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Special Education Secondary Math Intervention Committee 2009-2010. Information for Curriculum Council 8/17/10. Goal for Today. Summarize the need and selection process used to identify a secondary math intervention program for special education students.
Special Education Secondary Math Intervention Committee2009-2010 Information for Curriculum Council 8/17/10
Goal for Today • Summarize the need and selection process used to identify a secondary math intervention program for special education students. • Share information with the curriculum council about TransMath • Get feedback from the curriculum council
Intent of Recommendation • Not a comprehensive Tier 1 curriculum recommendation, but instead a Tier 3 targeted intervention intended to support access to our high school math requirements. • Response to the expectation the curriculums address issues related to diversity, inclusion, differentiation • Response to achievement gap between students with disabilities and non-disabled peers.
Identify Need • Achievement gap exists between SWD and non-disabled peers • Inconsistent resources for SWD at the secondary level • Special education staff requested additional math resources • Parents supported secondary math resources as a priority for stimulus money
Committee Formation and Goals • Committee: Two special education math teacher volunteers per secondary building • Meetings held throughout the school year • GOALS: Successful completion of general education algebra and geometry • Locate an evidence-based, tier 3 replacement curriculum that would target essential skills needed for algebra for students 2 or more years below grade level
Procedures • Reviewed state and district grade-level standards, MAP and WKCE results • Identified critical student needs and strengths and weaknesses of current resources/programs • Located sources to identify evidence-based programs and best practices for low-achieving students and students with disabilities (e.g. What Works Clearinghouse, National Math Advisory Panel (2008)- Dept. of Education, Institute for Educ. Sciences, NCTM, NCTM Focal Points, journal articles, research studies, webinars, professors, CESA, DPI, vendors/reps of various programs)
Procedures, continued • Math Interventions-newer RtI area; many new programs; few tier 3 core replacement programs • More scientific research is needed • Pilots and other programs previewed lacked some critical features needed for students with disabilities
Final Selection Process • NCTM Rubric was utilized for evaluation of final interventions under consideration • Reps presented programs; question-answer sessions; discussion among teachers; unanimous agreement; WI districts using TransMath were contacted for input • TransMath: Cambium Learning/Voyager/Sopris West-specialize in low-achieving students and students with disabilities
TransMath, 2010 • Tier 3 intervention program for students two or more years below grade level who lack foundational skills needed for algebra • Fewer topics taught in greater depth, targeted instruction and acceleration of skills in the proper learning sequence • 3 volumes, grades 5-8: Developing Number Sense, Making Sense of Rational Numbers, Understanding Algebraic Expressions
Trans Math, continued • Two topics per lesson break learning into smaller parts, avoiding cognitive overload and increasing engagement: Part l - Conceptual Learning; Part 2- Problem-Solving Applications • Varied visual representations • Distributed practice • Ongoing communication throughout lessons • Frequent assessments; online assessment system: records, tracks, reports test results for individual, class, building, district.
Research • Two studies demonstrated greater increases in math achievement in low achieving students and students with disabilities than comparison group, including positive attitude towards math • TransMath was cited a number of times by the Task Group on Instructional Practices on the National Advisory Panel’s Final Report (2008)
Cost and Training • Program Costs, including supplemental fact fluency program and additional student replacement sets for 2011: $37,117.00 • 2 days professional on-site training: $5,000 • Potential to network with other districts using TransMath to defray costs of training