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Twitter and ABC Network ’ s “ GCB ”

Twitter and ABC Network ’ s “ GCB ”. Ju lie Crimmins, L ily Fu, Ajsela Pesta li c, Jasmine Nesi & Carrie Smith. Why GCB?. “ GCB ” Video Clip. Research Questions. Methodology. Positive Tweets. Negative Tweets. Tweet Volume. Before Premiere. After Premiere. a A K K K K k A.

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Twitter and ABC Network ’ s “ GCB ”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Twitter and ABC Network’s “GCB” JulieCrimmins, LilyFu, AjselaPestalic, JasmineNesi & Carrie Smith

  2. Why GCB?

  3. “GCB” Video Clip

  4. Research Questions

  5. Methodology

  6. Positive Tweets

  7. Negative Tweets

  8. Tweet Volume

  9. Before Premiere

  10. After Premiere

  11. a A K K K K k A Hashtags

  12. Accounted for seven percent of tweets “Good Christian Bitches” or “Good Christian Belles?” Themes: Christianity

  13. Themes: Christianity

  14. Show was set and filmed in Dallas, TX Accounted for approximately 3.6 percent of tweets Themes: Texas

  15. Kristin Chenoweth

  16. Comparison to Desperate Housewives Checking in to aaaaaaaaa Beauty Kit Contest Other Trends

  17. ABC’s Tweets

  18. Link advertisements Respond to public criticism Utilize twitter techniques Recommendations

  19. Positive sentiment and buzz can increase viewership and ratings • Feedback for writers • Twitter users not a representative sample of viewers Implications

  20. Ad/PR Implications

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