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EFL teacher’s roles and the different factors that influence teacher’s behavior in the classroom. Lecture 1 Methodology L7. What are the objectives of the present lecture?. By the end of this lecture students will be able to Understand the relationship between teachers and students.
EFL teacher’s roles and the different factors that influence teacher’s behavior in the classroom. Lecture 1 Methodology L7 Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
What are the objectives of the present lecture? By the end of this lecture students will be able to • Understand the relationship between teachers and students. • Recognize the different roles of a teacher. • Controller • Organizer • Assessor • Prompter • Participant • Resource • tutor • Observer • Understanding the role of the teacher as a teaching aid • Mime and gesture • Language model • Provider of comprehensible input Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
The Three Types of Learning • There is more than one type of learning. • Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge) • Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude) • Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills) • Trainers often refer to these three domains as KSA (Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude). This taxonomy of learning behaviors can be thought of as "the goals of the training process." That is, after the training session, the learner should have acquired new skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes. Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
Understanding the relationship between teachers and students. • What is teaching? To give someone knowledge or to train or instruct someone OR To show someone how to do something or to change somebody’s ideas. • Is teaching transmission of knowledge from teacher to student???????????? • Is teaching creating conditions in which students learn for themselves????????????? Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
Teacher- centred teaching and Learner - centred teaching • Teacher-Centred Teaching- teacher fronted class • Learner – Centred Teaching- teaching which makes the learners’ needs and experience central to the educational process. In this kind of teaching, Students’needs should drive the syllabus not some imposed list. • The measure of a good lesson is the student activity taking place not the performance of the teacher. • The teacher is a giver of knowledge- controller and authority (Teacher-Centred Teaching). • The teacher is a facilitator and a resource for the students to draw on (Learner-Centred Teaching) Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
The roles of a teacher Within our teaching, our role may change from one activity to another, or from one stage of an activity to another. If we are fluent at making these changes our effectiveness as teachers is greatly enhanced. Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
Facilitator • Any role adopted or used by the teacher to help students learn is to some extent facilitative. All roles, aim to facilitate the students’ progress in some way or another. Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
Controller • Controllers take the role, tell students things, organise drills, read aloud…… • Contollers exemplify the qualities of the teacher- fronted classroom. • Teachers who view their job as the transmission of knowledge feel comfortable with the image of themselves as controllers. • Transmission teaching - focuses every thing on the teacher. - reduces the opportunities of students' speak in class (whole class activities) - lack of variety in class activity There are times when there is a need to be a controller in your class. You need to be ready and welling to change your role at any time if there is a need. Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
Organiser • Orgnising students to do various activities- • engaging students • giving instructions (demonstrations) • Asking students to start or initiating the activity. • Giving feedback Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
Assessor • Offering feedback, correction and grading students in various ways • Students need to know how and for what they are being assessed. The criteria against which they are assessed • Fairness Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
Prompter • In role-play activity- writing tasks- working in groups, there is a need to guide our students what to do but not telling them exactly what to do. • Encouraging students to think creatively rather than leading them to do what we want them to do. • We want to help but we don’t want. Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
Participant • Teachers usually stand back from the students' activities. However there is time when we need to join in our students’ activities not as teachers but as participants • The danger of teachers as participants is that they might dominate the activity because teacher is the teacher even if he is one of the participants in the activity. Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
Resource -We might be one of the important resources that our students can use during their activities. Indicate some of these situations. • We need to encourage our students to use resource material themselves (dictionaries). • The courage of saying I don’t know. • We are helping and guiding but not spoon- feeding Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
Tutor • When students are involved in long activities, teacher needs to work as a tutor. • Tutor = prompter +resource • It is difficult to be a tutor in a very large group------------- intimate relationship • It is essential for us to work as tutors from time to time. Students feel supported and helped. The classroom atmosphere is enhanced. Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
Observer • Teachers do not only observe students in order to give feedback. They also watch in order to judge the success of the different materials and activities that they use in their lessons. • Don’t over observe your students by hanging on their every word. Getting very close to them and writing a lot about your students is not good. • Observe what students did both wrong and right. Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
Which role? • We need to be able to switch between the different roles and to decide when it is appropriate to use one or another. Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
The teacher as teaching aid • We are a kind of teaching aid ourselves, a piece of teaching equipment in our own right. • We are especially useful when using mime, gestures, language models and providers of comprehensible input. • Gestures don’t have universal meanings, so we need to be careful about using them in our classes. • Language model-----students get models of language from textbooks, reading materials, from radio and videotapes. But we can also model language ourselves. • Teacher works as a provider of comprehensible input------- that is language which students understand the meaning of, but which is slightly above their own production level. • student’ talking time STT and teacher’ talking time TTT. Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
factors that influence teacher’s behavior and methods There are many factors which may influence teacher’s behavior and methods used in teaching a foreign language. 1. The teacher's training- education. Teachers with limited or no training on TFL methodology find it rather difficult to vary their methods. • 2. The teacher's load. If the teacher is over-loaded with an excessive number of teaching hours and other school activities, he naturally tends to use methods that require minimal effort and, most probably, at the expense of efficiency. Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
factors that influence teacher’s behavior and methods cont. • 3. The teacher's motivation. If the teacher is poorly motivated for one reason or another, his efficiency in teaching drops down. • 4. The teacher's familiarity with the teaching methods. If a teacher has been accustomed to using a certain approach for several years, he usually resists the introduction of new methods unfamiliar to him (traditional teachers). • 5. The teacher's personality. Some teachers discover, through personal experience, that some methods of teaching fit them better than other methods because they go better with their own personality structure. Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
factors that influence teacher’s behavior and methods cont. • 6. The teacher's learning. A teacher normally tends to teach a foreign language In a way similar to how he him- herself learned that FL. • 7. Students' interest. If the class is interested in learning the foreign language, this gives the teacher more freedom to vary his methods • 8. Students' achievement. Studies have shown that there is a positive correlation between intelligence and FL learning. Therefore, teaching bright students certainly differs from teaching slow learner students. • 9. Students' age. Teaching children differs from teaching adolescents or adults. As the child moves to adolescence and later to adulthood, his-her readiness for imitation gradually gives place to his preference for intellectualizing. Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
factors that influence teacher’s behavior and methods cont. • 10. Students' expectations. What students expect from a FL course may affect the teacher's methods. These expectations are determined by their previous experience with former FL courses, their actual needs, study habits, and general learning strategies. • 11. FL-NL relationship- interference. If the foreign language (FL) and the native language (NL) are different in all aspects, the problems are different from those in another situation where the two languages are different in some aspects only. Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
factors that influence teacher’s behavior and methods cont. • 12. Facilities. FL teaching methods are Influenced by the existence or absence of facilities such as pictures, tapes, films, laboratories, and radio programs. • 13. Tests. Teachers and students tend to emphasize what tests emphasize. If tests neglect a certain aspect of language, teachers and students usually neglect that aspect. If tests emphasize the productive aspect of language. Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
factors that influence teacher’s behavior and methods cont. • 14. Class size. Methods successful with small classes may not be equally so with large classes. One implication of these factors Is that the teacher should be psychologically and professionally prepared to vary or at least modify his methods to suit different educational situations. It will be exhausting, unfruitful, unfair Or even unwise if the teacher blindly Insists on utilizing one single method In all situations. Thanks The End Dr Hanaa Elbaz Dr. Hanaa El-Baz
Points mentioned in class - Hidden objectives eg. • Task-oriented teaching& skill-oriented teaching • How to write correct objective • Goals, Aims, learning objectives- specific objectives or behavioral objective or just objectives. • How to write good objective. The verb should be observable and measurable • The end Dr. Hanaa El-Baz