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Title of Presentation with Font Sized Adjusted to Fit Available Space

Title of Presentation with Font Sized Adjusted to Fit Available Space. Presenter Name , Collaborator Name, Collaborator Name, Collaborator Name, Advisor Name Department and College Affiliations. Research Group Logo. What is the Context for this Talk?.

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Title of Presentation with Font Sized Adjusted to Fit Available Space

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Title of Presentation with Font Sized Adjusted to Fit Available Space Presenter Name, Collaborator Name, Collaborator Name, Collaborator Name, Advisor Name Department and College Affiliations Research Group Logo

  2. What is the Context for this Talk? • This slide needs to provide background / context • What is the field / application of the presented research? • What need / opportunity is driving work in this area? • The goal is go motivate the audience to pay attention • You need to engage the audience where they are! • Try to identify some application they might care or know about • The audience for this work is smart people from very diverse backgrounds (you cannot just start on the tech without background) • Identify a problem being addressed • What is holding back the field from meeting the need / opportuniuty Nanoscience Institute for Medical and Engineering Technology (NIMET)

  3. Context Slide Continued • This may require more than one slide • Some additional background to educate a smart but non-expert audience may be needed • Regardless, the context slides should not take a long time to present • They are not why you are talking, but without them people are more likely to tune out or not fully appreciate your work – in which case, why give the talk? • The point is to successfully transfer knowledge / ideas Nanoscience Institute for Medical and Engineering Technology (NIMET)

  4. How is it Done Now? • If there is a substantial need / opportunity, clearly there must be prior attempts to meet it • Identify these prior attempts / methods / approaches • Attempt to quantify their success / failure • What are the limits of existing methods • If there is a compelling need and existing approaches cannot meet it, this fact will motivate people to hear how you are going to solve it Nanoscience Institute for Medical and Engineering Technology (NIMET)

  5. What New with Your Approach? • Finally, now you talk about your new approach • In the context of the prior work, what is new about your approach? • How will you overcome the barriers and limitations addressed in the prior slides that are limiting existing methods? • This will be the the bulk of your presentation • You need to convince them that you methods will be able to overcome the barrier limiting existing methods Nanoscience Institute for Medical and Engineering Technology (NIMET)

  6. Background on Methods Used • If your approach requires the combination of a few different methods / technologies / approaches • You may need to provide a background slide on one or more of these methods being combined Nanoscience Institute for Medical and Engineering Technology (NIMET)

  7. General Slide Guidelines • Each slide should only have one main idea, concept, or result being conveyed • Resist the temptation to cram more than one into a single slide… • Each slide should have a clear take-home message • What is the primary point / lesson / message the audience should take away from this slide • Often it is a single / concise text statement at the bottom Nanoscience Institute for Medical and Engineering Technology (NIMET)

  8. Graphics and Text • A good graphic is worth many words • But should be supported by some annotations to help the audience grasp its meaning / significance immediately • Do NOT use the default Matlab graphic format • Axis titles and labels are dismally small • Change the default to make them easier to read • Text should not be overly verbose • Do not show all the words you will say • Bullets should show keywords and phrases that flow logically • As you get more comfortable with the talk you remove more words Nanoscience Institute for Medical and Engineering Technology (NIMET)

  9. What Difference Will it Make • Even if your work in only still in process (not completed) • Attempt to project into the future and describe its potential for impact • Try to think of an answer to the question: • “What difference will it make?” • Impacts can be in a few ideas • Impact on fundamental knowledge • Impact on human / environmental health and well being • Impact on economy • Etc. Nanoscience Institute for Medical and Engineering Technology (NIMET)

  10. Conclusions • Summarize the take-home messages conveyed in the prior slides • Start with reminding them of the motivation, • And the inability of existing methods to address need, • And the novelty of your new approach • And the feasibility of your approach to address need • And any major outcomes of the work • And the potential for impact projecting forward Nanoscience Institute for Medical and Engineering Technology (NIMET)

  11. Acknowledgement • This can be a very quick slide to identify • Funding sources for the work (agency, program, program manager) • People not on author list that contributed • Staff members that helped out in any significant way • Research facilities that provided support or access to equipment that resulted in any of the work presented (e.g., the RSC) • Etc. • You do NOT need to talk through them all • You could end on this slide while you take questions Nanoscience Institute for Medical and Engineering Technology (NIMET)

  12. Thank You / Question? Slide • Some like to make a final visual summary slide • Consisting of an array of key graphics from the prior slides • Perhaps a few key super concise bullets with major takeaways and impacts • This can remain on the screen as you take questions • Can help prompt people to ask questions • You do NOT talk through this slide at all Nanoscience Institute for Medical and Engineering Technology (NIMET)

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