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Labour Standards Quiz. Click mouse button to advance. The law governing wages and working conditions in Saskatchewan is:. The Labour Standards Act. The Workers’ Compensation Act. The Occupational Health and Safety Act. The Human Rights Act.
Labour Standards Quiz Click mouse button to advance
The law governing wages and working conditions in Saskatchewan is: The Labour Standards Act The Workers’ Compensation Act The Occupational Health and Safety Act The Human Rights Act Click on the correct box to select your answer
Answer The Labour Standards Act
16 years 14 years 2 1 15 years 3 All of the above 4 How old must I be before I can work in Saskatchewan?
Answer All of the above You must be 16 years of age to work in Saskatchewan. However, 14 and 15 year olds can work if they have the permission of one of their parents or guardians and a Certificate of Completion from the Young Worker Readiness Certificate Course.
$7.55/hour $7.90/hour 2 1 $8.00/hour 3 None of the above 4 What is the current minimum wage in Saskatchewan?
Answer None of the above Minimum wage is $10.00 (December 1, 2012).
Under labour standards, how many hours do I have to work in a day before I get overtime pay? 8 hours 7 ¾ hours 8 ½ hours 7¼ hours
8 hours Under Labour Standards, workers are paid overtime for any hours worked over eight hours in a day, or 40 hours in a week, or 32 hours in a week with a public holiday. There are some exceptions to this rule. Answer
My friend works 12-hour shifts and doesn’t get overtime pay. Is this legal? Yes No
Yes Employers can have a ‘permit’ from the Labour Standards Division allowing them to have their employees work more than eight hours in a day and not be paid overtime pay. Answer
According to Labour Standards, how much do I get paid if I work overtime? 1.50 x hourly wage 1.25 x hourly wage 2.00 x hourly wage 1.75 x hourly wage
1.5 x the hourly wage Answer
If I work for eight hours, how many meal breaks do I get? 0 3 2 1
My work schedule must cover a 2-week time period My employer doesn’t have to give me a work schedule 1 2 My work schedule must cover a 1-week period 3 My employer can change my work schedule whenever s/he wants 4 What is the rule concerning work schedules?
Answer My work schedule must cover at least a 1-week time period
I get nothing as I haven’t actually worked I get minimum call-out pay 2 1 If my boss buys me lunch, we are even 3 I must be paid for three hours 4 When I showed up for my shift , I was told there was no work for me today. Do I get paid, even though I didn’t work?
Answer I get minimum call-out pay When workers report to work as scheduled, even when there is no work for them, they get minimum call-out pay. It is three times the current minimum wage, or their wage for the hours they worked, whichever is more. Students in grade twelve or lower do not get minimum call-out pay during the school term. Current minimum call-out pay is $30 (December 1, 2012).
When I quit my job, I must give my employer advance notice of: 0 weeks 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks
Answer 0 weeks Under The Labour Standards Act, employees do not have to give their employers notice that they are leaving their job. However, it is recommended that they do so.
If I get laid off after working for six months, I must get advance notice of: 0 weeks 1 week 3 weeks 2 weeks
Answer 1 week of notice The amount of notice of lay-off employees get depends upon how long they have worked for that employer. 0-3 months: no notice is required 3 months to 1 year: 1 week of notice 1-3 years: 2-weeks of notice If you are let go for “just cause,” no notice is required.
I have worked two months. If my boss lays me off without notice, he must give me pay in lieu of notice of: 0 weeks 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks
Answer 0 weeks Employees must work for the same employer for three continuous months (probationary period) to qualify for notice or pay in lieu of notice. Pay in lieu of notice is the employee’s normal wages for the notice period.
After working part-time for a year for the same employer, I am entitled to a vacation leave of: 2 weeks 1 week 4weeks 3 weeks
Answer 3 weeks All employees, no matter the number of hours they work (part-time, full-time, casual or seasonal), get three weeks of annual vacation leave after one year of employment.
Money I get only if I take a holiday Money I get if I don’t take a holiday 1 2 Money I get only if my boss likes me 3 Money I get for annual vacation leave whether or not I take it 4 What is annual holiday pay?
Answer Money I get for annual vacation leave whether or not I take it Annual holiday (vacation) pay is paid at a rate of 3/52 of my total wage for a year if I have worked nine years or less for the same employer.
Full-time workers only Full-time & part-time workers only 1 2 Everyone except casual employees 3 All employees 4 Who gets annual holiday pay?
All employees All employees, no matter the number of hours they work (full-time, part-time, temporary, casual and seasonal), get annual holiday pay. Answer
Boxing Day Halloween (only if you have children) 1 2 Thanksgiving Day 4 Easter 3 Which of the following is a public or statutory holiday?
Answer Thanksgiving Day There are ten public holiday days in Saskatchewan: New Year’s Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Labour Day, Saskatchewan Day, Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day, and Christmas Day.
Pay I get whenever there is a public holiday Pay I get only if a holiday falls on a regular day of work for me 1 2 Pay I get for a public holiday only if I work full-time 3 Pay I get only if I work the day before the public holiday 4 What is public holiday pay?
Pay I get whenever there is a public holiday It is calculated by multiplying regular wages earned in the four weeks prior to the holiday by 1/20 (5%). Answer
Must give me time off with pay Cannot lay me off because I’m sick or injured 1 2 Must give me two days unpaid sick leave every month 4 Can deduct my wages for time missed 3 I have worked at the same place for a year and I need time off to have surgery. According to labour standards, my employer:
Answer Cannot lay me off because I’m sick or injured Employers may not discharge (lay-off) or discipline employees who have worked for them for at least 13 continuous weeks if they are absent because of illness or injury. The amount of time the job is protected depends upon the seriousness of the illness or injury.
One day off in every seven days Two days off in every seven days 1 2 No days off 3 One Sunday off in a month 4 As a full-time gas jockey working in a service station with 12 employees, I am entitled to:
Answer Two days off in every seven days Retail workers (gas jockey) who work 20 hours or more in a week in a business with 10 or more employees get two days off in every seven. Workers in other types of businesses get one day off in every seven days if they work 20 hours or more in a week.
My employer can take a cash shortage off my pay cheque if I fail to give a customer the correct change. True False
False Only deductions required by law (CPP, EI or income tax) can be taken off your wages. However, an employee might be held responsible for cash shortages if the employer takes the employee to court and wins. Answer
According to Saskatchewan’s Labour Standards Act, I am entitled to a 15-minute coffee break every four hours. True False
Answer False Saskatchewan’s Labour Standards Act does not require that coffee breaks be given to employees. However, if your employer wishes to give you a coffee break, it is considered to be time worked and must be paid.
Only if I work in a clothing store Only if I work in a hotel or restaurant 1 2 All of the above 4 Only if I work in a service station 3 If I have to wear a uniform to do my job, my employer has to pay for it.
Only if I work in a hotel or restaurant If employers in a restaurant, hotel, educational institution, hospital or nursing home require their employees to wear a uniform, the employer must be responsible for providing, repairing and laundering the uniform free-of-cost to the employee. Answer
Service station owners have to provide their workers who finish work after midnight with a ride home. True False
Answer False Only employees who work in a hotel, restaurant, educational institution, hospital or nursing home, and finish work between 12:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m., must be provided free transportation home.
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