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Next Generation Science Standards. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are intended to reflect a new vision for American science education. The following conceptual shifts in the NGSS demonstrate what is new and different about the NGSS.
Next Generation Science Standards The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are intended to reflect a new vision for American science education. The following conceptual shifts in the NGSS demonstrate what is new and different about the NGSS.
NGSS – Nexus of Three Dimensions The vision represented in the NGSS Framework is that students must be engaged at the nexus of the three dimensions: 1. Science and Engineering Practices, 2. Crosscutting Concepts, and 3. Disciplinary Core Ideas. Task: In your group, draw a picture on the chart paper provided that your group thinks represents the above statement.
How to read the NGSS www.nextgenscience.org/how-to-read-the-standards
Science Engineering Practices Given the importance of science and engineering in the 21st century, students require a sense of contextual understanding with regard to scientific knowledge, how it is acquired and applied, and how science is connected through a series of concepts that help further our understanding of the world around us. Student performance expectations have to include a student’s ability to apply a practice to content knowledge. Performance expectations thereby focus on understanding and application as opposed to memorization of facts devoid of context.
Group Activity Protocol On your chart paper, choose a person to write all of the bolded words and phrases from slide #4 scattered randomly on the paper. 5 minutes: Now, without talking, each member of the group write an idea or synonym for each bolded word or phrase. Hang on wall PROTOCOL gallery wall when finished.
Cross Cutting Concepts of Core Ideas 1. Patterns 2. Cause and Effect: Mechanism and Explanation 3. Scale, Proportion, and Quantity 4. Systems and System Models 5. Energy and Matter: Flows, Cycles, and Conservation 6. Structure and Function 7. Stability and Change
See Cross Cutting Core Ideas Handout (#1) Take 5 minutes to review your grade level span on the handout.
Core Ideas Core Disciplinary ideas are grouped in four domains: 1.The physical sciences 2. The life sciences 3. The earth and space sciences 4. Engineering, technology and applications of science Disciplinary Core Idea Progressions Please read page one in handout #2. Talk in your group: What thoughts, comments or questions do you have to share?
Critical Terms in the NGSS • Performance Task • Models • Arguments • Representations • Constructed Responses • Assessment Task
Performance Tasks An exercise that is goal directedto elicit students' application of a wide range of skills and knowledge to solve a complex problem. http://www.nextgenscience.org/search-performance-expectations (4th grade models and patterns)
Performance Task Assessments Systematic and direct observation of a student’s performance or examples of student performances according to pre-established performance criteria. Students are assessed on the result as well as the process engaged in a complex task or creation of a product. Samples:http://pals.sri.com/ PALS – Performance Assessment Links in Science
Models Models are basically used for three reasons: • to represent or describe • to collect data • to predict The first use is typical in schools since models and representations are usually synonymous. However, the use of models to collect data or to predict phenomena is new. 15 minutes: Talk in your group to brainstorm an example of how to use a model to collect data or to predict. Use your chart paper to illustrate your example.
Representations https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/fifth-grade-electricity-lesson We are going to watch part of a 14 minute video. Every time you see a representation, write it down on your on an index card. As you watch the video, think about what else you see.
Arguments http://www.nextgenscience.org/5-ps2-1-motion-and-stability-forces-and-interactions At your table, think of three ways to engage in an argument based on all of the information provided 5-PS2-1
Constructed Responses http://teacher.depaul.edu/Documents/Common%20Core%20Constructed%20Response%20Organizer.pdf In using this organizer, students should first jot down any idea that comes to mind and then order their ideas in the boxes. See Constructed Response Power Point (Shared Drive)
Check Out This Site http://create4stem.msu.edu/ngss