini
ρ0Mass at High-PT Patricia Fachini
ρ0 Mass at High pT • η production fixed according to PHENIX data • K0s production fixed according to STAR data • ρ0 mass = 775.9 MeV fixed • ρ0 width = 160 MeV fixed • f0mass = 980 MeV fixed • f0width = 100 MeV fixed • f2mass = 1275 MeV fixed • f2width = 185 MeV fixed • In p+pω and ρ0 production are assumed to be the same Patricia Fachini
ρ0 Mass at High pT STAR Preliminary • ρ0mass at high pT pure relativistic BW function • ρ0 mass at high pT equivalent measurement e+e- • Mass shift observed at low pT is not a detector effect! Background STAR Preliminary p+p 200GeV Central Au+Au 200GeV STAR Preliminary Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 092301 Minimum Bias Au+Au 200GeV Patricia Fachini
Masses and Widths • No mass or width modification of η, ω, Φ, Λ*, Σ* or Ξ* • Mass shift observed for K*, Δ++ and ρ0 at low-pT possible explanations • π+π- rescattering in p+p collisions • Medium modifications • Bose-Einstein correlations • ρ0 at high-pT No apparent mass shift! P. Fachini et.al., J.Phys.G33:431-440,2007 R. Rapp, Nucl.Phys. A725, 254 (2003), E.V. Shuryak and G.E. Brown, Nucl. Phys. A 717 (2003) 322 G.D. Lafferty, Z. Phys. C 60, 659 (1993); R. Rapp, Nucl.Phys. A725 (2003) 254-268 S. Pratt et al., Phys.Rev. C68 (2003) 064905 Patricia Fachini
Spectra Patricia Fachini
Spectra-I STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary Patricia Fachini
Spectra-II K*0 Au+Au √sNN = 62 GeV STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary √sNN = 200 GeV Patricia Fachini
Spectra-III Φ K+ K- STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary Patricia Fachini
Spectra-IV Au+Au 62 GeV Patricia Fachini
ΦProduction K+K- and e+e- e+e- K+K- • The leptonic channel yield is a little higher than hadronic channel • More accurate measurement is required to confirm whether there is branch ratio modification Patricia Fachini
Φ Production K+K- J. Rafelski et al.,Phys.Rev. C72 (2005) 024905 STAR • Φ production there is a factor of ~2 difference between PHENIX and STAR! • BRAHMS measurement agrees with STAR at midrapidity PHENIX STAR +PHENIX √sNN = 200 GeV Patricia Fachini
Ratios Patricia Fachini
Φ Ratios STAR Preliminary • Φ/K- independent of centrality • UrQMD does not reproduce data kaon coalescence not the main production mechanism for Φ! • Φ/K- reproduced by thermal models no rescattering (or regeneration) due to c= 44 fm Patricia Fachini
Resonance to stable particle ratios √sNN = 200 GeV c = 1.3 fm c = 4 fm c = 1.6 fm • ρ0,Δ++andΣ* ratios independent of centrality or system size • K* andΛ* suppression compared to p+p collisions c = 12.6 fm c = 5.5 fm STAR Preliminary Patricia Fachini
t - c N(Δt) = N0 e 0.23 Au+Au = 0.35 K*0 K*0 p+p K- K- Δt - c e = Time between freeze-outs • If rescattering is the dominantprocess, • And the time between chemical and kinetic freeze-out should be Δt = 2 ± 1 fm • If no regeneration is present Δt = 2 ± 1 fm • Blast-Wave fit to π±, K±, p, and p Δt > 6 fm Patricia Fachini
K* Ratios STAR Preliminary Statistical errors only • K*/K- ratio in central collisions at 62 GeV and 200 GeV are comparable same time between chemical and kinetic freeze-outs Patricia Fachini
η, ω and ρ0 Ratios η STAR Preliminary • ω/π0 ratio constant for pT> 2 GeV lower than PYTHIA ω/π0= 1.0 • ρ0/π-ratio constant for 5 < pT < 10 GeV lower than PYTHIA • η/π0ratio comparable to PYTHIA • ω/π0and ρ0/π-measuredcomparable √sNN = 200 GeV ρ0π+π- Patricia Fachini
Ratios • Φ/K- independent and constant for all collision systems kaon coalescence not the main production mechanism for Φ! • Φ/K- reproduced by thermal models no rescattering (or regeneration) due to c = 44 fm • ρ0,Δ++andΣ* ratios independent of centrality • K* andΛ* suppression compared to p+p collisions • K*/K- ratio in central collisions at 62 GeV and 200 GeV are comparable same time between chemical and kinetic freeze-outs • ρ0/π-ratio constant for 5 < pT < 10 GeV lower than PYTHIA • ω/π0and ρ0/π0measuredcomparable Patricia Fachini
Outlook • What’s next? • We need: • Systematic study of K*0 and Δ++mass and widthin Au+Au (RUN4) • ρ0 in central Au+Au overwhelming combinatory background • ρ0 in central Cu+Cu doable… • Λ(1520),Σ(1385),Ξ(1530)… Other higher state resonances… • High-pTand v2 measurements of resonances • a1 γπ± e+e-π± • Leptonic Channel • Φ, ρComparison between leptonic and hadronic channels in A+A!!! • Requires • Large statistics • RHIC Upgrades • Low mass dileptons PHENIX (HBD) and STAR (TOF) • TOF full coverage STAR Patricia Fachini
Backup Slides Patricia Fachini
Φ Mass and Width STAR Preliminary • pT > 1 GeV mass and width agree with MC and PDG for all systems • pT < 1 GeV mass agrees with MC for all systems within errors • pT < 1 GeV width higher than MC for all systems real physics or detector effect? • No significant mass or width modification observed PDG STAR Preliminary PDG Patricia Fachini
an v2(pT,n) = - dn 1 + exp[-(pT/n – b)/c] Elliptic Flow - I • KS0 and Λv2 scale number constituent quarks v2/n • Resonance v2 • πK K* n = 4 • qq K* n = 2 • Significant K*0v2 measured • Fitting K*0 v2to a, b, c, and d constants extracted using KS0and Λ v2 • K*0 v2n= 2.0 ± 0.3 C. Nonaka et al., Phys.Rev. C69 (2004) 031902 X. Dong et al., Phys.Lett. B597 (2004) 328 Minimum Bias Au+Au 200GeV STAR Preliminary Patricia Fachini
Elliptic Flow - II • Significant Φ v2 measured • v2 increases with decreasing centrality • Φnot produced via kaon coalescence Φinformation fromearly stagesnon-zeroΦv2 s-quarks flow Partonic collectivity • Intermediate pTΦ v2 consistent with KS0than Λ favors NCQ=2 Recombination/ Coalescence models • Φ v2n= 2.3 ± 0.4 Au+Au 200GeV Patricia Fachini
Elliptic Flow • s-quarks flow as u- and d-quarks • Φ not produced via kaon coalescence and do not participate strongly in hadronic interactions evidence for partonic collectivity! • Φ and K* intermediate pT formed via quark-quark coalescence Patricia Fachini
Nuclear Modification Factor • K*(892) andΦ mesons • K*(892) and Φ mass closer to Λ mass • K* and ΦRCP intermediate pT closer to KS0than Λ evidence for baryon/meson effect favors parton recombination Patricia Fachini
STAR Φ Ratios Chemical freeze-out Chemical = Kinetic freeze-out • Φ/K- ratio reproduced by thermal model Φ has long lifetime!not affected by rescattering (or regeneration) Patricia Fachini