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Project Plan template

You need to create a formal document that can be used to guide project execution and control. Get this template @ http://www.demandmetric.com/content/project-plan-template

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Project Plan template

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  1. Project Plan template Project Plan TemplatePurposeUse the Project Plan Template to summarize the project deliverables.Be sure to customize this template accordingly. When required, delete the sample textprovided and fill in the blanks with information that is directly related to the project.This template has been pre-populated with an example of what a sample project planmight look like. Change, delete, or add to the example as required.

  2. [Project Name] Project Plan By [Enter Name Here] For [Enter Name Here]Effective Date:Document Owner:Version:Version Date Revision / Description Author:Approval:Approver Title:Approval Date: [Project Name] Project Plan By [Enter Name Here] For [Enter Name Here]Effective Date:Document Owner:Version:Version Date Revision / Description Author:Approval:Approver Title:Approval Date:

  3. Table of Contents Page1. Project Overview 1.1 Project Purpose 1.2 Executive Summary 1.3 Scope2. Goals & Objectives3. Key Success Factors4. Work Breakdown Structure5. Project Schedule 5.1 System 5.2 Milestones 5.3 Dependencies6. Project Budget7. Communications Plan8. Management 8.1 Staffing 8.2 Risk 8.3 Change 8.4 Procurement 8.5 Quality 8.6 Issue 8.7 Cost9. Project Closure10. Approval Table of Contents Page1. Project Overview 1.1 Project Purpose 1.2 Executive Summary 1.3 Scope2. Goals & Objectives3. Key Success Factors4. Work Breakdown Structure5. Project Schedule 5.1 System 5.2 Milestones 5.3 Dependencies6. Project Budget7. Communications Plan8. Management 8.1 Staffing 8.2 Risk 8.3 Change 8.4 Procurement 8.5 Quality 8.6 Issue 8.7 Cost9. Project Closure10. Approval

  4. 1. Project Overview1.1 PurposeThe Project Plan defines the objective and scope as well as how the project will beexecuted, monitored, and controlled. The intended audience of this document is all projectstakeholders including the project sponsor, the project manager, the project team, seniormanagement and other key stakeholders.1.2 Executive SummaryThis section should provide an executive summary of the approved project charterincluding any assumptions and constraints. If you used Demand Metric’s Project CharterTemplate you can copy & paste details here.1.3 ScopeThe scope statement from the project charter should be used as a starting point. Identifywhat is required to meet the stated objective and explicitly stating what is in scope andwhat is not in scope. This will help to clarify what is included in the project and help toavoid any confusion from project team members and stakeholders. 1. Project Overview1.1 PurposeThe Project Plan defines the objective and scope as well as how the project will beexecuted, monitored, and controlled. The intended audience of this document is all projectstakeholders including the project sponsor, the project manager, the project team, seniormanagement and other key stakeholders.1.2 Executive SummaryThis section should provide an executive summary of the approved project charterincluding any assumptions and constraints. If you used Demand Metric’s Project CharterTemplate you can copy & paste details here.1.3 ScopeThe scope statement from the project charter should be used as a starting point. Identifywhat is required to meet the stated objective and explicitly stating what is in scope andwhat is not in scope. This will help to clarify what is included in the project and help toavoid any confusion from project team members and stakeholders.

  5. 2. Goals & ObjectivesEnter your project’s goals & objectives in this section. If you used one of Demand Metric’sStrategy Scorecard Templates you can copy & paste it here.3. Key Success FactorsEnter your project’s key success factors here. If you used Demand Metric’s Key SuccessFactors tool, summarize the results here. 2. Goals & ObjectivesEnter your project’s goals & objectives in this section. If you used one of Demand Metric’sStrategy Scorecard Templates you can copy & paste it here.3. Key Success FactorsEnter your project’s key success factors here. If you used Demand Metric’s Key SuccessFactors tool, summarize the results here.

  6. 4. Work Breakdown StructureIdentify your Work Breakdown Structure here. If you used Demand Metric’s WorkBreakdown Structure use the results of the list view or the visual representation (or both).This section also provides an opportunity to define the deliverable acceptance process, listthe major project deliverables, their recipients, delivery dates, acceptance criteria anddelivery method.5. Project Schedule5.1 SystemIdentify the system and/or template that you will be using to create your project schedule.If you used Demand Metric’s Project Schedule Template add the Gantt chart here. 4. Work Breakdown StructureIdentify your Work Breakdown Structure here. If you used Demand Metric’s WorkBreakdown Structure use the results of the list view or the visual representation (or both).This section also provides an opportunity to define the deliverable acceptance process, listthe major project deliverables, their recipients, delivery dates, acceptance criteria anddelivery method.5. Project Schedule5.1 SystemIdentify the system and/or template that you will be using to create your project schedule.If you used Demand Metric’s Project Schedule Template add the Gantt chart here.

  7. 5.2 MilestonesIdentify the significant milestones in the project that you will use to monitor progress. Thiscan include, but is not limited to, phases, deliverables and stages.If you used Demand Metric’s Project Milestones Report template, identify your milestoneshere.6. Project BudgetThis section should identify the process that will be used to develop the budget, roles andresponsibilities, tools and techniques and reporting.If you used Demand Metric’s Project Budget Template, insert a high-level budget here. 5.2 MilestonesIdentify the significant milestones in the project that you will use to monitor progress. Thiscan include, but is not limited to, phases, deliverables and stages.If you used Demand Metric’s Project Milestones Report template, identify your milestoneshere.6. Project BudgetThis section should identify the process that will be used to develop the budget, roles andresponsibilities, tools and techniques and reporting.If you used Demand Metric’s Project Budget Template, insert a high-level budget here.

  8. 7. Communications PlanThis section should identify the processes that will be used to plan communications,identify and manage stakeholders, determine communication requirements, roles andresponsibilities, tools and techniques.If you used Demand Metric’s Communications Plan Template, insert your plan here.8. Management8.1 StaffingList the major roles identified in the project team. Describe their relevance to the projectand their degree of interaction with specific project activities.If you used Demand Metric’s Responsibility Assignment Matrix, summarize team memberroles & responsibilities here. 7. Communications PlanThis section should identify the processes that will be used to plan communications,identify and manage stakeholders, determine communication requirements, roles andresponsibilities, tools and techniques.If you used Demand Metric’s Communications Plan Template, insert your plan here.8. Management8.1 StaffingList the major roles identified in the project team. Describe their relevance to the projectand their degree of interaction with specific project activities.If you used Demand Metric’s Responsibility Assignment Matrix, summarize team memberroles & responsibilities here.

  9. 8.2 RiskIf you used Demand Metric’s Risk Management Plan, outline the plan for identifying,analyzing, and prioritizing project risks here.It’s also important to that you continue to identify new risks throughout the projects lifecycle. If you used Demand Metric’s Risk Assessment Template, insert it here.8.3 ChangeSummarize the change management processes governance, identification, analysis,approval process and tracking.If you used Demand Metric’s Change Management Plan, summarize the plan here. 8.2 RiskIf you used Demand Metric’s Risk Management Plan, outline the plan for identifying,analyzing, and prioritizing project risks here.It’s also important to that you continue to identify new risks throughout the projects lifecycle. If you used Demand Metric’s Risk Assessment Template, insert it here.8.3 ChangeSummarize the change management processes governance, identification, analysis,approval process and tracking.If you used Demand Metric’s Change Management Plan, summarize the plan here.

  10. . 8.4 ProcurementThis should include specific departmental procedures and processes that will be used todevelop procurement plans.If you used Demand Metric’s Procurement Management Plan, summarize the plan here.8.5 QualityDescribe how quality will be managed throughout the delivery stage of this project toensure quality of deliverables. This should include the approach that will be used duringquality planning, the definition of quality standards, tools and techniques for qualitycontrol and assurance as well as problem tracking and improvement.If you used Demand Metric’s Quality Management Plan, summarize the plan here.

  11. . 8.6 IssueSpecify the process to capture and maintain information on all issues. Describe how theissues are classified and prioritized based on the assessment of their impact. Define theescalation process that is applied when an issue cannot be resolved at the level where itwas identified. If you used Demand Metric’s Issue Log, insert the log here.8.7 CostManage costs by specifying the control mechanisms used to measure and report onproject costs. This can include using milestones to calculate the variance of cost of workcompleted, budgeted cost of work scheduled and budgeted cost of work completed. If youused Demand Metric’s Earned Value Analysis Template, include relevant information here.

  12. . 9. Project ClosureInclude the plans necessary to ensure orderly close out of the project. Items in the closeout plan should include a formal project acceptance document, a post-project evaluation, alessons learned document and a project closure checklist.10. ApprovalProject Sponsor: Other Key Stakeholder:Date: Date:Name: Name:Signature: Signature:Executive: Project Manager:Date: Date:Name: Name:Signature: Signature:

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