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A Real-Time Vehicle License Plate Recognition (LPR) System

A Real-Time Vehicle License Plate Recognition (LPR) System . Chairman:Hung -Chi Yang Presenter: Fong- Ren Sie Advisor: Yen-Ting Chen Date: 2012.12.12. Mukesh Kumar , A Real-Time Vehicle License Plate Recognition (LPR) System, Thesis report , THAPAR UNIVERSITY, PATIALA,INDIA,2009. Outline.

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A Real-Time Vehicle License Plate Recognition (LPR) System

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  1. A Real-Time Vehicle License Plate Recognition (LPR) System Chairman:Hung-Chi Yang Presenter: Fong-RenSie Advisor: Yen-Ting Chen Date: 2012.12.12 Mukesh Kumar ,A Real-Time Vehicle License Plate Recognition (LPR) System, Thesis report ,THAPAR UNIVERSITY, PATIALA,INDIA,2009

  2. Outline • Introduction • Methodology • Simulation and testing • Conclusions • Future work • References

  3. Introduction • Applications of LPR Systems • Law Enforcement • Parking • Automatic Toll Gates • Homeland Security

  4. Introduction • Elements of Typical LPR System • Camera • Illumination • Frame Grabber • Computer • Database

  5. Introduction • Working of Typical LPR System • When the vehicle approaches the secured area, the LPR unit senses the car and activates the illumination • Take the pictures from either the front or rear plates from the camera • Enhances the image, detects the plate position, extracts the plate • Segments the characters on the plate and recognizes the segmented characters

  6. Introduction A car approaching a license plate recognition system

  7. Introduction • Structure of the Proposed System • Image Acquisition • License Plate Extraction • License Plate Segmentation • License Plate Recognition

  8. Introduction • Structure of the Proposed System • Image Acquisition • License Plate Extraction • License Plate Segmentation • License Plate Recognition

  9. Introduction • Objective • Study the existing license plate recognition systems • Develop a new technique or enhance existing techniques for each phase in a license plate recognition system • Build a system that delivers optimal performance both in terms of speed and accuracy

  10. Methodology • Digital Images • Definition of a Digital Image

  11. Methodology • Vision Assistant • Acquiring Images • Managing Images • Image Processing Functions • Image analysis functions • Colour image processing functions • Grayscale image processing and analysis functions • Binary processing and analysis functions • Machine vision functions

  12. Methodology • Script Development • Extracting color planes from image • Brightness, Contrast, Gamma adjustment • Image Mask

  13. Methodology • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) • What is OCR • When to Use • Training Characters • Reading Characters • OCR Session • Region of Interest (ROI) • Character Segmentation

  14. Methodology • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) • What is OCR • When to Use • Training Characters • Reading Characters • OCR Session • Region of Interest (ROI) • Character Segmentation

  15. Methodology • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) • What is OCR • When to Use • Training Characters • Reading Characters • OCR Session • Region of Interest (ROI) • Character Segmentation

  16. Methodology • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) • What is OCR • When to Use • Training Characters • Reading Characters • OCR Session • Region of Interest (ROI) • Character Segmentation

  17. Methodology • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) • What is OCR • When to Use • Training Characters • Reading Characters • OCR Session • Region of Interest (ROI) • Character Segmentation

  18. Methodology • Character Bounding Rectangle • Auto Split • Character size • Substitution Character • Acceptance level

  19. Simulation and testing • Brightness, Contrast, Gamma adjustment • We use LUT transformations to improve the contrast and brightness of an image by modifying the dynamic intensity of regions with poor contrast.

  20. Simulation and testing It applies the transform T(x) over a specified input range [rangemin, rangemax] in the following manner

  21. Simulation and testing • Image Masking An image mask isolates parts of an image for processing . Pixels in the image mask determine whether corresponding pixels in the inspection image are processed.

  22. Simulation and testing • Number Detection in the Region of Interest The OCR session specifically goes to specific coordinates and checks for numerals or alphabets. But the number plate in the masked region could be anywhere.

  23. Conclusions • Problems Encountered • There is no standard size of Indian number plates no standard of font style or size • All the states have different number plates of font style • For better efficiencies the image must be taken In a way so that vehicle number plate comes in the middle of 1200 x 1600 resolution picture for better results

  24. Conclusions • The setup has been tested for 100 vehicles containing different number plates ,In the process of final evaluation after optimizing the parameters. We get an overall efficiency of 98% for this system

  25. Future work • Optimize the system to reduce errors for accuracy close to 100% • The issues like stains, smudges, blurred regions & different font style and sizes can be further extended to minimize the errors

  26. References • [1] Hu, M. K., "Visual Pattern Recognition by Moment Invariant", IRE Transaction on Information Theory, vol IT- 8, pp. 179-187, 1962. • [2] Khotanzad, A., and Hong, Y.H., "Invariant image recognition by zeraike moments," IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 489-497,1990. • [3] Khotanzad, A., and Hong, Y.H., "Rotation in-variant image recognition using features selected via a systematic method," Pattern Recognition, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 1089-1101, 1990. • [4] Belkasim, S.O., Shridhar, M., and Ahmadi, A., "Pattern Recognition with moment invariants: A Comparative study and new results," Pattern Recognition, vol. 24, pp. 1117-1138,1991. • [5] Lee, E. R., Earn, P. K., and Kim, H. J., "Automatic recognition of a car license plate using color image processing", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 1994, vol. 2, pp.301-305, 1994. • [6] Comelli, P., Ferragina, P., Granieri. M. N., and Stabile, F., "Optical recognition of motor vehicle license plates", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 44, no. 4, pp: 790-799,1995.

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  32. Thank you for your attention

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