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Set #6 Vocabulary. By Sanika Gupte. Altercation- (verb). A noisy dispute. Synonym- Quarrel Antonym- Unspoken Agreement The pair of monkeys had an altercation with each other that was so vicious their screeches vibrated throughout the entire zoo. Apex- (noun). Highest point ;summit
Set #6 Vocabulary By Sanika Gupte
Altercation-(verb) • A noisy dispute. • Synonym- Quarrel • Antonym- Unspoken Agreement • The pair of monkeys had an altercation with each other that was so vicious their screeches vibrated throughout the entire zoo.
Apex-(noun) • Highest point ;summit • Synonym- Peak • Antonym- Base • The apex of the mountain was so high up that our heads jutted out of the clouds when we reached the top.
Ballyhoo-(Noun) • Talk or writing that is designed to get people excited or interested in something. • Synonym- Propaganda • Antonym- Boring talk or writing • Magazines produce a ton of ballyhoo about the latest celebrities and they make them sound impressive.
Bona fide-(Adjective) • Made in good faith without fraud or deceit; genuine. • Synonym- Authentic • Antonym- Counterfeit • The bona fide paintings in the art museum are completely original and unique.
Caucus-(Noun) • A closed meeting of members of a group united to promote a cause, issue or idea. • Synonym- Committee • Antonym- A Single Person • Hermione tried to add more members to her caucus, S.P.E.W, but no one wanted to help her promote house elves.
Disdain-(Noun and Verb) • (N)- A feeling that someone/something is bad, worthless or low; scorn or contempt. • (V)- to have or show a feeling of scorn or contempt. • Synonym- Scorn • Antonym- Respect • She disdained her brother when he took her favorite slippers and fed them to her dog, which made her really mad.
Dulcet-(Adjective) • Sweet; melodious; soothing • Synonym- Pleasant • Adjective- Irritating • When he was irritated, her father asked her to use her dulcet voice to sing to him ,so she could soothe him from his agitated state.
Expunge-(Verb) • To strike out; to erase; to remove • Synonym- Delete • Antonym- Add • To concentrate you need to expunge all the other thoughts out of your head and think clearly.
Flamboyant-(Adjective) • Ornate, showy or flowery • Synonym- Showy • Antonym- Modest • The actress wore a flamboyant outfit to her new movie premiere containing a neon pink feather boa, leopard print dress, and a beautiful sapphire necklace.
Malleable-(Adjective) • Capable of being shaped or formed. • Synonyms- Impressionable • Antonyms- Inflexible • Children are very malleable and will act the way they are influenced.
Meander-(Verb) • To follow a winding and turning course or path. • Synonym- Snake • Antonym- Straighten • The old man sent them on a wild goose chase. They were meandering through the forest for three days! Twisting and turning and running into dead ends just as the old man had said to do, but the travelers never found their way out.
Meticulous-(Adjective) • Show great concern for detail; extremely careful or precise. • Synonym- Precise • Antonym- Careless • The meticulous gardener was a perfectionist. He didn’t let even a tiny branch stick out in the wrong way.
Swarm-(Noun) • A large group of insects or small creatures in motion. • Synonym- Flock • Antonym- A single Insect • In many cartoons the swarm chases the main character until the he or she jumps into the lake or gets multiple stings or bites.
Translucent-(Adjective) • Allows light to pass through, but blurring it so images can’t be seen clearly - a distortion occurs. • Synonym- Semi-transparent • Antonym- Opaque • The translucent stained glass gleamed in the light, but I couldn’t see what was on the other side of the glass.
Abridge-(Verb) • Shorten • Synonym- Condense • Antonym- Elongate • An abridged dictionary has a smaller spine than a unabridged dictionary Unabridged Abridged
Antidote-(Noun) • Something that relieves or prevents; a remedy that counteracts the effects of poison. • Synonym- • Antonym- • After the boy accidentally drank the poisoned soda the paramedics had to shove the antidote down his throat..
Autonomous-(Adjective) • Independent • Synonym- Self-sufficient • Antonym- Dependent • By autonomously bicycling to school every day he didn't need his parents help to get there anymore.
Bolster-(Verb) • To support; to strengthen • Synonym-reinforce • Antonym-damage • By bolstering the bridge with extra reinforcements it was much safer to walk across.
Candor-(Noun) • Honesty; sincerity • Synonym- Truthfulness • Antonym- Dishonesty • She is known for her lack of candor; she twists the truth into something nice and does not present the facts in a straightforward manner.