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Woman Upon a Beast - Recap.

Explore the prophetic symbolism in Rev. 17, Vatican history, political influence, and moral developments. Discussion on Papal power, doctrine, and Rome's role in the EU. Analysis of religious unity and potential future scenarios.

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Woman Upon a Beast - Recap.

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  1. Woman Upon a Beast - Recap. • 17:1 Great whore is false Christianity (Section 51) named Babylon the Great (Sect 52). • 17:3 Shows this woman gaining ascendancy over eighth head of Rome - to ride the beast - directing its operations - STILL FUTURE.

  2. …and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. Rev.17:3

  3. Brief History of Vatican. • From 4th century Vatican achieved temporal power through acquiring land. • From 756 to 1870 ruled Church States. • Following victories of Napoleon and Garibaldi, Popes lost control over the States in 1870. • Became “prisoners in the Vatican.”

  4. 16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. 17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. 18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. Rev 17

  5. The Ten Horns & the Whore. • 17:16-18 explanations to John of symbols used. • 17:16 Ten horns hated whore - made her desolate and naked. • Occurred during fifth Vial period when European powers threw off shackles of Roman church and made Pope prisoner in Vatican. • 16:16 i.e.The whore was made desolate and naked and in state of political ‘widowhood’.

  6. Political Influence in 20th Century-Summary. • The Lateran Pacts 1929 - resulted in the temporal power of the Papacy being restored. • 1933 concordat with Nazi Germany signed at the Vatican. • 1949 Pius XII issued decree prescribing the penalty of excommunication for those who voluntarily adopted Communism. • 1963 Pope John XXIII more conciliatory towards Communism in Encyclical Pacem in Terris.

  7. Holy Roman Empire ended 1806. Pope into exile & lost papal states 1809 until gaining Vatican City in 1933. 1950’s and onward Europe - EU. Pope re-emerges with ‘Christian Socialism,’ pacts with Marxism, Nazis and power through EU.

  8. Power to Be Regained? • Papacy adopting success policies of French Revolution. • Evolving “Christian Socialism”:- • The Social Gospel. • Doctrinal and Moral issues. • Political – Nazis and the European Union

  9. The Social Gospel. • Lay Apostulate set up. • Encyclical Mater et Magistra 1961 - “Catholic social doctrine ... must be spread by every modern means at our disposal…” • 1971 “Parents, educators, priests and Christian (i.e. Catholic) organisations should encourage young people with the right qualities to take up a career in social communication.”

  10. Doctrinal and Moral Development. • Pope proclaimed as having full power to forgive or retain sins. • “The Pope cannot err.” • “The spiritual power of the papacy at the beginning of the new (i.e. 20th) century is greater than it has ever been since the Middle Ages.” (Phillips Modern Europe p485) • Undermining of Bible record by adoption of Theistic evolution.

  11. Doctrinal & Moral Development(cont’d). • Policy adopted by Rome - embrace and absorb all other religious systems. • Make overtures towards Islam. • Strive for re-union with Orthodox churches - “The Church must breathe with her two lungs …” (Pope John Paul II, 25 May 1995).

  12. Religious Unity in Europe. • 1995 Encyclical - the Pope’s ambition to set up a ‘Pan-Christian Council to bring together Roman Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants - towards unification.

  13. Vladimir Putin and the Pope 5 Nov 2003

  14. Some Protestant Churches are considering a return to Rome Jan 2004 Pope negotiates for EU Constitution to refer to God

  15. Rome Involvement with EU. • Rome was a key participant in the EU from the beginning. • “The Common Market itself started under the inspiration of Catholic politicians - such as Adenauer of Germany, Paul-Henri Spaak, Jean Monnet and Robert Schumann. They were all Christian Democrats. They were all deeply influenced by Catholic social teaching…”Peregrine Worsthorne, The Sunday Telegraph 25 Aug.1991).

  16. Treaty of ROME 1957. • Pope described it - “an enrichment not only economic and cultural but also spiritual and religious.” (Catholic Times, 8 Nov.1957) • United Europe seen as elimination of future warfare. • Jesuit opinion - “In my view, the major argument for Britain’s entry into the European Community is that it would signalize the end of the Reformation quarrel”. T Corbishlay

  17. EU - False Promise of Peace. • It exists for no lesser reason than to prevent a recurrence of war in Europe ...” (Sunday Times, Books Section, 7 July 1996) • “The policy of European integration is in reality a question of war and peace in the 21st century” (Daily Telegraph, 22 March 1996). • EU is a false promise, for the scarlet coloured beast of Europe with the harlot rider will make war on the Lamb.

  18. Rome’s Involvement in Politics. • “Politicians have to be controlled and the Church must do it.” Catholic Herald, 25 Oct.1996 • “Deceit in high places has brought us to our present plight, and it is vital that a united endeavour to get out of the iron grip of European politicians should now be made ...” Lord Tonypandy

  19. Latest Intentions. • 1948 Council of Europe first met at The Hague - basic purpose was “to safeguard the heritage of Europe and its social progress. • “The EMU is intended to destroy the nation and to create an empire.” • The EU is “about how we make Europe strong and influential - how we make full use of the potential Europe has to be a global power for good”.The Charlemagne Prize :speech by Tony Blair

  20. Holy Roman Empire?

  21. Woman Riding the Beast - Outcome – Warfare. 17:12 “And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten Kings, which have received no Kingdom as yet; but receive power as Kings one hour with the beast. 13 These have one mind, and they shall give their power and strength unto the beast 14 These shall make war with the Lamb and the Lamb shall overcome them:”

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