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Requirements and Constraints Analysis D01.1

Requirements and Constraints Analysis D01.1. Roberta Camera Valerie Cogan Beirut 12 | 06 | 03. R & C Analysis : Objectives.  Okam’s Razor . Objectives Key Issues Key Stakeholders Data Requirements Data Availability Constraints. FEEM contributions. Next Step. Case Study Profile.

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Requirements and Constraints Analysis D01.1

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  1. Requirements and Constraints AnalysisD01.1 Roberta Camera Valerie Cogan Beirut 12 | 06 | 03

  2. R & C Analysis: Objectives  Okam’s Razor  Objectives • Key Issues • Key Stakeholders • Data Requirements • Data Availability • Constraints

  3. FEEM contributions Next Step

  4. Case Study Profile • Main elements: • Overview of the Area • Water Supply & Demand • Key Issues • Key Stakeholders • Case Study Objective

  5. Key issues What are the Water Issues in our Case Studies? Supply (61mm)  Demand (49.6mm) : No water left for allocation whereas Domestic demand increases at a rate of 0.15 mm/year (%2) and industrial demand increases at a rate of 0.3 mm/year (%10). Quantity %60 percent of surface water and %30 percent of groundwater are in IV class according to Turkish water quality classification Quality

  6. Integrated Management  Discovering the levers 

  7. Key issues of change 1 Demographic Development Basin population is growing at a rate of 1.5%. There is considerable internal migration and rapid urbanisation. Total basin population increased from 1.100.000 in 1970 to 1.700.000 in 1997. Land Use ChangeUrban areas are increasing at a rate of %2, Industrial areas are growing at a rate of %10 (Related to increasing water demand). Urban population is increasing at a rate of %2; rural population is decreasing at a rate of %0.7. Technological ChangeNew irrigation technologies are encouraged to improve irrigation efficiency (reduction in water looses, change of irrigation methods, etc.). That may reduce irrigation demand or may cause an increase in irrigated areas, using the same amount of water.

  8. Key issues of change 2 Institutional Evolution Shortage of institutional capabilities of monitoring and land use changes. The legislation doesn’t establish water pricefor irrigation as yet. Traditional water rights for irrigation are ensured by law.In general there is low legislation on water quality. The main characteristics of water regulations are set by Law 4/1994 for Marine pollution in general and from land based sources which requires treatment before disposal and sets limits on possible discharge in the marine environment. Concerning water allocation, fresh water regulations are enforced through the Law 48/1982. Distribution is the responsibility of Ministry of Public Works.

  9. Assessing Institutional Framework

  10. Identified stakeholders Which are the “Key” Stakeholders?

  11. Case Study Objective The overall objective of the SMART project is to develop, implement and test a new, participatory but scientifically sound and rational approach to planning and management of the coastal zone that can help to reconcile conflicting demands on scarce water. In essence: the project is concerned with testing a strategy for solving water demand conflicts

  12. WaterwareData requirements and availability

  13. TELEMACData requirements and availability

  14. Socio- economic frameworkData requirements and availability

  15. Constraints?   

  16. Making our R&C Analysis better? • General confirmation/criticism • Key Issues described with numbers • Key Stakeholders and participation • Institutional framework • Glossary

  17. OPEN QUESTIONS • Key issues? Are the categories identified relevant for each of the case studies? • Strategy for participation process, when, how, who? • Only institutional stakeholders for the participation process? • Are the data for socio-economic analysis available in each case study area? • Are costs of data and source of information really relevant? • Confirmation of data compilation methodology. • Confirmation of interrelation between methodologies. • Is the list of River Basin Objects identified in the Report relevant?

  18. GLOSSARY • How do you would like to organise the glossary? • What does it mean demographic development? • What does it mean technological change? • Who are stakeholders for SMART Project?

  19. COMMON QUESTIONS TO ALL CASE STUDIES • Do you confirm your CSP? • Which key issues are more relevant in your case study area? • Are other important issues in your area that we have not considered yet? • Could you specify the most relevant key water issues in a quantitative way, using the example provided by Turkey? • (except for Turkey and Lebanon) Could you specify the most relevant key issues of change in a quantitative way, using the example provided by Turkey? • It is possible to express your case objective in quantitative way taking into account the Turkish example? • Do you have a map of case study area that shows the Hydrographic boundaries and the river basin objects?

  20. Do you confirm the list of river basin objects? • Do you confirm the list of specific issues to be modelled by the TELEMAC System? Which of those issues are more relevant in your case study area? • Do you confirm the list of identified stakeholders to be involved in the participatory process?

  21. Thank you for your attention! Castello 5252 30122 Venezia - Italy tel +39 | 041 | 2711433 fax +39 | 041 | 2711461 web http://www.feem.it

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