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Policy Implications of National Qualifications Systems and Their Impact on Lifelong Learning. Comprhensive approach and the role of social partners. Maria Cândida Soares. Dublin, 20-21 October. Portuguese´s Levels of Qualification – some trends.
Policy Implications of National Qualifications Systems and Their Impact on Lifelong Learning Comprhensive approach and the role of social partners Maria Cândida Soares Dublin, 20-21 October www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Portuguese´s Levels of Qualification – some trends www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Educational Attainment: Youth population (2004) www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Educational attainment expressed in average number of years in formal education in Portugal is 8,2 and in OECD is 12 years; 23% of adult population (25-64) has attained at least upper secondary education, against 66% in the averageof OECD countries; Source: OECD, Education at a glance Educational Attainment : adult population (2003) www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Lifelong Learning Strategy Objectives (defined in 2001) • Providing youngsters with basic and relevant aptitudes for the labor market, which are needed for participating in lifelong learning; • Reducing youth and adults illiteracy and trimming significantly the number of youngsters that drop out of school; • Promoting conditions that provide a better adults training access; • Improving qualifications, know-how and competencies recognition system; • Developing e-apprenticeship for all citizens. www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Lifelong Learning Strategy Objectives (defined in 2001) Objectives defined between the two main departments concerned: • Ministry of Education; • Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity And in cooperation with the social partners www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Targets of the LLL in the context of Lisbon Strategy • Increase to at least 40%, until 2010, the percentage of workers using computers connected to internet in their job (2004-19%) ; • Guarantee that 100% of the 5-year-old children attend pre-school education in 2009 (2004-85%), aiming at covering , in 2010, 90% of the children between 3 and 5 Years old; • Ensure until 2010, that 35% of the children between 0-3 years old are covered by care services to children (30% in 2008); • Generalize the teaching of English, since the 1st cycle of basic education • Reduce to half school failure in basic and secondary education; www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Targets of the LLL in the context of Lisbon Strategy • Reduce early school leaving of people with 18-24 years old to 30% in 2008 and 25% in 2010; • Increase the proportion of 22 year-old people with higher secondary education to 65% in 2010 (2004-49%); • Cover 650.000 young people in technical and professional courses at a secondary level till 2010; • Increase the participation rate of 25-64 years-old population in education and training courses to 12,5 % in 2010 (2004 - 4,8%); • Qualify 1 million actives until 2010, through ETC or RVCC System; • Increase, until 2010 the number of new graduates in scientific and technological areas 12 per 1000 in the population whose age group is between 20-29 years old; www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Integrated Approaches Practice Country www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Integrated Approaches • Adult Education and Training • Skills Recognition, Validation and Certification • Apprenticeship System www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Adult Education and Training www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Adult Education and Training • Objectives • To raise the levels of schooling and vocational qualification of the adult portuguese population • Target Population • First time job seekers, employed or unemployed people; • People with 18 and more • School qualification below the 4th, 6th, or 9yh year of schooling www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Adult Education and Training • Certification (double certification) • Skill certification: Level 1or 2 • School Certification: 4th, 6th or 9th Year of schooling • Training Components • Basic training, training with an occupational bias, on the job training • Coordination • Initiatives from public entities (Ministry of Education and Ministry for Labour and Social Solidarity or private entities, since certificated by Institute for Quality in Training) www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Recognition, Validation and Skills Certification System (RVCC) (School and Occupational Context) www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Recognition, Validation and Skills Certification System (RVCC) • Recognition, Validation, and Certification of Skills give the opportunity to all adults over eighteen, without the basic schooling of 9, 6 or 4 years , to obtain the recognition – in personal, social and official terms – of the competences and knowledge obtained in different contexts throughout their life; www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Recognition, Validation and Skills Certification System (RVCC) • Target Group • People with 18 and more • Who obtained knowledge and competences troghout their life experience • Do not attain or conclude the 4th, 6th or 9th year of schooling • Certification • Obtain a school and skill certification (equivalent to 4th, 6th or 9th year of schoolingand a professional level) www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Recognition, Validation and Skills Certification System (RVCC) Main Intervention Axes • personal identification of the competences obtained previously Recognition • assessment of adult competences relating to the Key-skills areas and to the levels of school certification according to the Referential Framework of Key-Skills for Adult Education and Training Validation Certification • confirming the competences obtained in formal, non- formal and informal context, already validated www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Recognition, Validation and Skills Certification System (RVCC) • This Network is set up starting from the accreditation of entities of different nature, public and private, and strongly established in the community to which they belong. They are among others: enterprise associations; associations for local /regional development; associations of municipalities; Institutional social partners (CAP, GTP-In, CCP) and public institutions . www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Recognition, Validation and Skills Certification System (RVCC) National Context 2000 to 2005 School RVCC Professional RVCC Integrated RVCC 2006 Specific Acreditation IVET Network RVCC School Network Another Acreditation Entities 2007 2013 RVCC Network www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Apprenticeship System www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Apprenticeship System • Objectives • to qualify young people so as to facilitate their integration in active life • To provide tecnhical, academic, personal, social and relational skills • Target Population • 1st time job seekers • People aged between 15-25 (preferably) • School qualification between 1st cycle of basic education and secondary education www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Apprenticeship System • Certification • Professional: level 1, 2, 3 or 4 EU • School: 2nd or 3nd cycles of the basic education or secondary education • Training components • Socio-cultural, scientific, tecnological and on-the-job training. • Coordination CNA – National Apprenticeship Comission • Tripartie body responsible for the strategic orientation and follow-up pf the system www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Social Partners’ Role www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Social Partners’ Role • Social Dialogue (Social and Economic Comittee) Agreement on Employment Policy, Labour Market, Education and Training (2001) - Strategic goals were established such as the promotion of the vocational training role as an instrument to be used for raising the enterprises’ competitiveness and for the vocational upgrading; Labour Code (minimum vocational training hours per worker); Employment European Strategy (NAP); Policy definition and Monitorating (ex. targets established in the context of the EES/Lifelong Learning Strategy); • Policy Implementation (participation in several bodies that define and execute the employment and vocational training policies ex IEVT; IQT) www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Social Partners’ Role • Legal Level Labour Code; New collective agreements where it is reflected the concern with the promotion of the workers training an, consequently, with the co-ordination between the workers’ skills improvement and the development of their professional careers; www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt
Policy Implications of National Qualifications Systems and Their Impact on Lifelong Learning Comprhensive approach and the role of social partners Maria Cândida Soares Dublin, 20-21 October www.dgeep.mtss.gov.pt