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Canadian Export Certification

Canadian Export Certification. D-03-02 Canadian Heat Treated Wood Products Certification Program (CHTWPCP) for Export Systems approach for the production of heat treated lumber. D-01-05 The Canadian Wood Packaging Certification Program (CWPCP) for Export

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Canadian Export Certification

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  1. Canadian Export Certification

  2. D-03-02 Canadian Heat Treated Wood Products Certification Program (CHTWPCP) for Export Systems approach for the production of heat treated lumber D-01-05 The Canadian Wood Packaging Certification Program (CWPCP) for Export Systems approach for the use of heat treated wood in the production of heat treated wood packaging Wood Product Export Policies

  3. Specific Requirements - Quality Operations • Quality management system • Procedures follow quality plan • Quality operations = export products that meet foreign import requirements Ongoing Verification Client Demand = Foreign Regulatory Requirement Quality System Quality Product Meets Client Demand

  4. D-01-05 CWPCP • Linked to wood produced under CHTWPCP Or • CFIA Fumigation Standards

  5. Specifications • Hardwood & softwood lumber (ISPM No. 15) • HT & MB (ISPM No. 15) • All export non-manufactured wood packaging • Dunnage • Repair, re-cycled, re-conditioned, re-manufactured

  6. Specifications • Harmonized to ISPM No. 15 • Developed by Government & Industry • CWPCP working group - steering & consultation committee • Mandatory treatment (HT-56/30 & MB) • Mandatory marking system

  7. Policy Standards • Registered facilities operate under a documented quality production system • Use and tracking of only CHTWPCP or U.S. certified wood products in export w.p. • Controlled application of certification stamp • Inventory control of treated vs untreated products

  8. Application Sufficient & competent staff Staff must understand the phytosanitary requirements Quality supervisor Operate under a Quality Plan Source of treated wood Segregation (domestic vs export) Record management Actions to deal with non-conforming/non-compliant products Training Specific Requirements

  9. Elements of a Quality Plan • Document retention system • Specifications on records pertaining to products (certificates, etc.) • Specifications for retaining records on training, auditing, corrective actions, etc. • Corrective action • How will the facility implement necessary corrective actions? • How will the facility deal with non-complying products?

  10. Records Management • All records retained for >2 years • Staff must be able to access the quality plan/D-01-05 • Changes to the quality plan must be approved prior to implementation

  11. Auditing • Quality Evaluation • Verification: Quality Plan = Facility Activities = Canadian Standards. • Identification of deficiencies in program design • Ongoing facility Inspections • Verification: Day to day Activities = Approved Quality Plan

  12. Step 1 Documentation review Application complete? Quality plan = D-01-05? Quality Evaluation Facility operations = the quality plan? Step 2 Ongoing Facility Inspections 4/annum Non-conformities = increased inspection rate or suspension Audit Frequency

  13. Auditors • Accredited third parties • Specific Auditing criteria • Documentation of auditing processes • Records maintenance • Confidentiality of audits • Competency in auditing (plant health & ISO auditing)

  14. Certification Process

  15. D-03-02 CHTWPCP • Certified production of heat treated wood • Recognized for both use in certified w.p. & for markets requiring treated lumber products • Quality management process

  16. Application for participation Quality plan Sufficient and competent staff Designate Specific facility employee to provide assistance during inspection Issuance of certificates to be controlled by specified employee Facility must specify treatment conditions in quality plan (e.g. species, dimension, etc.) CHTWPCP Facility Requirements

  17. Schedules must be developed/ equivalent to generic process Monitor and record of treatment processes Ambient air temperature, relative humidity, etc Monitoring/testing of equipment Segregation of treated lots Records and documentation Treatment records Identification of treated wood etc. CHTWPCP Facility Requirements

  18. Heat Treatment Options • Minimum Internal Core temperature of 56°C for at least 30 minutes • Use of Approved Generic Heat Treatment Schedules and Operating Conditions or • Use of Kiln-specific Treatment Schedules by Authorized Technical Laboratory

  19. Program Audits • Structured as to provide the maximum possible confidence in the outcome - properly heat treated wood meeting importing country standards. • The CFIA will attend at the mill to verify the mill’s capacity to consistently produce heat treated wood meeting the heat treatment standard of 56C for 30 minutes.

  20. Program Audits • Audits completed by CFIA or CFIA Approved oversight agency • Two types of audits. • Verification Audit • Systems Audit

  21. Canadian Food Inspection Agency www.inspection.gc.ca

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