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Walk Two Moons Ch. 4-9 Vocabulary

Walk Two Moons Ch. 4-9 Vocabulary. Chapter 4 Chapter 8 21. gnarled * 30. detect* 22. boa 31. mournfully* 23. allergies 32. ambush*

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Walk Two Moons Ch. 4-9 Vocabulary

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  1. Walk Two Moons Ch. 4-9Vocabulary Chapter 4 Chapter 8 21. gnarled * 30. detect* 22. boa 31. mournfully*23. allergies 32. ambush* 24. cadaver * 33. vivid Chapter 5 Chapter 9 25. ruination* 34. civilized 35. pandemonium* Chapter 6 36. prissy26. diabolic * 37. potential* 27. divulge* 28. cholesterol 29. receptionist

  2. 21. gnarled*[naarld] adjective • 1. knotted and twisted; twisted full of knots: an ancient gnarled tree • 2. twisted, misshapen, or weather- beaten because of age, hard work, or illness: gnarled hands

  3. boa bo·a [bo ə] • noun • 1. tropical snake that squeezes prey • 2. long fluffy scarf: a long fluffy scarf of feathers or fur worn by women around the neck

  4. allergiesal·ler·gy [allrəjee] • Noun • 1. hypersensitivity to substance • 2. aversion: a strong aversion to something

  5. 24. cadaverca·dav·er [kə davvər] • Noun • 1. corpse: a dead body, especially one that is to be dissected

  6. ruination*ru·in·a·tion [roo i naysh’n] • noun • 1. loss: the destruction or loss of something • 2. Cause of loss: something that brings about destruction or loss

  7. 26. diabolic *dia·bolic (dī′ə bäl′ik) diabolical, diabolically • adjective • 1. of the Devil or devils • 2. very wicked or cruel; fiendish

  8. divulge*di·vulge [di vulj] • verb • 1. reveal something: to reveal information, especially information that was previously secret

  9. cholesterolcho·les·ter·ol [kə lestə rawl] • Noun • 1. solid compound in blood: • 2. a fatty material found in animal tissues

  10. receptionistre·cep·tion·ist [ri sepshənist] • Noun • Person greeting public: an employee who greets visitors, customers, or patients, answers the telephone, and makes appointments

  11. 30. detect *de·tect [di tekt] verb • 1.To discover the fact of: to notice or discover the existence of something • 2. Work on crimes: to investigate crimes or other matters as a detective

  12. 31. mournfully*mourn·ful [mawrnfel] • adjective • 1.Sorrowfully: grievingly: a youth with a mournful face • 2. Causing or suggesting deep sadness

  13. 32. ambush*am·bush [amboosh] verb • To lie in wait; to attack by surprise • An unexpected attack from a concealed position: They lay in ambush and waited for their victims.

  14. 33. vividviv·id [vivvid] adjective • 1. vigorous; acting clearly and powerfully • 2. Very bright: strikingly bright or intense in color • 3. inventive: a vivid imagination

  15. 34. civilizedciv·i·lized [sivv’lizd] adjective • 1. Polite or cultured; refined: refined in tastes • 2. culturally advanced: having advanced cultural and social development

  16. 35. pandemonium*pan·de·mo·ni·um [pandə monnee əm] noun • 1. chaos: wild uproar; noise • 2. noisy confused place: a place or situation that is noisy and chaotic

  17. 36. prissypris·sy [prissee] adjective • 1. Finicky; prim: behaving in a prudish and proper way

  18. 37. potential*po·ten·tial [ pə tenshəl] adjective • Capable of being, but not yet in existence: posed a potential danger Noun 1. Capacity for development: a capacity to develop, succeed, or become something

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