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Participation Guidelines for Alaska Students in State Assessments

Participation Guidelines for Alaska Students in State Assessments. Webinar September 29, 2014. Public Comment. PG public comment from Oct. 1 – Nov. 4 . EED will address comments and question before a final document is created.

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Participation Guidelines for Alaska Students in State Assessments

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  1. Participation Guidelines for Alaska Students in State Assessments Webinar September 29, 2014

  2. Public Comment • PG public comment from Oct. 1– Nov. 4. EED will address comments and question before a final document is created. • The updated PG will go before the State Board of Education in December and a final version of the PG will be available after that date. • Link: https://education.alaska.gov/regs/

  3. Good News! All students can be provided appropriate supports for taking the new computer-based assessments

  4. Presentation Overview I. Purpose of the Participation Guidelines II. State Assessments addressed III. Format of the new Participation Guidelines IV. Section Review – focus on new computer-based assessments (AMP & Alternate Assessment) V. Q & A

  5. Purpose of the Participation Guidelines Alaska Comprehensive System of Student Assessment • Every student is required to participate in statewide assessments • Assessments must be accessible for all students • Supports and Accommodations provide accessibility for: • Students with disabilities • English language learners

  6. State Assessments Addressed in the Participation Guidelines NEW!

  7. Participation Guidelines Format • Introduction to types of student supports • Assessment • Overview • Criteria for Participation for some assessments • Student supports in detail • Tables with specific types of student supports • Supports for Computer-Based Assessment • Supports for Paper/Pencil Test Administration • Links to other documents or websites • Appendix – Additional accommodations not listed in the tables for AMP and Science tests

  8. Types of Student Supports

  9. Alaska Measures of Progress (AMP) • Designed to measure student growth and achievement in the Alaska English Language Arts and Math Standards (adopted 2012) • AMP is a Computer-Based Assessment • For all students in grades 3 – 10 • Does not include student with significant cognitive disabilities on an Alternate Assessment • Paper/Pencil Test Administration is available • Districts unable to participate due to insufficient technology • Waiver application to EED for approval

  10. Student Supports for AMP

  11. AMP Paper/Pencil Test

  12. Student Supports for ELLs:Accessibility Tools for Content Assessments

  13. Student Supports for ELLs:Accommodations for Content Assessments

  14. Alaska Science SBA • The Alaska Science SBA: • Is administered to all students in grades 4, 8, & 10 • Assesses the Alaska Science Standards and Grade Level Expectations • Will be a paper/pencil assessment • Allows the same accommodations as those listed in the Participation Guidelines, June 2011 Edition

  15. Alaska Alternate Assessment (AA) • This assessment is: • For students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities, grades 3 – 10 • Addresses content areas of reading, writing & math & science • Based on Alternate Achievement Standards • Not a diploma path

  16. Criteria for Participation The Student:

  17. Student Supports for the Alternate Assessment Definition and use of terms: Accessibility PLP PNP First Contact Survey

  18. Student Supports for the Alternate Assessment • Table 10 – Accessibility Features and Supports for the Alternate Assessment ELA and Mathematics • (Table 1 in Accessibility Manual) • 3 Categories of Features

  19. Student Supports for the Alternate Assessment • Table 11 – Common Allowable Supports for the Alternate Assessment • (Table 2 in Accessibility Manual) • Additional Allowable Supports

  20. Supports Not Allowed for the Alternate Assessment • Repeating Questions • Physical prompts • Removing answer options • Modifying content

  21. Student Supports for the Science Alternate Assessment

  22. Early Literacy Screeners Alaska regulations require the use of literacy screening assessments in the early grades to help identify or predict students at risk for poor learning outcomes • Administer Early Literacy Screenings to all students in: • Kindergarten • First grade • Second grade • Thirds grade – if identified as having literacy delays in second grade

  23. English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELP) • The ACCESS for ELLs is Alaska’s ELP Summative Assessment: • Based on the WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards • Focuses on English language • Growth • Proficiency Levels – through PL 6 • Measures Reading/Writing/Listening& Speaking skills

  24. Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELP) • The Alternate ACCESS for ELLs is Alaska’s ELP Summative Assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities: • Based on the WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards • Focuses on English language • Growth • Proficiency Levels – Through PL 3 • Measures Reading/Writing/Listening& Speaking skills

  25. The student is currently identified as LEP The student should NOT participate in the Alternate ELP Assessment NO Alternate ACCESS for ELLs YESS b. The student has a significant cognitive disability and receives special education services under IDEA; 2004 NO YESS c. The student’s IEP team determined the student cannot participate in the general education curriculum or assessments NO YESS d. The student is or will be participating in the Alternate Assessment (content) NO YESS The student is eligible to participate in the Alternate ELP Assessment

  26. National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is a national assessment of a representative sampling of America's students in grades 4, 8, and 12 conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics. http://education.alaska.gov/tls/assessment/naep.html

  27. College & Career-Readiness Assessments • Career Readiness Assessment • WorkKeys • Accommodations Supplement: http://education.alaska.gov/tls/assessment/workkeys.html • College Readiness Assessments: • SAT • ACT

  28. Appendix • Additional accommodations list • This is not a comprehensive list of available accommodations

  29. Contacts • Alaska Measures of Progress (AMP) • Elizabeth.Davis@Alaska.gov • College and Career Readiness Assessment (ACT/SAT/WorkKeys) • Shari.Paul@Alaska.gov • ACCESS for ELLs • Grace.Gray@Alaska.gov • Alternate Assessment • Aran.Felix@Alaska.gov • Developmental Profile / NAEP • Jeanne.Foy@Alaska.gov

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