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Notes 2: Problem Solving using Search. ICS 171, Winter 2001. Summary. Problem solving as search Search consists of state space operators start state goal states A Search Tree is an efficient way to represent a search There are a variety of specific search techniques, including
Notes 2: Problem Solving using Search ICS 171, Winter 2001
Summary • Problem solving as search • Search consists of • state space • operators • start state • goal states • A Search Tree is an efficient way to represent a search • There are a variety of specific search techniques, including • Depth-First Search • Breadth-First Search • Others which use heuristic knowledge (in future lectures)
What do these problems have in common? • Find the layout of chips on a circuit board which minimize the total length of interconnecting wires • Schedule which airplanes and crew fly to which cities for American, United, British Airways, etc • Write a program which can play chess against a human • Build a system which can find human faces in an arbitrary digital image • Program a tablet-driven portable computer to recognize your handwriting • Decrypt data which has been encrypted but you do not have the key • Answer • they can all be formulated as search problems
Setting Up a State Space Model • State-space Model is a Model for The Search Problem • usually a set of discrete states X • e.g., in driving, the states in the model could be towns/cities • Start State - a state from X where the search starts • Goal State(s) • a goal is defined as a target state • For now: all goal states have utility 1, and all non-goals have utility 0 • there may be many states which satisfy the goal • e.g., drive to a town with an airport • or just one state which satisfies the goal • e.g., drive to Las Vegas • Operators • operators are mappings from X to X • e.g. moves from one city to another that are legal (connected with a road)
Summary: Defining Search Problems • A statement of a Search problem has 4 components • 1. A set of states • 2. A set of “operators” which allow one to get from one state to another • 3. A start state S • 4. A set of possible goal states, or ways to test for goal states • Search solution consists of • a sequence of operators which transform S into a a unique goal state G (this is the sequence of actions the we would take to maximize the success function) • Representing real problems in a search framework • may be many ways to represent states and operators • key idea: represent only the relevant aspects of the problem
Example 1: Formulation of Map Problem • Set of States • individual cities • e.g., Irvine, SF, Las Vegas, Reno, Boise, Phoenix, Denver • Operators • freeway routes from one city to another • e.g., Irvine to SF via 5, SF to Seattle, etc • Start State • current city where we are, Irvine • Goal States • set of cities we would like to be in • e.g., cities which are cooler than Irvine • Solution • a sequence of operators which get us a specific goal city, • e.g., Irvine to SF via 5, SF to Reno via 80, etc
B C A G S D F E State Space Graph: Map Navigationnot to be confused with Search Tree!! S = start, G = goal, other nodes = intermediate states, links = legal transitions
Abstraction • Definition of Abstraction: • Navigation Example: how do we define states and operators? • First step is to abstract “the big picture” • i.e., solve a map problem • nodes = cities, links = freeways/roads (a high-level description) • this description is an abstraction of the real problem • Can later worry about details like freeway onramps, refueling, etc • Abstraction is critical for automated problem solving • must create an approximate, simplified, model of the world for the computer to deal with: real-world is too detailed to model exactly • good abstractions retain all important details Process of removing irrelevant detail to create an abstract representation: ``high-level”, ignores irrelevant details
Qualities of a Good Representation • Given a good representation/abstraction, solving a problem can be easy! • Conversely, a poor representation makes a problem harder • Qualities which make a Representation useful: • important objects and relations are emphasized • irrelevant details are suppressed • natural constraints are made explicit and clear • completeness • transparency • concise • efficient
Example 2: Puzzle-Solving as Search • You have a 3-gallon and a 4-gallon • You have a faucet with an unlimited amount of water • You need to get exactly 2 gallons in 4-gallon jug • State representation: (x, y) • x: Contents of four gallon • y: Contents of three gallon • Start state: (0, 0) • Goal state(s) G = {(2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)} • Operators • Fill 3-gallon (0,0)->(0,3), fill 4-gallon (0,0)->(0,4) • Fill 3-gallon from 4-gallon (4,0)->(1,3), fill 4-gallon from 3-gallon (0,3)->(3,0) or (1,3)->(4,0) or (2,3)->(4,0)…. • Empty 3-gallon into 4-gallon, empty 4-gallon into 3-gallon • Dump 3-gallon down drain (0,3)->(0,0), dump 4-gallon down drain (4,0)->(0,0)
Example 3: The “8-Puzzle” Problem Start State 1 2 3 4 6 7 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Goal State
8-puzzle as a Search Problem • States • ? • Operators • ? • Start State • ? • Goal State
Search Tree For Searching a State Space • 1. State Space Graph • nodes are states • links are operators mapping states to states • 2. Search Tree: (not a tree data structure strictly speaking) • S, the starting point for the search, is always the root node • The search algorithm searches by expanding leaf nodes • Internal nodes are states the algorithm has already explored • Leaves are potential goal nodes: the algorithm stops expanding once it finds (attempts to expand) the first goal node G • Key Concept • Search trees are a data structure to represent how the search algorithm explores the state space, i.e., they dynamically evolve as the search proceeds
Example 1: a Search Tree for Map Navigation S D A D B E E C Note: this is the search tree at some particular point in in the search.
Searching Using a Search Tree • Given a state space, start state S, and set of goal states G, the search algorithm must determine how to get from S to an element of G • General Search Procedure using a Search Tree • Let S be the root node of the search tree • Expand S: i.e., determine the children of S • expanded nodes (internal) are closed • unexpanded nodes (leaves) are open • Add the children of S to the tree • Visit the open nodes of the tree in some order • test if each node is a goal node • if not expand it and add children to the open queue • Different search algorithms differ in the order in which nodes are expanded
Main Definitions • State Space - a graph showing states (nodes) and operators (edges) • Search tree - a tree showing the list of explored (closed) and leaf (open) nodes • Fringe (open nodes) - nodes on the priority queue waiting to be expanded, organized as a priority queue. Search algorithm differ primarily in the way they organize priority queue for the fringe • Node expansion - applying all possible operators the node (state corresponding to it) and adding the children to the fringe • Solution - is a path (sequence of states) from start state to a goal • Uninformed or blind search is performed in state spaces where operators have no costs, informed search is performed in search spaces where operators have costs and it makes sense to talk about optimality of a search algorithm • Optimal algorithm - finds the lowest cost solution (i.e. path from start state to goal with lowest cost) • Complete algorithm - finds a solution if one exists
Search Tree Notation • Branching Factor, b • b is the number of children of a node • Depth of a node, d • number of branches from root to a node • Partial Paths • paths which do not end in a goal • Complete Paths • paths which end in a goal • Open Nodes (Fringe) • nodes which are not expanded (i.e., the leaves of the tree) • Closed Nodes • nodes which have already been expanded (internal nodes) d = Depth 0 1 2 S b=2 G
Why Search can be difficult • At the start of the search, the search algorithm does not know • the size of the tree • the shape of the tree • the depth of the goal states • How big can a search tree be? • say there is a constant branching factor b • and one goal exists at depth d • search tree which includes a goal can havebd different branches in the tree (worst case) • Examples: • b = 2, d = 10: bd = 210= 1024 • b = 10, d = 10: bd = 1010= 10,000,000,000
What is a Search Algorithm ? • A search algorithm is an algorithm which specifies precisely how the state space is searched to find a goal state • Search algorithms differ in the order in which nodes are explored in the state space • since it is intractable to look at all nodes, the order in which we search is critically important • different search algorithms will generate different search trees • For now we will assume • we are looking for one goal state • all goal states are equally good, i.e., all have the same utility = 1
How can we compare Search Algorithms? • Completeness: • is it guaranteed to find a goal state if one exists? • Time Complexity: • if a goal state exists, how long does it take (worst-case) to find it? • Space Complexity • if a goal state exists, how much memory (worst-case) is needed to perform the search? • Optimality • if goal states have different qualities, will the search algorithm find the state with the highest quality? • (we will return to optimal search later, when goals can have different qualities/utilities: for now assume they are all the same)
Types of Search Algorithms • “Blind/Uninformed Search” (Chapter 3) • do not use any specific problem domain information • e.g., searching for a route on a map without using any information about direction • yes, it seems dumb: but the power is in the generality • examples: breadth-first, depth-first, etc • we will look at several of these classic algorithms • “Heuristic/Informed Search” (Chapter 4) • use domain specific heuristics (“rules of thumb”, “hints”) • e.g. since Seattle is north of LA, explore northerly routes first • This is the AI approach to search • i.e., add domain-specific knowledge • Later we will see that this can transform intractable search problems into ones we can solve in real-time
Depth First Search (DFS) S D A B D E C Here, to avoid repeated states assume we don’t expand any child node which appears already in the path from the root S to the parent. (Other strategies are also possible) F D G
Pseudocode for Depth-First Search Initialize: Let Q = {S} While Q is not empty pull Q1, the first element in Q if Q1 is a goal report(success) and quit else child_nodes = expand(Q1) eliminate child_nodes which represent loops put remaining child_nodes at the front of Q end Continue • Comments • a specific example of the general search tree method • open nodes are stored in a queue Q of nodes • key feature • new unexpanded nodes are put at front of the queue • convention is that nodes are ordered “left to right”
Breadth First Search S D A B A E D S E E C F S B B (Use the simple heuristic of not generating a child node if that node is a parent to avoid “obvious” loops: this clearly does not avoid all loops and there are other ways to do this)
Pseudocode for Breadth-First Search Initialize: Let Q = {S} While Q is not empty pull Q1, the first element in Q if Q1 is a goal report(success) and quit else child_nodes = expand(Q1) eliminate child_nodes which represent loops put remaining child_nodes at the back of Q end Continue • Comments • another specific example of the general search tree method • open nodes are stored in a queue Q of nodes • differs from depth-first only in that • new unexpanded nodes are put at back of the queue • convention again is that nodes are ordered “left to right”
Summary • Intelligent agents can often be viewed as searching for problem solutions in a discrete state-space • Search consists of • state space • operators • start state • goal states • A Search Tree is an efficient way to represent a search • There are a variety of general “blind” search techniques, including • Depth-First Search • Breadth-First Search • we will look at several others in the next few lectures • Assigned Reading: Nilsson Ch.II -7; R.&N. Ch. 3 (3.1-3.4)
Notes 3: Extensions of Blind Search ICS 171 Winter 2001
Summary • Search basics • repeat main definitions • search spaces and search trees • complexity of search algorithms • Some new search strategies • depth-limited search • iterative deepening • bidirectional search • Repeated states can lead to infinitely large search trees • methods for for detecting repeated states • But all of these are ``blind” algorithms in the sense that they do not take into account how far away the goal is.
Defining Search Problems • A statement of a Search problem has 4 components • 1. A set of states • 2. A set of “operators” which allow one to get from one state to another • 3. A start state S • 4. A set of possible goal states, or ways to test for goal states • Search solution consists of • a unique goal state G • a sequence of operators which transform S into a goal state G • For now we are only interested in finding any path from S to G
Important: A State Space and a Search Tree are different S • A State Space represents all states and operators for the problem • A Search Tree is what an algorithm constructs as it solves a search problem: • so we can have different search trees for the same problem • search trees grow in a dynamic fashion until the goal is found B D S B C C B State Space Example of a Search Tree
Why is Search often difficult? • At the start of the search, the search algorithm does not know • the size of the tree • the shape of the tree • the depth of the goal states • How big can a search tree be? • say there is a constant branching factor b • and a goal exists at depth d • search tree which includes a goal can havebd different branches in the tree • Examples: • b = 2, d = 10: bd = 210= 1024 • b = 10, d = 10: bd = 1010= 10,000,000,000
Quick Review of Complexity • In analyzing an algorithm we often look at worst-case • 1. Time complexity • (how many seconds it will take to run) • 2. Space complexity • (how much memory is required) • The complexity will be a function of the size of the inputs to the algorithm, e.g., n is the length of a list to be sorted • we want to know how the algorithm scales with n • We use notation O( f(n) ) to denote behavior, e.g., • O(n) for linear behavior • O(n2) for quadratic behavior • O(cn) for exponential behavior, c is some constant • In practice we want algorithms which scale “nicely”
What is the Complexity of Depth-First Search? • Time Complexity • assume (worst case) that there is 1 goal leaf at the RHS • so DFS will expand all nodes =1 + b + b2+ ......... + bd = O (bd) • Space Complexity • how many nodes can be in the queue (worst-case)? • at depth l < d we have b-1 nodes • at depth d we have d nodes • total = (d-1)*(b-1) + d = O(bd) d=0 d=1 d=2 G d=0 d=1 d=2 d=3 d=4
What is the Complexity of Breadth-First Search? • Time Complexity • assume (worst case) that there is 1 goal leaf at the RHS • so BFS will expand all nodes = 1 + b + b2+ ......... + bd = O (bd) • Space Complexity • how many nodes can be in the queue (worst-case)? • at depth d-1 there are bd unexpanded nodes in the Q = O (bd) d=0 d=1 d=2 G d=0 d=1 d=2 G
Comparing DFS and BFS • Same Time Complexity, unless... • say we have a search problem with • goals at some depth d • but paths without goals and which have infinite depth (i.e., loops in the search space) • in this case DFS never may never find a goal! • (it stays on an infinite (non-goal) path forever) • BFS does not have this problem • it will find the finite depth goals in time O(bd) • Practical considerations • if there are no infinite paths, and many possible goals in the search tree, DFS will work best • For large branching factors b, BFS may run out of memory • BFS is “safer” if we know there can be loops
Depth-Limited Search • This is Depth-first Search with a cutoff on the maximum depth of any path • i.e., implement the usual DFS algorithm • when any path gets to be of length m, then do not expand this path any further and backup • this will systematically explore a search tree of depth m • Properties of DLS • Time complexity = O(b^m), Space complexity = O(bm) • If goal state is within m steps from S: • DLS is complete • e.g., with N cities, we know that if there is a path to goal state G it can be of length N-1 at most • But usually we don’t know where the goal is! • if goal state is more than m steps from S, DLS is incomplete! • => the big problem is how to choose the value of m
Iterative Deepening Search • Basic Idea: • we can run DFS with a maximum depth constraint, m • i.e., DFS algorithm but it backs-up at depth m • this avoids the problem of infinite paths • But how do we choose m in practice? say m < d (!!) • We can run DFS multiple times, gradually increasing m • this is known as Iterative Deepening Search Procedure for m = 1 to infinity if (depth-first search with max-depth = m ) returns success then report (success) and quit else continue end
Comments on Iterative Deepening Search • Complexity • Space complexity = O(bd) • (since its like depth first search run different times) • Time Complexity • 1 + (1+b) + (1 +b+b2) + .......(1 +b+....bd) = O(bd) (i.e., the same as BFS or DFS in the the worst case) • The overhead in repeated searching of the same subtrees is small relative to the overall time • e.g., for b=10, only takes about 11% more time than DFS • A useful practical method • combines • guarantee of finding a solution if one exists (as in BFS) • space efficiency, O(bd) of DFS
Search Method 5: Bidirectional Search • Idea • simultaneously search forward from S and backwards from G • stop when both “meet in the middle” • need to keep track of the intersection of 2 open sets of nodes • What does searching backwards from G mean • need a way to specify the predecessors of G • this can be difficult, • e.g., predecessors of checkmate in chess? • what if there are multiple goal states? • what if there is only a goal test, no explicit list? • Complexity • time complexity is O(2 b(d/2)) = O(b (d/2)) steps • memory complexity is the same
Repeated States S • For many problems we can have repeated states in the search tree • i.e., the same state can be gotten to by different paths • => same state appears in multiple places in the tree • this is inefficient, we want to avoid it • How inefficient can this be? • a problem with a finite number of states can have an infinite search tree! B S B C C C S B S State Space Example of a Search Tree
Techniques for Avoiding Repeated States • Method 1 • when expanding, do not allow return to parent state • (but this will not avoid “triangle loops” for example) • Method 2 • do not create paths containing cycles (loops) • i.e., do not keep any child-node which is also an ancestor in the tree • Method 3 • never generate a state generated before • only method which is guaranteed to always avoid repeated states • must keep track of all possible states (uses a lot of memory) • e.g., 8-puzzle problem, we have 9! = 362,880 states • Methods 1 and 2 are most practical, work well on most problems
Summary • A review of search • a search space consists of states and operators: it is a graph • a search tree represents a particular exploration of search space • There are various extensions to standard BFS and DFS • depth-limited search • iterative deepening • bidirectional search • Repeated states can lead to infinitely large search trees • we looked at methods for for detecting repeated states • Reading: Nilsson Ch.II-8 ; R.&N. Ch. 3, Ch.4 (4.1) • All of the search techniques so far do not care about the cost of the path to the goal. Next we will look at algorithms which are optimal in the sense they always find a path to goal which has minimum cost.